• ベストアンサー


btw this story is kinda diff from the manga rite? i think they made the storyline v nice even though the storyline is diff. u do know how some ovies totally ruin the manga with their shitty storyline.. この文の和訳をどうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> btw this story is kinda diff from the manga rite? i think they made the storyline v nice even though the storyline is diff. u do know how some ovies totally ruin the manga with their shitty storyline.. おそらくは、→ but this story is kinda different from the manga right? i think they made the story line very nice even though the story line is different. You do know how some movies totally ruin the manga with their shitty story line.. 冒頭の btw が but かどうかは疑問ですが、接続詞だとは思われるので、そういうことにしときます (しかし、but を btw と打ち間違えるのは考えにくいことではありますけれども・・・)。  「この話はマンガの原作とはちょっと違ってるだろ? 原作とは違うけれども、いい物語に変えているとは思う。ストーリーが下らないために、映画が全くどうしようもないものになってることってあるよな」



重ねて御礼申し上げます。 本当にありがとうございました!



冒頭のbtwはおそらby the way(ところで)の略語かと思われますがどうでしょう。 それとご回答ありがとうございました!翻訳機では細かな所までは理解し難いので本当に助かります。


  • 和訳お願いします!!

    どなたか和訳お願いします!m(._.)m there is something strange though.... it seems you knew some of my friends before I met you including one of my students at my school haha! Anyways it would be nice to see you again some time

  • 和訳を...

    nice observation :) yeah it's gross how much food we have... the US GOVERNMENT is very greedy. not the people like me. .. oh just to let you know... the essay is due in 4 days. no rush or anything... haha. Just answer as best you can. I don't need long answers :) .

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 食べものについての説明かもしれません。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 I have recently done some research into the horoscope and foods. Some people wanted to know what kind of food their soul mate would or should eat. His likes and dislikes and what is good for him, his physical and emotional health. In some case this is more important than others, because some people are more closely effected by their food, while others neglect what they eat, and care little whether its well cooked or burned to hellish cinders..

  • 和訳困っています><

    -Ageing- As we've seen, many people live healthy, happy and productive lives for many years after the standard retirement age. But sooner or later, barring accidents, we all become old. It used to be thought that ageing was a steady decline in functioning, with people going inevitably downhill from the age of 50 or so. But now we know that is not so. But now we know that is not so. The research evidence which suggested this pattern of ageing was seriously flawed in the way that it was done, and modern experiences show that ageing occurs quite differently. The general pattern seems to be that we have only a very gradual decline in our older years, and that decline can be slowed down by exercise and activity, but that eventually we reach a period of more rapid physical decline, which rarely lasts for more than about five years. Usually, the person dies at some point during the five-year period. In some old people, that decline is brought about by an accident-a fall or some similar event- which damages them physically but, more importantly, shakes their confidence and makes them feel unable to cope with life as they once did. How inevitable the decline is, once it has begun, is something nobady knows. We do know, though, that even old bodies can respond surprisingly well to exercises were found to be putting on muscle mass as a result - in other words, their muscles were responding to the exercise and becoming stronger. This finding has been repeated a number of times now, and it shows that the saying " it's never too late " may be even truer than we realize. The real danger in ageing, more than any other, seems to be the person's own beliefs about it. Someone who expects to decline and become incapable as they grow older is not likely to face their body or mind with extra challenges. Without exercise, our bodies have no incentive to grow stronger or to maintain their normal levels of strength; so they become weaker. This, to the person who expects to be weak as a result of age, is 'proof 'that they were right, and their belief in inevitable decline is confirmed. But really, it began as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    英語のサンタの本?エッセイ?の一部なんですが、英語が全くわからないので 和訳していただけないでしょうか? Some little children doubt that Santa still lives because often their letters, for one reason or another, never seem to reach him. Nurses in hospitals know who some of these children are. Teachers in great city schools know others. Dear children of yesterday, won’t you try to seek out these trusting children of today and make sure that their letters in some way may reach Santa Claus so that “he will continue to make glad that heart of childhood”? That, I believe, is the best way of proving there is a Santa Claus, for ourselves and for the children. What will you tell your children about Santa Claus someday?

  • 和訳をおねがいします。

    Nearly 50 percent of American marriages end in divorce. Most divorced couples get along quite well after separating. They realize they are much happier and along quite well after separating. They realize they are much happier and much better people when living apart. Some even become good friends. But some divorces are very bitter. The ex-partners literally hate each other. They drive their friends and colleagues crazy complaining about how bad their ex-wife or ex-husband was. Today, such angry and frustrated couples have a new forum for complaining about their former partners—the Internet. Women use their personal blogs to tell the whole world that their husbands were, for example, cheating on or hitting them. Men use blogs to tell everyone about their cold-hearted, big-spending, nagging wives. Some even post highly personal videos on You Tube. As you can imagine, this can be pretty embarrassing sometimes.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    長文で申し訳ありませんが、和訳をお願いします Oh I think you're facing a big challenge in your life now. I hope & I know that you can pass in all of those troubles & challenges that comes to you! No matter what happen always remember that "don't focus on how stressed you are, always remember how blessed you are!" Just Enjoy life & remember how lucky we are cause we're still surviving! Well I'm gonna share a picture & I hope it can spire you.... These are some of the pictures of those kids who we can say unlucky because they don't experience even the easiest way of living or simple life because they are growing up without their family beside them... In their poor age they have to experience some illness that they don't deserve...but still God give reason for them to smile...& for me if I'm going to compare what I have now, what challenges I'm facing now... It's nothing with all those kids experienced & nobody knows what will happen in their future... Just see how lucky we are!

  • TOEIC対策の文章の和訳 

    TOEIC対策としてアメリカ人から頂いた文章で意味がわからないところがあります。 以下の文章の最後の一文なのですが意味がわかりません。 わかるところは the company’s decision to cut its workforce 「その会社が人員削減を決定したこと」 it has over 70,000 workers throughout the country. 「国内に7万人以上従業員がいること」 です。 these plans won't effectのところと even thoughの論理が不明です。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 XYZ Co., is expected to close many of their factories and eliminate thousands of jobs in order to cope with their recent losses. XYZ also plans to improve their current line of products and is in merger talks with its rival, AbcCorp. But these plans will not effect the company’s decision to cut its workforce, even though it has over 70,000 workers throughout the country.

  • 英語・和訳

    和訳お願いします。 Battery-powered vehicles are popular in some countries for short slow trips around town. Their efficiency is high at around 85% conversion of electrical energy into kinetic energy. But remember, the electricity must be produced in the first place, and even the most efficient electricity production (by hydroelectric plants) is only 80% efficient.

  • 和訳してください・・・

    "Hi, its Leyre here just wondering if you fancy meet me next saturday if you want, KISSES" I realized an emergency because in fact we dont know very much each and rang my friend Bea who camly said leave is to her: if she made several calls to the answer machine she could find the code which would let her back and erase the message. btw r u in love with some guy at the moment?^ これを和訳していただけると助かります。 ちなみに話の流れはバレンタインで男の子にメッセージを残した、です。 3番目はbtwはby the wayの略でわかるのですがr uがよくわかりません。 英語翻訳機にかけてもまったく理解不能です・・・(どう解釈していいのか・・・) よろしくおねがいします。