• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳がうまくいきません。なんていっているのでしょう)


  • 英語で3つの品を日本に送っていただけるか尋ねたが、返事がきた
  • 日本への送料は全部でGBP100で、合計GBP640でお願いできるか尋ねたが、値段を提示された
  • 全ての品を日本へ送る場合はGBP150、カメラとレンズのみの場合はGBP95で発送することを提案された


  • ベストアンサー

本当は三つで150ポンドだけど、125ポンドで発送可能。 カメラとレンズなら95ポンドです。 購入手続きしたら、ペイパルで送ります。 あんどりゅーより 簡略化して書いちゃいました(ハード)



  • 次の文章、翻訳してもらえませんか?

    自動翻訳でもわからないところだけピックアップしてます。 下記の文章が意味不明でわかりません、翻訳していただけると助かります。 I have checked into the shipping cost for returning the camera back to you and given the amount I paid in shipping here and the amount back, it makes more financial sense to keep the camera. As such, I will drop the return request and also give you great feedback. I want to apologize for any inconvenience to you and wish you all of the best.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    OK I got it packaged up and it will go out on Monday, I must say the postage was about twice the cost of what I figured, I had not shipped to Japan before.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。m(_ _)m

    You misunderstand my question. I wish you to advise me of the additional costs that you will charge me for shipping the item to me in the UK. Knowing the cost of the item plus shipping, I will then be able to calculate the additional taxes I will be required to pay to HMRC on its arrival in the UK. Please supply me with the shipping costs that I will pay to you when I place an order for the item.

  • 英語がご堪能な方、以下文の翻訳をお願い致します。

    ebayの取引で困っています。 英語がご堪能な方、以下文の翻訳をお願い致します。 it was 66.00 to ship your item, you paid 52.00 will you please pay the balance owed ? i do not charge a shipping & handleing fee only the actual cost , it is not fair for me to pay for part of the shipping cost that you should pay , it says how much it cost to ship to japan on the label when you receive the item , thank you so much for understanding !!!! どうか宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    I am arranging for our japan importer to handle this order. That way if there is any issue you can deal with it locally. And it will save you money on shipping. 船便のほうが安いよと言ってるのでしょうか?

  • 至急 翻訳をお願いします。

    以下の英文の翻訳をお願いします。 double boxing these shoes is really expensive to ship to Japan, $40 for one pair, and $60 for two pair, I can give you shipping for $40 for two pairs, if you help me cancel the auction after you receive it. OR, i can give you $60 for two pair, instead of $78, like it is on the auction what you think?

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Sure I will do that for you but you have to realize there are other people in line right now waiting for me to make there heat sinks and other machined items, so it's not going to happen over night. Once I order the SAIK host it will be several weeks before it even gets here so it could be as much as 4-5 weeks before I can start on you copper heat sink. Of course there will be shipping from me to you, I don't pay to ship other peoples items to them. I would think the shipping will be approx $12.00 but I will only charge you the exact shipping cost after I weight the package. There will also be paypal fees they should be around $4.00 if all you are getting is the host and the heat sink. You could send the $90.00 now and that way I will get the SAIK ordered and your name written in my work log so that you are in line. And then when your SAIK arrives I will make the heat sink and you can decide if you need any other items and also get the balance payed at that time. Let me know so I can get it ordered

  • 英文の翻訳をお願い致します。

    In order to give you a postage quote for Japan may we ask you to proceed with the order. When you get as far as the delivery address, select 'other country' and enter Japan. The order will then come through for us to work out a shipping quote. At this stage you will not have entered any payment details. Once we have established the shipping price a reply will be sent via email to yourself. If you are happy with this quote, the next step is to place the order again, but this time you will be able to input the shipping cost at the appropriate place and complete the order. If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us again. Kind Regards,

  • 翻訳お願いします

    The shortfall is I am old and my memory is not what it once was, thank you for bringing that to my attention So I have checked and you are correct you have paid a total of $140.00 As you can see I did not originally charge you enough for shipping for both hosts I only charged you for shipping for one host now there are two hosts. OK lets start over you paid $90.00 and that completely covers the L2, we'll call that good ! So on the E2 here is the low down for the E2 host, it is $26.00 and the copper heat sink is $65.00 (normally I would charge $75.00 but you have been a good customer ) and the flat focus adapter is $20.00 shipping to you for this weight will be $12.00 and if sent as a gift then no PP fees so that would be a total of $111.00 You paid a deposit of $50.00 on 6-7-13 so the balance will be $61.00 round that off to $60.00 as a gift and I'll get em packed up and ready to go on Monday Let me know if that sounds right to you I don't want you to think I'm trying to pull the wool over your eyes or something

  • 翻訳ソフトだと 意味が今一つなので 

    翻訳ソフトだと 意味が今一つなので よろしくおねがいします。 I apologise for that. I have now entered the shipping cost for the case. So you can now purchase the case. As soon as I receive your payment, I will send the postage refund. (I have just sent you a £18 postage refund for the lens) regards,

  • 電話が鳴り続け、受話器を取ると雑音が鳴ります。これが何度も繰り返されています。
  • お使いの環境はBBIQ光です。
  • 電話受信時に雑音が鳴り続ける問題を解決するためには、どのような対策が必要でしょうか?