
  • 海外通販での購入で、配送にわずかな遅延があります。
  • 配送のためにUPSから支援が必要です。詳細はUPSにお電話ください。
  • ご不便をおかけし申し訳ありませんが、商品をお手元にお届けできることを楽しみにしています。
  • ベストアンサー


海外通販しました。 Thought you'd want to know - we just got word of a slight delay with your shipment. We hate waiting for new gear too, but it's always better to know what's up than be in the dark. So here’s the deal: your package is on its way with a modified delivery date. The report from UPS says that UPS needs your help to speedily ensure your delivery.. To get the full details on your shipment's progress, call UPS at 800-742-5877. We appreciate your patience, and can’t wait to get that brown box full of gear into your hands. When you touch base with UPS, have your tracking number and order number handy to make your call quick and effective. We already did the legwork - check it out: と、メールが来ました。 翻訳サイトを通しても理解不能です。どなたか訳して頂けると幸いです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • qualheart
  • ベストアンサー率41% (1451/3486)

簡単に言えば、輸送が遅れてるみたいなので、いつごろ着くか詳しく知りたければ、UPSの800-742-5877に電話して自分で確認してみてって感じですね。 電話するときは、トラッキング番号と注文番号を忘れずに!だって。 まあ、海外通販の対応なんてこんなものです。 自分の手を離れたものは、客にまだ付いてなくてももう関係ないってことですね。 ご参考まで。



わかりやすい!!ありがとうございます。 翻訳サイト使っても全く理解できませんでした。 感謝です。


  • 英語の翻訳お願いします

    Hello, I really don’t know why you have not been responding to my messages; please I want to let you know once more that everything has been sorted out all you need to do is confirm these information to enable me authenticate it with what we had on your file. Then within 72hours we will make your transfer 1) Your full name 2) Your full address 3) Your Country 4) The transfer mode you need As soon as you supply me with those information’s we will process your data and send your payment slip. Yours sincerely, Veronica Garcia なるべくわかり易くお願いします

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします。

    Unfortunately, we are unable to ship your order due to a problem with the credit card information you submitted with your order. Please take a moment to review the information below to verify if the billing information we have for you is correct: Paid with a Visa ending with the last four digits of 2009 that expires 11/14 We need you to call our Customer Service Department at 1-111-111-1111 as soon as possible so that we can make the corrections needed to get your order on its way! Please have a recent credit card billing statement and the telephone number on the back of the card for the Issuing Bank. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we are ready to help you as soon as you call us! Thanks! アメリカのネットショップで買い物したのですが、上のメールが送られてきました。 注文時に入力したクレジット情報に問題があるので 電話で正確な住所と引き落とし銀行の電話番号を教えてくれということでしょうか?

  • 翻訳なのですが

    Hello, I want you to know that i have made the transfer of money to your account through National Australia Bank online bank to bank transfer and i hope you will have got the payment approval confirmation mail in your inbox or Spam box, so i want you to get the item packed and make the shipment to my address given to you and send the shipment details to the bank Make sure you pack the Item well and make the shipment after you finish the shipment you will send the shipment receipt to the National Australia Bank Before they will Activate the money to your Account. Am waiting to hear back from you as soon as you finish the shipment. Thank You を翻訳サイトで訳してみたのですが、さっぱりわかりません。。。 単語単語ででてきてなにがなんやら、、、 もしどなたか訳せる方いらっしゃいましたら教えてください、お願いします。 オークションの取引の最中のメールです。

  • 翻訳(おねがいします

    海外からメールがきたのですが自分でわ訳せませんでした Hello Thank you for your order. We thought you'd like to know that weshipped your items, and that thiscompletes your order With best regards です 英語が得意な方で暇があればおしえてください よろしくおねがいします

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします

    長文ですが、次の英語の翻訳をお願いします。 ある俳優にファンが出演した映画について聞いています Q:I was going to ask you Randy about Lorton Lake. A:You know Danny finished that and like re-edited it and did something with it. The director, sorry, the director has had like full control of overall about whatever we make and then he is going to cut down. And I think he did some weird re-edit of it and it played at some places under a different name, but I don't actually have that in control over that anymore. I was like… Q:Don't know if we are going to get to see that then? A:I don't know, I should talk to him while I am here, I need to… Probably not. Q:There is so many things that you guys do that we don't get to see. A:I know, I know, but it's like not good enough for you guys yet, if you see it now. 宜しくお願いします。

  • この英文 翻訳おねがいします

    We'll still honor the $44.50. We've tried to consolidate all of our shipping with UPS. They do not have an international rate that low. What you can do is: 1. Pay the UPS rate on-line, we'll ship your order via USPostal Express Mail International for $44.50 and then send a credit back to your credit card. 2. Mail us your order. 3. Call us with your order. Sorry for the confusion on this. You should try the Driomic it's a wonderful product. Sincerely,

  • 誰か翻訳お願いします(>_<) こちらの英語を翻訳してもらえませんか?

