• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

skepticism の前に単純には have のような動詞(その前に主語)があるわけですよね。 これから説明することから考えると,「表す」「述べる」のような動詞だと思います。 この skepticism that の that は同格の that ですが,普通に「~という疑い」とすると意味が逆になってしまうので,実際には「~についての疑い」すなわち,「遵守しないのではないかという疑い」ということになります。 それはそうとして,その後には noting ~という分詞構文が続いています。 form を from という単純なパターンなど,誤植のパターンがいくつかありますが, noting を nothing もしょっちゅうあります。 すなわち,noting it had broken past truces で 「過去の停戦の約束を破ってきたことを指摘しながら」 と主となる動詞(「表す」など)と同時進行していることを表しています。 この note は「注釈」の意味が動詞になったようなもので, 「~と注をつける,~と(追加的に)指摘する」という感じです。



自分の見間違いでした!!!! notingです。 ありがとうございます。 これでとてもスッキリしました。


  • 英語 教えて下さい

    Big changes had taken place in Europe's social and political life ---and in its technology --- during the past few years. They are certain to reshape life in the future. (1)Big changes (2)had taken place (3) its technology (4) are certain to この文章に含まれている誤った表現を(1)~(4)の中で撰んでください。理由も兼ねて教えていただけると嬉しいです。

  • 英語 選択問題 質問です。

    ( ) nothing more to discuss,we had to make a decision.
 アThere had イBeing ウHaving there エThere being
 この質問を先程させて頂いた所、 (Being) nothing more to discuss, we had to make a decision.
 これ以上議論することがなければ、採決を取る必要があります。 と教えて頂きました。 自分で検索しましたら似たような問題が記載されているサイトがありました。 こちらの問題と答えが異なる理由が分からないので教えて頂けますか? よろしくお願いします。 以下、似た問題が記載されているサイトから転記した文章です↓ ( )nothing more to discuss,he said goodbye and left me

. (1)There had 
 (3)Having there 
(4)There being 答(
(4)There being)nothing more to discuss,he said goodbye and left me

. (1)は、Thereで始まっているので There+be、~がある、という意味の構文だと思われるのに、be動詞がない。 
(2)はingのついた動詞の意味上の主語が主文の主語すなわち heになるので、彼=「話し合うことがそれ以上ない状態」という意味になって変、
Thereの構文なので、"nothing more to discuss"が意味上の主語になるかな。

  • show herself with ~についての解

    添付ファイル文章の She had nothing to show herself with in the town .の理解ができないです。 show herself with nothing in the town. として捉えているのですが、意味がわからないです。 解説お願いします。

  • 英語の時制について

    英語の時制についての質問です。例えば、私は2年間その会社で働いていました。という文は I had been working at the company for two years. で正しいでしょうか? 過去完了の使い方が良くわかりません。個人的な感覚だと、過去完了は 副詞節、主節(副詞節より過去の時制) I had known nothing about it until you told it to me.のように常に副詞節が一緒に使われるということを勝手に思い込んでいます。 そこで、「今までずっとあなたが正しいと思っていた」という文章を訳すと、I had been thinking you are right until nowで正しいでしょうか?

  • 英語の問題。すべてOKに見える。

    英語の問題。すべてOKに見える。 かなり、むずかしめの問題なんですが、、まったく解けないので教えてください。 次の各英文は、1ヶ所を訂正することで、正しい英文になる。1語を訂正する場合は正しい語を、 1語付け加える場合は付け加える語を答えどこかに入れるかを書きなさい。 1.Do you know where to get to the station? 考え:get {at] the station? ですか? 2.The left had to be taken care of their parents.考え:be は不要? 3.I have a lot of homeworks to finish by tomorrow. わかりません。 4.This is the house which he has been staying. 考え:staying の後にat? 5.The Japnaese flag shows the risen sun.shows の後に in? 6.Tom has two brothers. He is the bigger of all. わかりません。 of all っておかしいような・・ 7.Ten years have past since I first went fishing in the nearby river. first いらない? 8. The boy had nothing to play. nothing を no thing に変える? 9.Jane lives alone and makes breakfast for her every morning. わかりません。 10.Nancy had happy days while her stay in France.んー わかんないです。

  • 英語問題

    今日この5つの文章を先生に見せたら間違っていると言われました。 1. The boy laid on the grass with their eyes closed. 2. There seem to be every hope that the paitient will get better. 3. As she had nothing to do, she decided one of the flowers in the garden 4. Bill handed me a small round box and told me open it. 5. I'm sorry to say that I have never bought a bunch of flowers my wife. これのどこが間違っているのでしょうか?

