• 締切済み


In the experiment of administering Isoprenaline to a rat, rat's heart rate went up. This shows that Isoprenaline stimulates a sympathetic nerve. And it shows that Isoprenaline caused decrease in blood pressure. In the experiment of administering to a rat, showed that cocaine caused decrease in rat’s haert rate. On the other hands, its blood pressure was increased. Thus it is suggested that Cocain stimulates parasympathetic nerve which is involved in the decreasing of heart rate and central nerve which lead to increase of blood pressure.

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数1


  • wathavy
  • ベストアンサー率22% (505/2263)

文章を修正すると、大変な労力になるので勘弁を。 もっと英語の文章を読んだほうがいいと思うよ。 文が長すぎる。もっと切れのいい文章は、短い文で終わる。 よく研究論文では見かける文章だけど、そもそも参考にしているのが研究論文ばかりだから、第二外国語として英語をつかってるんですよ。みたいな英語になっちゃってる。 普通の文章を読んで、いかに自分の文章が複雑怪奇か理解するべきだと思う。とにかく分かりにくい。自分で読んでて自然だと思うのなら、余計に問題だ。 Nature, Science 辺りを読んで、もっと平易な文章でも科学論文が書けることを見るべきだと思う。 違うかな?

  • taka_tora
  • ベストアンサー率56% (59/105)

こんにちは 意味は十分伝わってきます。 微修正した結果を以下に示しますので、ご参考に (私も#1さんが書かれている上級生以下のレベルかも知れませんので^^;、あくまで参考程度に) In the experiment of administering Isoprenaline to a rat, rat's heart rate went up. This shows that Isoprenaline stimulates a sympathetic nerve. And it shows that Isoprenaline caused decrease in blood pressure. (ここまで修正なし) In the experiment of administering to a rat, it was shown that cocaine caused decrease in rat's heart rate. On the other hand, its blood pressure was increased. (一文目のカンマの後を修正しました。また”hands”を”hand”に修正) Thus it is suggested that cocaine stimulates parasympathetic nerve involved in the decreasing of heart rate, and central nerve involved in the increasing of blood pressure. (Cocain の先頭を小文字に修正しました。また、副交感神経と中枢神経に関する記載部分を私の趣味で修正しました。意味が変わってしまっていたらごめんなさい)


上級生に見て貰った方が良いよ。述語的には素人だとかなりヤバイ内容だし、読んでいると頭痛くなってくるから。 まあ、書き直しだね。


  • 英訳お願いします。(ニューロン系の話です)

    One knows so little about these small companions to the neurons that the most diverse theories are possible and at present cannot be disproved. One should, however, keep in mind the fact that glia cells increase greatly in number whenever the nerve tissue becomes functionless due to a lesion or an interruption of the blood supply that has caused many neurons to die.

  • 英語の問題です。

    以下の問題の解答を教えて頂きたいです。 和訳もお願いします><。 【 hypercholesterolemia  hyperlipidemia  anorexia nervosa  obesity  malnutrition  alcoholic dependency 】 1. (    ) is a medical term for a condition caused by an improper or insufficient diet. 2. (    ) is a phychiatric eating disorder characterized by low body weight with an obsessive fear of gaining weight. 3. (    ) indicates the presence of high levels of cholesterol in the blood. 4. (    ) means the continued consumption of alcoholic beverages despire the health problems and negative social consequences. 5. (    ) is the presence of raised or abnormal levels of lipids or lipopoteins in the blood. 6. (     ) is a condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to such an extent that may be hermful to health.

  • 英語の自然なフレーズを教えてください

    駅ビルにいったら献血をやっていました。 今までは興味無かったけど、献血を初めてしました。 わずかですが人の役にたつことをやって行きたいと感じました。 I went to station, so I realized that there is donation of blood. Though I have not been interested in like that things, I tried to donate of blood today. I guess that I want to do anything which will be useful for social life. または、 I want to come involved in social life. すみません初心者です、最後の文は、少しでも社会の役にたつ活動に関わって行きたいという表現ですがまったくわかりません。 自然なフレーズを教えてください。

  • えいご

    I do not know Japanese comedians. I watched a lot of different Japanese humorous shows on YouTube. In Japan, make interesting and exciting TV shows. I really like to watch I read that from May in Japan there will be a new era of Rave. Tell me what will happen in the future and what will change in Japan? Raveの意味は?きがくるう?レイワ? 即位のことですかよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語に自信のある方、英訳お願い致します。