    誰か翻訳お願いします(>_<) こちらの英語を翻訳してもらえませんか?? Dear Takahiro, Apologies for the item being defective. If your products get damaged within 50 days after shipments (The order shipment date and order notification are provided to you by email) and the return shipping fee is less than 40% (for countries in South America or Europe) or 30% (for all other countries) of the defective item(s) value, and also less than $40 (USD), please return the item(s) by cheapest way with tracking number (ordinary mail) to the below Drop Off Box Address, we will cover the actual postage (according to the shipping receipt you provided). After your shipment, please take a picture of the proof of shipment (shipping receipt, certificate of posting, tracking number stub, etc). We will arrange the replacement and reimbursement for your return postage after the package is received and processed. TO: DealExtreme RE: ORDER # ______ Room 225-226, Block B, Focal lndustrial Centre 21 Man Lok street Hung Hom, Kowloon HONG KONG PS: Please use the cheapest way to ship the item(s) back. Courier services such as EMS, UPS, Fedex, TNT, DHL etc are NOT eligible for return shipping cost reimbursements But if the product turns out to be defective after 50 days from shipments, please notice that the return shipping costs (both ways) will be the sole responsibility of you. We will still try to exchange your defective products for a brand new one where possible. VERY Important: please remember to include a note in your package indicating the following items: 1. Your order number, 2. sku numbers returned and quantity, and 3. a short description of the problem(s) of the defective unit. This note will help expediting the processing time for you. Thank you. If you have any questions on the return, please feel free to contact us again at anytime. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 回答お願いします(>_<)

  • 海外通販での英語の翻訳をお願いします

    先日、Aliexpressで注文したのですが、このようなメッセージが返ってきました。 Hi, (名前), we checked with DHL, your address post code (郵便番号) is remote area for DHL shipping, can we send your order via UPS? We can keep the same shipping cost for you. Look forward to hearing from you soon. So could you let us know what you would like to declare and how much to value on the shipping invoice to reduce your country customs tax for you? 意味がわからず、困っております。 こちらから何かしないといけないのでしょうか? 翻訳の程、宜しくお願いします。 また、できましたらどうすればよいのかも教えてください。

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    翻訳をお願いします。 通販で、納期に時間がかかるとのことだったので、 「納期(8月中)に間に合うならば手続きを進めてください」 という旨のメールを送ったところ、以下の返事がきました。 よろしくお願いします I wanted to let you know that we are looking at about 4-5 days to get in here and once I have those in here we will ship that right out for you so you are looking at about 7-10 days to get that delivered to you. It sounds like we will be able to get this to you buy the end of August so I will get this order in the system and get your name on those parts and once those show up ship them out unless I hear otherwise from you. If you have any other questions or need anything else please let me know.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    アメリカの手芸店でネット通販を利用して、私のオーダーに対しての返答です。 ちょっと長いのですが、よろしくお願いします。 We've received your order and it's in the queue to be pulled. If we're out of stock on anything we'll let you know once we've pulled your order. If you need to know right away if an order is not complete please let us know so we can call you vs. sending an e-mail. Our current time to get things in the post for complete or partial orders is 3-5 business days but might be longer if our queue gets bloated (and we've all been there one time or another :-)). If you have specified a deadline we'll do our best to meet it and will let you know if that's a problem. If you have a deadline and have not noted it in the order, please let us know ASAP - even if it's a month from now! Feel free to give us a call on our toll-free number the order is urgent so we get the message more quickly. If we have to reorder or special order something the sooner we know about a deadline the better since it takes 3-4 weeks to reorder most items. If you selected "hold for all items" but would like to change that to "ship partial" please let us know via e-mail or give us a call. If you don't hear anything from us within 10 days do contact us. Sometimes e-mail messages go missing and we're happy to give you an up-to-date status if you've not heard anything. When we ship your order you will receive an e-mail notification so you know about when to expect it. Thanks for your order,