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Charbonneau explained that the defeat of the Colonial Corps was caused by faulty reconnaissance, the ineffectiveness of advanced guards in causing delay to advancing German units and that French offensive tactics neglected the importance of obtaining a superiority of fire, which had led to reckless attacks. The quality of the German opponents was not mentioned but German reconnaissance had been effective, communication between commanders and subordinates had not broken down, mutual support between neighbouring units had occurred and German artillery had provided continuous close fire support. At Neufchâteau, the French colonial infantry had been out-gunned and outnumbered by German units, which had been able to engage all their forces quickly. The French XII Corps had a greater number of guns but was not able to overcome two German infantry battalions. German artillery had engaged the Colonial Brigade from close range but when in a hastily occupied defensive position, the French had nullified much of the German artillery-fire; French troops caught in the open had been annihilated. Both sides had attempted to gain fire superiority before advancing and once this had been achieved by the Germans, they had been able to manoeuvre without severe casualties

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Charbonneau explained that the defeat of the Colonial Corps was caused by faulty reconnaissance, the ineffectiveness of advanced guards in causing delay to advancing German units and that French offensive tactics neglected the importance of obtaining a superiority of fire, which had led to reckless attacks. The quality of the German opponents was not mentioned but German reconnaissance had been effective, communication between commanders and subordinates had not broken down, mutual support between neighbouring units had occurred and German artillery had provided continuous close fire support.[9] At Neufchâteau, the French colonial infantry had been out-gunned and outnumbered by German units, which had been able to engage all their forces quickly. The French XII Corps had a greater number of guns but was not able to overcome two German infantry battalions. German artillery had engaged the Colonial Brigade from close range but when in a hastily occupied defensive position, the French had nullified much of the German artillery-fire; French troops caught in the open had been annihilated. Both sides had attempted to gain fire superiority before advancing and once this had been achieved by the Germans, they had been able to manoeuvre without severe casualties.

  • 英語の訳についてです、ご協力お願いします。6文です

    英語の訳についてです。 ご協力お願いします。 夏休みの課題で分からない所だけ載せさせていただきます。文章が途中からという点や、とびとびの所が多いのでわかりにくかったらごめんなさい。 (1)It always does. (2)Write something nice about a person , and people call you up to say that the person is really a callow creep. (3)What the caller said , thought , was this : He and his wife had been to a Bulls game , and their car had broken down. (4)They'd had to wait about forty-five minutes after the end of the game to get a cab ride to the suburbs. (5)“We were four blocks from the Stadium , in a bad area , and at a corner under a streetlight was Jordan's car , ” the man said. (6)He said that the year before , he'd seen them waiting outside the Stadium in terrible weather , wanting a glimpse of the Bulls as the team arrived for a game. これらはわたしなりに訳をしてみたのですが全く日本語にならなくて…(T-T)国語力がないんですね頑張らないと← この6文の日本語訳をよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Fournier decided to open negotiations to play for time and hold out until the night of 8 September if possible. Just before noon, Fournier sent Captain Grenier to Zwehl, carrying a letter asking for a 24-hour truce, to bury the dead and discuss surrender terms. Zwehl gave Grenier four hours to return to Fournier and continued the attack. While Grenier had been on his way to Zwehl, Fournier had raised a white flag on the Maubeuge church tower and Brigadier Rene de PeyreCave had the signal repeated in the first sector. Troops began to lay down their arms and 1,000 to 1,500 of the defenders managed to slip away to the west and reach safety. Isolated near le Douzies, Ville saw German troops 200–300 m (220–330 yd) and to honour the truce ordered his troops to cease-fire. General Neuhaus and a party of German cavalry attempted to take Ville prisoner but he objected because Fournier was still negotiating, as could be seen by the white flag over Maubeuge. Neuhaus concluded a local agreement that the French would stay in their positions on either side of the Le Douzies–Hautmont road. Soon afterwards a German parlementaire took Ville to General Andreas von Harbou at Fort de Laveau where he was shown twelve 77 mm field guns and given a ten-minute ultimatum they would open fire unless he surrendered. Ville could see that his soldiers had ceased hostilities and that most were unarmed, with no more artillery, Ville surrendered the Fourth Sector to prevent more bloodshed. When Grenier returned to Fournier, he bowed to the inevitable and sent Grenier back with his surrender of the Entrenched Camp of Maubeuge, to take effect at noon on 8 September. In the first weeks of the German invasion, much of the rail network in Belgium and northern France was closed by demolitions before the Germans arrived and only the single line from Trier to Liège, Brussels, Valenciennes and Cambrai remained available to the German armies in the north. A maximum of forty trains a day could be run, which meant that the transport of one corps took four days. The fall of Maubeuge made the Diedenhofen to Luxembourg line available once the rail bridge at Namur was repaired.