• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:すみませんが此方の文章を翻訳していただけませんか?)

Live to Tell 55

  • "Live to Tell 55" is a story containing a graphic scene of masturbation. Click the provided link to skip past it.
  • The protagonist has a dream about a special memory: their first kiss with someone named Spinel. However, their relationship was disrupted by someone named Omega.
  • The protagonist wonders about their children being asleep and is reminded that they were supposed to be woken up by Wolufu for guard duty.


  • ベストアンサー

どーもw The next scene contains graphic masturbation. 次のシーンには辞意行為の描写が含まれています。 As a warning and curtousy to those upset by such things, please click http://mariano.kemonoart.org/LivetoTell/59 to skip past it. もし、迷惑なようでしたらスキップするためにここをクリックしてください。 Then that night, someone had a dream about a sweet memory in her life... そして、その夜。彼女の生活の中の甘い思い出の夢を見たものがいた。 Vulpa: *jumping up* SPINEL...!!!! 飛び起きて、SPINEL!!! Uh... Thinking: Oh! That was just a dream! う~ん。あぁ、夢だったのか!! That was about the first time we kissed each other! 俺たちが初めてキスをした夢だったよ! But because of that motherfucker Omega, we never had the chance to... けど、あのクソOmegaのやろーのせいで、結局チャンスは。。。 Oh Spinel! I need you so much...! Hmmmm... ううん、Spinel、私はあんたがとっても必要よ!!うふふ I wonder if the kids... 子供、大丈夫かな。。。 Oh! They are asleep! Hey! みんな寝てるわ。ねぇ! Wolufu was supposed to wake me before he went to sleep to relieve him from his guard! Wolufuは彼のガードから解放されるために寝る前に私を起こすはずだった! Oh well... Hmmmm... う~ん。。。ふぅうう。。 Perhaps I could take this chance to... もしかしたら、おれはこのチャンスをつかって。。。 また、状況がよくつかめないのですが、言ってることは大体こんなかんじです!



Sunnysideoさん 本日は二回もの翻訳本当に有り難う御座います! また宜しく御願いいたします。

