US Troops Train Iraqi Security Forces: Challenges Ahead

  • US troops have trained up Iraqi security forces which, if they stick together, can arguably contain the internal security situation, still stubbornly jammed at a level of violence which kills on average around 350 people every month.
  • Security has to be rooted in political stability, and that's only one of many challenges immediately facing Iraq.
  • There is turmoil in two mainly Sunni provinces, which want to declare themselves autonomous regions like the Kurds in the north. There's also a widespread conviction that with the American gone, Iranian influence will spread.
  • ベストアンサー


us troops have trained up Iraqi security forces which, if they stick together, can arguably contain the internal security situation, still stubbornly jammed at a level of violence which kills on average around 350 people every month. but security has to be rooted in political stability, and that's only one of many challenges immediately facing Iraq. even as the final US troops were heading for the border, a political crisis was erupting in Baghdad, with deputies from Ayyad Allawi's Iraqiyya block pulling out of parliament. there is turmoil in two mainly Sunni provinces, which want to declare themselves autonomous regions like the Kurds in the north. there's also a widespread conviction that with the American gone, Iranian influence will apread. while most Iraqis believe it was high time for the Americans to go, many are deeply worrried about the challenges that lie ahead. 長いですがよろしくお願いします!

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
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  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

米軍は、イラク治安部隊を鍛え上げています。この部隊は、団結するならば、いまだに、月平均で約350人を殺傷する暴力的状況で膠着している国内の治安状況をほぼ間違いなく制圧できます。 しかし、治安は政情安定に根ざしていなければなりません、そして、政情安定はイラクが直面している喫緊の多くの難問の1つに過ぎません。 最後の米軍の部隊が国境に向かっていたときでさえ、アヤド・アラウィのイラキヤ地区からの代表が、議会から離脱して、政治危機がバグダッドでは噴出していました。 主として2つのスンニ派の行政区に混乱があります。これらの行政区は、北のクルド人のように彼ら自身が自治区であると宣言したがっています。また、米軍の撤退に伴って、イランの影響が拡大すると言うことも広く信じられています。 大部分のイラク人が米軍が撤退すべき時期であったと思っていますが、多くのイラク人が、待ち受けている難題についてひどく心配しています。 ☆第4文最後は、apread→spreadとして訳しました。





  • BBC和訳お願いします!

    訳がよくわからないところが多いのでよろしくお願いします! he acknowledged that the war had been controversial, but told returning troops they were leaving behind"a sovereign, stable and self-relliant Iraq". however, correspondents say there are are concerns in Washigton that Iraq lacks robust political structures or an ability to defend its borders. there are also fears that Iraq could be plunged back into sectarian bloodletting, or be unduly influenced by Iran. Washington had wanted to keep a small training and counter-terrorism presence in Iraq, but US officials were unable to strike a deal with Baghdad on legal issues including immunity for troops. お願いします!

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    和訳をお願いします! ナレーション部分 The sensors in each room indicated they'd(窃盗犯) spent two hours moving about in the museum. Given that amount of time, the devastation of the paintings was all the more senseless. 以下は証言(警察?) Although it's considered by many people the art crime of the century, and in terms of value and in terms of sort of impact, it is. If you look at the details of it, it was also a botched crime. It was a crime in which a lot of good works of art that were there for the taking, were missed and art work that was taken was cut from its frames, which is obviously not something you want to do with irreplaceable Rembrandts. 有名な絵画が強奪された事件のドキュメンタリー番組です。 どうしても内容が理解できません。。。 長文ですがよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Despite reinforcements, the situation of the 14th Brigade troops in the German lines became desperate, as artillery fire and German counter-attacks from the open right flank forced a slow withdrawal in the dark. On the left flank, more troops were sent forward with ammunition to the 8th Brigade at dusk and at 2:00 a.m. every soldier who could be found was sent forward. Consolidation in the German lines was slow as the troops lacked experience, many officers were casualties and there was no dry soil to fill sandbags, mud being substituted.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! Of the buildings in the forum area, it is in conceivable that the colonists did not make changes to the dominant temple at the northern end. Even if this was already dedicated to Jupiter, there was probably now a rebuilding that laid emphasis on the Capitoline version of that god’s cult, in which Jupiter shared honours with Juno and Minerva. It may have been at this stage that the base for the cult-statue within the temple was radically re-designed and monumentalized. At the south end of the forum the Comitium, or voting enclosure, though perhaps begun in the pre-colonial period, was brought to completion in the first years of the colony. Much of the building work of the colonists was carried out in a distinctive technique of quasi reticulatum in black lava with cornering in brickwork(often arranged to form a series of superposed wedges).

