• ベストアンサー

以下の翻訳どちらがより近いですか? (友達、同僚との会話で)


  • ベストアンサー
  • mxm56343
  • ベストアンサー率27% (33/121)

読ませていただきました。 上段のほうが、より近いと思います。 探しておられるやわらかい言い方だと 数回読み返して感じました。 参考になれば幸いです。


  • 英会話・付加疑問文

    ~isn't it? ~are you? って、付加疑問文で質問はできるのですが、 その返事のYes・Noの意味が混乱してどちらの答えが得られたのかわからなくなります(^^; (質問しておいて無責任な話です・・・苦笑) バイリンガルのように英語でダイレクトに考えて話すのではなく 頭の中で“翻訳”して話しているためそんな現象が起きちゃうのでしょうが・・・ とにかく、何でもいいので、 あなたが実際に付加疑問文使ってした会話を文例として教えてください!! 実例見て慣れます。テキストじゃサンプル足りない><

  • どなたか翻訳してくれませんか?

    以下は僕の大好きな歌の歌詞の一部なのですが、 自分一流の直訳では雰囲気がちっとも出ません。 どなたかこれを情緒豊かに翻訳して頂けませんか。 "Summer was gone and the heat died down, and Autumn reach for her golden crown, I looked behind as I heard a sign, but this was the time of no reply." 次はサビの部分です。 "The time of no reply is calling me to stay, There's no hello,and no goodbye. to leave there is no way."

  • 正しい翻訳を教えてください

    There was no way I was going to give them a good time for that, because it showed no sense of individuality or understanding of what we were doing. これを2つの機械翻訳で訳したら全然違うものになりました。 正しい翻訳を教えてください。 ① 個性感や私たちのやっていることへの理解がなかったので、彼らに楽しい時間を与えるつもりはありませんでした。 ② 個性が感じられず、自分たちのやっていることを理解していないのだから、そんなことでいい加減なことを言っても仕方がない。

  • 英語の質問です。

    付加疑問文です。 彼は学生ですよね? He is a student,isn’t he? はいそうです。Yes,he is. いいえ。     No,he isn't. 怖いですよね? Are you afraid,aren't you? はい Yes, I am いいえ No、I'm not. でいいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 高校中級(安河内哲也氏の問題集から)疑問点

    安河内哲也氏の問題集の文です。 There was an audience of no less than 4,000 at the concert yesterday. There was an audience of 40 people at most his lecture. audienceは単数扱いにも複数扱いにもなる集合名詞ですが、上記の文の場合はThere was ではなくThere wereになるのではないのですか?? 4000 や 40人は複数なので単純にwas ではなく were ではないかと思うのですが・・・・ 私の詰めが甘いのかとも思います。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の翻訳でかなりこまっています!

    以下の翻訳でかなりこまっています! 少し前のオバマ大統領についての文献の内容なんですが... 途中までは翻訳できたのですが、メディア英語なるもになれてなくて意訳なども苦手なのでお力借りたく投稿いたしました。 As they convened to take their family's final step in its joueney from africa;through slavery to the slave-built White house ,the group seemed as though they had stepped right out ofthe pages of Obama's memoir -----no longer the disparate kin of a young man wondering how fe fit in,but the embodiment of a new president's promise of change. For well ober two centuries,the united states has ben vastly more diverce than its governing families. Now the obama family has flipped that around,with a cast that looks almost nothing like thier overwhelmingly white,Protestant predecessors in the role. ここから段落が飛びます。 Obama follows former president george w.bush,who had a presidential son's self-assured grip on power.Aside from a top-quality education,the new president came to politics with none of his predecessor's advantage:no famous last name,no deep-pocketed parents to finance early forays into politics and,in fact,not muc of of a father at all.So obama built his political career from scratch,with best-selling books and long-shot runs for office,leaving his relatives astonished at where he was brought them. いそいでいるので評価はあとでゆっくりコメントさせていただきますので、お手数ですが回答のほうよろしくお願いいたします。 身勝手な質問をお許しください! わかるとこだけでもいいので!

