- ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の書き換え)
- アドバイスを受け入れないため、成功できない可能性がある。
- 彼女がここにいないことを残念に思う。
- 私は最善を尽くしたことを残念に思う。
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
1. If she took my advice, she would be successful. 彼女が私の忠告を聞けば、成功するだろうに。 2. I wish she were here. 彼女がここにいればいいのに。 3. I wish I had done my best. ベストを尽くしていたらよかったのに。 4. If I had known his phone number, I could have called him. 彼の電話番号を知っていたら、電話できたのに。 5. If that watch had not been so expensive, I could have bought it. あの時計がそんなに高くなかったら、私はそれを買えたのに。
その他の回答 (1)
- skyofpiano
- ベストアンサー率20% (2/10)
1 If she took my advice,she would be successful. 2 I wish she would be here. 3 I wish I could have done my best. 4 If I had known his phone number,I would have called him. 5 If that watch had been cheaper,I could have bought it.