    The aim of the physician in the treatment of insanity is to bring the means at his command to bears, directly or indirectly,on the disordered nerve element.But,in striving to do this,he soon learns with how many bodily organs and fuctions he has really to do. To call mind a function of the brain may lead to much misapprehention,if it be thereby supposed that the brain is the only organ which is concerned in the function of mind.There is not an organ in the body which is not in intimate relation with the brain by means of its paths of nervous communication,which has not ,so to speak,a special correspondence with it through internuncial fibres,and which does not,therefore affect more or less plainly and specially its[its=the brain's]function as an organ of mind.It is not merely that apalpitating heart may cause anxiety and apprehension,or a disordered liver[may cause]gloomy feelings,but there are reasons to believe that each organ has its specific influence on the constitution and function of mind:an influence not yet to be set forth scientifically,because it is exerted on that unconscious mental life which is the basis of all that we consciously feel and think. Were the heart of one man to be placed in the body of another it would probably make no difference in the circulation of the blood,but it make a real difference in the temper of his mind.So close is the physiological sympathy of parts in the commonwealth of the body that it is necessary in the physiological study of mind to regard it as a function of the whole organism,as comprehending the whole bodily life.

  • 英語の並び替え問題

    実験を成功させるためには、大きな装置が必要である。 For(1.the 2.to 3.a 4.succeed, 5.experiment 6.we 7.need)large set of equipment. 軸受けの精度は、機械装置全体の精度を左右する一要素に過ぎない。 Bearing precision is (1.one 2.just 3.of 4.the 5.factor 6.controlling 7.precision)the total machine system. ウイルスによって引き起こされる病気は、たいてい治すのが難しい。 A disease that is(1.caused 2. often 3.a virus 4.to 5.by 6.is 7.difficult) cure. 回答お願いします。

  • どなたか英語が得意な方いましたら英訳の添削よろしくお願いします”

    日本→魚介類や野菜を多く摂取する食文化で、心疾患の発症が極端に抑制される。 In Japan, the onset of the heart trouble is extremely restrained by Japanese food culture which intakes a lot of fishery products and vegetables. 一方、塩分の摂取量は多いため、これが脳血管障害を引き起こす原因となっている。 On the other hand, it cause cerebrovascular disorder because Japan has many intakes of the salt. ところが、脳血管障害の最大の原因である高血圧が治療可能になったことから、これによる死亡者を減らすことに成功 However, it is succeeded to reduce the death rate by this because the high blood pressure which causes the cerebrovascular disorder can cure. 欧米諸国→肉類中心の食文化で、高コレステロールにより高い確立で心疾患が引きこされる。  In the American and European countries, a heart trouble is caused by their meat-centered food culture which is based on high cholesterol. よって、たまたま日本が先進国の中で世界一の長寿国となった。 As a result, Japan happens to became a world's top longevity country in developed nations.

  • 英語の誤文訂正問題です

    以下の英文の1~10の中で謝りを含む箇所はありますか? (1) The history of animal species/(2) shows that/(3) the most successful/(4) in the struggle/(5) for survival/(6) has been/(7) those which/(8) were most adaptable/(9) to changes/(10) in their world.

  • 英語

    1.She started drinking and staying out late at night,((1)what (2)which (3)in whom it (4)to which she) caused her parents a great deal of anxiety. 2.His hair was going gray,(1)which (2)what (3)that (4)its) fact bothered his wife a great deal. 3.When taking a test,many people have ((1)to be so (2)to collect (3)that's (4)what's) called "test anxiety". 4.His hard work made the company ((1)which (2)what (3)how (4)that)it is today. できれば訳もお願い致します。

  • 訳をお願いいたします!

    確認をしたいのでよろしくお願いいたします! In the middle of the war on terrorism, the federal government needs a more secure system to protect the hoeland , one that doesn't depend on the chance rate of 60%. Unfortunately, most of the devices now available, like the polygraph, detect not the lie but anxiety about the lie. The polygraph measures physiological responses to stress, like increases in blood pressure and rate of breathing , and so on. So it can miss the most dangerous liars: the ones who don't care that they're lying, or have been been trained to lie. It can also miss the true believers willing to die for the cause.