  • 翻訳してください

     The decade from the late 1970s to the late 80s witnessed the birth, suppression and ultimate victory of the Solidarity movement in Poland.Lutoalawski's position in relation to the events of this period is significant in that he found himself among an elite group of internationally acclaimed Polish figures in whom a kind of unofficial moral leadership became invested. なかなかきれいな訳にならず困っています。どなたか、翻訳してください。お願いします。

  • 翻訳サイトで日本文を翻訳したのですが、おかしな所があると思うので直して

    翻訳サイトで日本文を翻訳したのですが、おかしな所があると思うので直してもらえませんか? こんばんは! 翻訳サイトで下記の日本文を翻訳したのですが、おかしな所があると思います。申し訳ないですが、おかしな所を直して、正しい英文にしていただけないでしょうか? 私の最高の経験は高校の修学旅行。 私は修学旅行で沖縄に行った。 そこでシュノーケリング体験をした。 沖縄の海は凄く綺麗だった。 そして、たくさんの熱帯魚を見た。 その中でも一番綺麗だったのは、クマノミでした。 イソギンチャクに集まるクマノミの群れは、遠くから見てもはっきり見えた。 魚以外では、ナマコを触ったことが印象に残っている。 ナマコは表現しにくい感触だった。 My best experience is a school excursion of the high school. I went to Okinawa in the school excursion. Then, snorkeling was experienced. The sea in Okinawa was terrible and beautiful. And, a lot of tropical fishes were seen. Beauty was the bear flea. The crowd of the bear flea that gathered in the sea anemone was clearly seen though saw from a long distance. Having felt after the sea cucumber remains in the impression excluding the fish. The sea cucumber was a feeling not expressed easily.

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    After crossing the flooded Broembeek at the confluence with the Steenbeek near St Jean, just before the point where the Steenbeek becomes the St Jansbeek, through a wide and shallow depression filled with mud, the 2e Division d'Infanterie captured the villages of St Jean, Veldhoek and Mangelaere on the outskirts of the forest and drove back the Germans from several fortified farms and pillboxes. The average depth of the advance was 1.25 mi (2.01 km) and was accomplished in four hours, despite the ground conditions, with fewer than 500 casualties; I Corps took 300 prisoners. Despite rain, low cloud and high winds, French airmen had flown low, strafed German infantry and carried out tactical reconnaissance. On the right of the French, the British Guards Division co-operated in the capture of Koekuit, having also had to cross the mud of the Broembeek. German counter-attacks recovered a strong point on at the north end of the French attack front, until a local counter-attack by the French recovered the position. On the left flank of the Franco-British offensive, complete success had been gained and the troops were able to consolidate their positions. The bright dry weather at Ypres during September ended and high winds, rain and low cloud obscured the battlefield on 4 October. Heavy rain fell on 7 and 8 October and severely hampered air operations and no artillery observation was achieved by the British from 5–9 October. German artillery behind the Passchendaele Ridge and Gheluvelt Plateau was not detected and very little British counter-battery fire was achieved. Wire cutting by the artillery which did get into action was inadequate, in the areas where there was no ground observation. Little flying was attempted during 9 October but II and V brigade aircrews, managed fifteen contact and seventeen counter-attack patrols at very low level. The progress of the attack was reported with some accuracy and 354 zone calls were made against German artillery and parties of infantry, 21 German artillery batteries were engaged for destruction and 33 for neutralisation.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The Romanian batteries tried to respond, but the effort was not well coordinated; their sporadic fire (indicating low stocks of ammunition) wasn't aimed at the heavy batteries of the attackers, and their fire ceased immediately after the Bulgarians opened fire at them. The power of the Bulgarian barrage even deceived General Teodorescu into believing that it was executed by 30.5 cm cannons, when in fact there were none.