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  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)




とてもわかりやすい訳をありがとうございます。 前半部分はそういうことだったんですね! とても助かりました。


  • 英訳です。教えてください。

    The small star-shaped glia cells are scattered among the neurons more or less in the same manner throughout the nervous system; if one were to look only at them, forgetting the nerve cells, a much more uniform description of the different parts of the nervous system would be obtained than one based on a description of the neurons. If the aim is to relate different structures to different tasks, one is certainly better off concentrating on the neurons.

  • 英訳お願いします。(ニューロン系の話です)

    One knows so little about these small companions to the neurons that the most diverse theories are possible and at present cannot be disproved. One should, however, keep in mind the fact that glia cells increase greatly in number whenever the nerve tissue becomes functionless due to a lesion or an interruption of the blood supply that has caused many neurons to die.

  • この英文の訳

    自分でも頑張ってみたのですがうまく訳せなかったので、訳し方教えてください。 ちなみに内容は脊髄についてです。 The lowest part of the brain stem ,the medulla oblongate ,is continuous with the spinal cord below. The spinal cord is composed of tracts of nerve fibers that allow two-way comduction of nerve impulses. The sensory(afferent) fibers carry neural signals from sensory receptors ,such as those in the skin ,muscles ,and joints ,to the upper levels of the CNS. Motor(efferent) fibers from the brain and upper spinal cord transmit action potentials to end organs. ※ brain stem→脳幹 medulla oblongate→延髄 spinal cord→脊髄 sensory receptors→感覚受容器 CNS→中枢神経

  • 英語の表現でおかしいところをおしえてください。

    In the experiment of administering Isoprenaline to a rat, rat's heart rate went up. This shows that Isoprenaline stimulates a sympathetic nerve. And it shows that Isoprenaline caused decrease in blood pressure. In the experiment of administering to a rat, showed that cocaine caused decrease in rat’s haert rate. On the other hands, its blood pressure was increased. Thus it is suggested that Cocain stimulates parasympathetic nerve which is involved in the decreasing of heart rate and central nerve which lead to increase of blood pressure.

  • 比較の文で

     Mt. Fuji is higher than any mountain in Japan. という文なのですが、作文で書いたら、予備校の先生に any の後ろにother を必ず入れないといけないと言われました。このother はやっぱり必要でしょうか。

  • 比較の文をいろいろ作り変える

    He is the greatest writer that ever lived. を①He を主語にして比較級を用いて書き換えなさい ②Heを主語にして原級を用いて書き換えなさい。という問題で 解答は①He is greater than any other writer that ever lived. 次は自分の文です。 ①-1 He is a greater writer than any other writer (that) ever lived. writerが2語も入っているから 解答①のようにgreaterだけでいいのかな?また関係代名詞thatってなくてもいいのでは? どこがよくないのか教えてください。

  • これらの文が訳せなくて困っています。助けてください

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 Today, the sari is growing in popularity as daily wear among the women of Bangladesh and SriLanka, which have climates that closely resemble that of India. Thus, many archeologists and ancient historians point out the important fact does not represent what people in other parts of the country were wearing. It is obviously no more than the Japanese reading of a Chinese word as recorded in the document

  • 次の文の英訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m

    Blanchard’s argument is an example of what Bertola and Drazen (1993) characterize as the “expectation view of fiscal policy. ” That is, in an intertemporal model of consumption behavior, the effects of current fiscal policy depend on what expectations it generates on the course of future fiscal policy. In their words “a policy innovation that would be contractionary in a static model may be expansionary if it induces sufficiently strong expectations of future policy changes in the opposite direction. n

  • 次の文はどういう意味でしょうか。

    Tow of the monuments were begun in 1, and no other monument was begun in the same year as any of the other monuments. no other 以降なんですが...1以外では二つmonumentsはおきないと言っているんでしょうか。

  • 英訳がわかりません。

    This Agreement will not be interpreted as an agency, partnership, or any other form of legal association between the parties other than that of licensor and licensee. この訳がわからないのですが、教えてください。