  • 和訳教えてください

    When Ohira was in high school,he went to Australia. He saw wonderfully beautiful stars there. The Milky Way looked like a real river. It was filled with many tiny stars that could not be seen clearly. Impressed by the great number of stars in the Milky Way,he decided to show the tiny stars by recreating a beautiful sky with a planetarium projector. Ohira entered college in 1988. He spent all his college years completing his planetarium projector. To reproduce the many tiny stars,he created an original machine to make small holes which were about one fifth or a hair's diameter. In 1991,he finally completed his projector. 長文ですいません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の前半てすので、 内容が途中半端だと思いますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 There was less emotional and material stability in your soul mates early family background than there appeared to be, and many changes in his home surroundings. His family was old with long roots from generations past, ancestors in the area that he came from. A mother or grandmother was the root of the family troubles, clashes or closeness. This is a sinister sign of an old woman with large eyes and poor digestion who is also the root of everything that happened in this family or your soulmates early life. It a very matriarchal set up. Your partners ties to the parental home will be life long.

  • 和訳してください

    どなたか( )の中の最も適切な語を選んで和訳していただけませんか? In the years leading up to the crisis, there were three major factors that contributed to the housing bubble in the US. The first factor was money flow into the US from fast-growing economies in Asia and oil-producing countries which were seeking a destination for investment. The second factor was easy credit conditions which were caused by an interest (rate/ratio/percentage) of 1% in the US in 2003, the lowest in 45 years. The third factor was a resultant high demand for housing from the low income bracket. Those factors led to the housing bubble between 1997 and 2006, raising the prices of (typical/ traditional/ attractive) American houses by 124%. However, the housing bubble burst in 2008, sending the stock market into tailspin

  • 和訳してください

    Data visualization aficionado Edward Tufte published his groundbreaking and perennially popular book The Visual Display of Quantitative Inforamation, which(*2) showed us in vivid and beautiful terms that there were effective ways of displaying data visually, in sharp contrast to the ways that most of us were doing it, which(*3) weren't effective at all. 1) 和訳してください 2) (*2)which = The Visual Display of Quantitative Inforamation の関係でしょうか? 3) (*3)which = the ways の関係でしょうか?

  • 和訳お願いします><

    INTELLIGENCE AND AGEING The same thing seems to happen with mental abilities too. For example, intelligence is often inaccurately cited as one of the areas which declines with age. For many years, people 'knew' that various abilities, including intelligence and physical strength, reached their peak in the early twenties, and then declined steadily from then on thoughout a person's life. This knowledge was based on a series of studies, resported by Miles in 1931, which involved measuring various human characteristics in people of different ages. When they plotted the results of these measurements on a graph, Miles found a steady decline: the older the person was, the less strong, or intelligent (as measured by IQtests) or able they were. Other reseachers found similar results, so for a great many years there was a strong belief in an inevitable decline with age. Indeed this belief is still held by a great many people, including some doctors and social workers, but when we look more carefully at the evidence, what we find is actually quite a different picture. Cross-sectional methods The problem was that all of these studies were done using cross-sectional methods. That is, the reseacher tested several different groups of people, or different ages. But someone who was 60 in 1930 had experienced quite a different upbringing and lifestyle from someone who was 20 at that time. Their schooling was quite different, their life experiences were quite different, and their standards of living were different too. The same thing applied to cross-sectional studies that were conducted later on in the education and health care which had taken place. It wasn't surprising, for example, that older people did badly on intelligence tests in the 1960s, when they had experienced an education which consisted, in the main, of leaning large chunks of infomation off by heart. Younger people, by contrast, had experienced a form of education which stressd reasoning and mental skills, and so they naturally performed much better on IQ tests.

  • 英文の長文和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています。 和訳を教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします!! Some were of Isis and other Egyptian divinities, but there were also statuettes of Dionysus and Venus Anadyomene which point to syncretism of the Isis cult with Graeco-Roman cults connected with fertility and regeneration. In the extreme southeast corner of the court there was a walled enclosure, open to the sky, with a flight of steps which led to an underground vaulted chamber where there was a large bowl set on a pedestal. The main altar was set off-centre, southeast of the temple steps so as not to obstruct the view into the temple from the portico. The plinth was extended on either side of the pronaos to support two small aediculae which must have held other cult statues.