• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:誤ってる部分+正しい形を教えてください)

Common Mistakes and Corrections



>When I reached the station,the train leaving,so I shouted"Gosh"!  leavingでは文をなしていないし、それが句となって状況を表すような構文でもありません。leftあるいは、前後関係を明示的に表すならhad left。 >My elder brother is belonging to his company's basketball team  belongは状態動詞であり、通常は現在進行形となりません。従ってbelongingではなくbelong。 >We went hunting in the forest and have caught two deer yesterday  yesterdayと過去の日時が明示されているので完了形は使えません。完了形のhave caughtではなく過去形のcaught。


  • 翻訳お願いいたします

    Rose's father had promised to send her to Wellesley, a respected women's college, after high school but then went back on his word, leaving her heartbroken.

  • 英訳(短いです)

    「あなたの会社の経常利益は今年過去最高に達したんですって?」   の英訳ですが、下の英文ではだめでしょうか? ほかにもっと素敵な英訳があったらお願いします。 I heard the ordinary profit of your company have reached to the highest this year.

  • 前置詞について2

    We went to go the beach in his car on Saturday, because our car still won't have been fixed. 上記の英文の in his car の箇所でなぜby his car又はon his carにならないのですか? 教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。

  • これで合ってるでしょうか?

    In a letter to his father two years before his death in 1977 Elvis wrote , “I have pursued my vision and reached the mountain-top. (1977年、エルビスは手紙に二年前死んだ彼の父親のことを書いた。「私は、わたしのビジョンと山頂に着くことをおいもとめた。」) たびたびすいません。

  • この文を訳せないです。助けてください。

    His years of service to the company have seen us grow internationally. 彼の会社に対する貢献は私たちを国際的な成長を見た。 こんな感じにしか訳せません。 きちんと訳せないのは、この文の構造を理解できていないからだと思います。 この文の文法や訳を詳しく教えて頂けないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 直接話法から間接話法 命令文をつなぐ

    Mother said to my brother, "Go to your room and think about what you have done." →Mother told my brother to go to his room and ( to ) think about what he had done. ( to )はいりませんよね? 文が結ばれたときは、thatの省略ができないのは承知しています。 文法書で見つけられなかったので 教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 1~10の()内をたずねる疑問文を作ってください

    1.It's (eight o'clock) now 2.(Naoya and his father) made this table. 3.His father is (forty years old.) 4.Her sister is (a nurse.) 5.It takes (an hour) to go to the park. 6.They went to Vienna (to study music.) 7.That watch is (fifty thousand yen.) 8.They enjoy skating (in winter.) 9.This is (John's) guiter. 10.His brother lives (in Kanazawa.)

  • 間違っている所を直してください。

    間違っている所を直してください。 出来れば訳もお願いします。 ア He reached home before it did not start to rain. イ My uncle caught a lot of fish, and I caught only a little. ウ There were a lot of water left in the bottle then. エ The old man gave two hundreds books to his son. オ Which do you come to school, on foot or by bicycle? カ Taro is much better tennis player than Jiro.

  • 英語 中学書き換え!!

    1、I went to see her last night.(7語に書き換え) 2、I said to myself, ‘This is the dif problem.(8) 3、He doesn`t have any friends in his class.(7) 4、My brother got me the concert ticket.(8) 5、What do you call this flower in your country?(8) カッコに中はすべて、書き換えの数字です。 それと、わやくもおねがいします!!!><; 今日の夜、6時45分までにできればおねがいします!

  • よろしくお願いします

    Dear Annie: I have a problem with being kept waiting in doctors' offices. I am paid by the hour, and if I have to wait too long for the appointment, my pay is docked. I try to schedule appointments with my primary care physician for first thing in the morning or at the end of the day. But several times in the past year, I have been kept waiting beyond what I believe is reasonable. Once I sat there for nearly two hours. Another time, I was kept waiting for 45 minutes to have blood drawn -- a 10-minute procedure. When I ask the receptionist for an update, I'm given an evasive answer. I have filed complaints with my HMO health insurance company to no avail. I have considered changing primary care doctors, but I am afraid it will just be the same somewhere else. How do I find a physician in my area who does not keep people waiting? -- California Patient Dear California: There is no reason a primary care physician needs to make you wait two hours for a standard appointment. First ask your friends and family for referrals, and "interview" the physicians to ask how long the average wait time is. Also check to see whether any of them keep evening or weekend hours. Then tell your doctor why you are leaving his practice. ここでのreferralは簡単に言うとどういうことでしょうか?あと、leaving his practiceとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします