• ベストアンサー




全体的にはうまく書かれていると思いますが、繰り返しが多い部分と文章の流れを考えて一部以下のように書き換えてみました。sunny012 のご自分の言葉をそのまま残している部分もあります。(元の日本語はあまり考慮に入れていません。) I appreciate that you were always thoughtful to me and trying to make me happy. Actually you did make me happy, but I never showed you my feelings to protect myself. It was so selfish and egocentric of me to just enjoy your tenderness and take your patience for granted. I did not make it easy for you to be with me. I'm so sorry that my behavior hurt you and your feelings. I feel awful about it. You are a wonderful guy inside and out. I thank you for everything you have done for me. I wish you all the best.



ありがとうございました! 確かに繰り返しが多かったですね、、。自分ではとにかく謝りたい一心で、冷静に見れていなかったので、ご返信いただいてとても助かりました! 教えて頂いた文章、ぜひ使わせて頂きます。


  • 英語を日本語にして貰えますか?

    意味が分からない所が多々あります。。。 意訳で結構ですのでヨロシクお願いします。 went you be next to me i will always have the same feeling toward you ..no matter of what happen ... this is how i am and i want you to always feel happy and care ... in the good time and bad ... only happiness can make a better life .. and i will make it come true ..i want too make it come true.

  • こちらの英文の翻訳をお願いします

    急遽英語でメールをやりとりすることになったので、 翻訳と解説をお願いしたく、投稿を致します。 I always have correct feeling. thanks for you tell me the answer. I was just worried about… because I didn't want to let you feel bother. so… thanks for you mail again, really. ^^ 実はこの文の前に「私はこうだと思ってたよ」という文がありました。 それが I always have correct feeling.に繋がるのかなと思っているのですが イマイチわかりません。 correct feeling をいつもhaveしている。 うーん、正解の感じを持っているってことでしょうか。 形容詞correct + 名詞feelingですよね。 特殊な文法は隠されてませんよね・・・。 例えば have +○○+ing形とか・・・。 let you feel bother も 迷惑をかけたくなかった、という意味かなとにらんでいるのですが・・・。 迷惑を感じさせたなくなった という自分なりの直訳から、更に自分なりに意訳しました。 是非、全文訳と解説をお願い致します。

  • メールなんですが訳せません

    訳を見てください。間違えや分からない箇所を教えてください。 Well I'm going to bed my hurt because I been thinking about you all day. I been doing ok here in Georgia. I have get out more. What do the malls look like there? And the next time you to buy me something LOL. 私はベットにはいるよ なぜなら私は君のことを一日考えてた。 私はジョージアでうまくやってる。もっと・・・??? どんなモールで??何をしてたの 次ぐは私に何か買ってきて Anything, anything you think I was like. But I well like anything you get me. I hope I dream of you again so I have to look like your pic so I can. One of the best things you know about me is. That I'm funny and I make fun of anything good or bad. But I well put it In a nice way or loving way not to hurt your feeling. And I always try to plan things for I do it. I want my life to be happy and living with my living kids and wife. ・・・また君の夢をみれるといいな。君の写真をみなければ・・・??私にとって楽しみの一つ  私はおもしろいとかいいことや悪いことを楽しむ。・・・・?? すみません、わかりませんでした。知り合いからのメールなんですが。。おしえてください

  • aboutとof の違い

    (1)I have been thinking about you, and feeling guilty about my long silence. (2)I have been thinking of you, and feeling guilty about my long silence. このabout とofの違いは日本語でどう訳すのが、適切ですか?(男性→女性の場合)

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします!

    I’d always have the feeling that you had be en taking a chance just on that, and that kind of love would be disappearing. というのと、 Then I’d always feel that you kept on writing to me only because you were lonely and had no one else. この2つです! 和訳お願いします!

  • 日記風に、誰かに話しかける感じで書きました。添削お願いします。

    ここgooだけで勉強していますが、暫らく英文を書かなかったので、英語の文章が中々出てきません。再度、勉強をしなおさないとだめかと思っています。短い文章ですが、書いてみました。 Hi, my Crystal! The first, I must say to you “ I am so sorry! I haven't came here for a long time.” Did you worry about me? I have been well. How about you, Crystal? Sometimes I thought of you, but I couldn’t think and feel in English. I know I have to learn English day by day. Now my brain said to me “You can!" I should believe myself. I have you and you help me a lot for it. Crystal, I promise you that I will be learning with you. And someday I want to talk with you and my friends in English. Crystal, I have to make breakfast. So I say to you “Have a nice weekend!”

  • 英文訳お願いします。

    先日私から別れを切り出したのですが、彼からの返事を訳して欲しいです。 hi, I never want to hurt you its just hard for me. I will always have a place for you and hope that you do not hate me よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語を日本語へ翻訳して貰えますか?

    日本語の勉強をしている外国人のメル友からきたメールです。 いつも日本語でやりとりしているので、英語だとほとんど理解できません。 お恥ずかしいですが、日本語へ訳してください。 i am happy that you recover and list a little . i always will be sweet and kind to you ... and went your feel sad i be there making you feel happy ..well for now i be in the digital world ,so went you feel sad only email me .. i will warm your heart and make you feel happy i know that we still met you yet in person .but i feel that you are a sweet and kind person i always will to my best to make you happy went you feel sad i big Chu... for the best person in the world ... that is you Hanako.

  • 英語の手紙和訳お願いします

    happy birthday aki   I'm not sure this leteer cold arrive in your birthday or not,rather, I should have began writing earlier... Anyway congratulation!! I'm glad you become 21 years old because I can drink with you in the United States.Don't you think so? What?You never drink?Come on!! when will you be ready!? No orange juice! You have to try! or I can't wait forever ! Yeah,that kidding ^^ Of course I know you hate alcohol, so I  seut a birthday present that's not kind of alcohol. I beleive you'll like it. If it's difficult to use for you or you have any guestions about my present, you can ask me!! Because, I've already  researched it and  I know it a lot even though I don't have it!! Hahaha!! Are you with me? Maybe You don't know what is what ^^; It's been about 7 month since I came to Los Angeles. My English skill is still poor, and that's why I'm confusing now... Don't care about my work . Everything is good. I'm learning many things little by little from my father and brother. They teach me kindly, so I'm really grateful to them. Perhaps you also have some worries . But , nobody has no worry. we have to overcome with making effort, and our efforts will be reworded. But , please let me help you when you feel down and help me when I feel down...ok? I really miss you and I hope I'll go back to Japan soon. But as you know , I have full of schedule ... it's almost working and school ... Instead, you can eat anything you want and go anywhere you want when I go back to Japan! So, please wait for me with great patience. 数年前大切な人からもらった手紙です。 どなたか意味を教えていただけませんか? よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳お願いします。

    曲が良いのですが 英語ができないので和訳をお願い致します。 【Brand New】 You make me feel brand new You're building me up now Always willing to help out to get me through You make me feel brand new When I'm feeling low down You show me I know how to make it through Though I know you're lovin' me so well I can feel it in my heart, I can feel it in my soul, what you don't want to tell Sometimes you leave it in your head I can hear it in your voice, see it in your eyes, when you lay down in bed I stay up ponderin'... The choices I've made... Such a selfish life... That I had made... You make me feel brand new You're building me up now Always willing to help out, it gets me through You make me feel brand new When I'm feelin' low down You show me I know how to make it through So you say, here we go again Walking the thin line, living the hard times, seems like the old times will never end You really wish that I undeerstood But you say I never will, & i'm loosin what's real, livin proof of the mis-understood You stay up wonderin' In hopes that I'm okay See I'm headed home now Won't loose my way oh lady believe that With my baby on the way I can be a better man So please just stay You make me feel brand new You're building me up now Always willing to help out to get me through You make me feel brand new When I'm feeling low down You show me I know how to make it through Though I know you're lovin' me so well I can feel it in my heart, I can feel it in my soul, what you don't want to tell Sometimes you leave it in your head I can hear it in your voice, see it in your eyes, when you lay down in bed I stay up ponderin'... The choices I've made... Such a selfish life... That I had made... You make me feel brand new You're building me up now Always willing to help out to get me through You make me feel brand new When I'm feeling low down You show me I know how to make it through Though I know you're lovin' me so well I can feel it in my heart, I can feel it in my soul, what you don't want to tell Sometimes you leave it in your head I can hear it in your voice, see it in your eyes, when you lay down in bed So you say, here we go again Walking the thin line, living the hard times, seems like the old times will never end You really wish that I understood But you say I never will, & i'm loosin what's real, leavin proof of the mis-understood You stay up wonderin' In hopes that I'm okay See I'm headed home now Won't loose my way oh lady believe that With my baby on the way I can be a better man So please just stay You make me feel brand new You're building me up now Always willing to help out to get me through