• ベストアンサー



  • drmuraberg
  • ベストアンサー率71% (847/1183)

「負の値(遺産やエネルギー等)の増加」という事実を強調しなくても良ければ、 Fig.1 shows (または As is shown in Fig. 1) the value XXX decreases monotonously with increasing angle and becomes negative in large angle regionでも良いかと思います。 何か「負・・・」を強調しなければならないような事情がお有りですか。



ありがとうございます。 現象として負の値の増加についての記載が主な結果です。


  • 統計学の問題なんですが

    Spiders Webs' angles to the vertical of the Earth's surface are recorded. 25 12 31 26 17 15 24 10 16 12 のデータがあって Mean=18.8 Standard deviation=7.16 このデータのグラフがNegative skewdまでは自分で解けたのですがその後がどう解いたらいいかわかりません。 1)Is there graphical and numerical evidence that the distribution of web angles is skewed? Explain. Contrast the sample mean and median for this data. 2)Compute the interval which contains observations within one standard deviation of the mean. Which web angles fall outside this interval? What proportion of the data lie within the interval? 3)What is the largest web angle? How many standard deviations does the maximum lie above the mean?

  • 微分

    英文での質問ですみません、以下が問題です。 The diagram shows the curve with equation y = x(x-2)². The minimum point on the curve has coordinates (a, 0) and the x-coordinate of the maximum point is b, where a band b are constants. 1)State the value of a. 2) Find the value of b. 3)Find the area of the shaded region 4)The gradient, dy/dx, of the curve has a minimum value m. Find the value of m. 答えは1)a=2 2) b=2/3 3)4/3 4) 印刷が悪くて答えが見えません。 1)は大丈夫です。 2)以降がよくわかりません。 bの値を求める為にしたことは、傾き=0を求めようと y = x(x-2)² を微分しました。 多分これがきちんと出来ていない為 2)以降が出来ないと思うのですが。 y = x(x-2)²→y=x³-4x²+4x,  dy/dx=3x²-4x+4 何だか怪しい数字になるのでchain rule を使ってdy/dxを出してみると4x-4と全く違う答えになってしまいます。 どうやって解いたらいいのか教えて頂ければ助かります。

  • この英文を和訳してほしいです。

    Because the cathode ray is attracted by the plate bearing positive charges and repelled by the plate bearing negative charges, it must consist of negatively charges particles. We know these negatively charges particles as electrons. Figure 2.4 shows the effect of a bar magnet on thecathode ray. この英文を和訳してください。お願いします。

  • 統計学用語の英訳

    すみませんが、以下の英語を日本語でなんと言うか教えていただけないでしょうか。宜しくお願い致します。 1. Exponential Smoothing General Additive Index Model General Multiplicative Index Model Simple Exponential Smoothing Holt Exponential Smoothing Multiplicative Winters Additive Winters 2. Discrete Distributions (Increases confidence limits of standard models; useful when there are a lot of zeros in the historical data) Poisson Distribution Negative Binomial Distribution 3. Croston's Intermittent Demand Model 4. Curve Fitting 5. Box-Jenkins Statistical Model 6. Dynamic Regression

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    The principal factor that determines whether a nucleus is stable is the neutron-to-proton ratio. For stable atoms of elements having low atomic number, the n/p value is close to 1. As the atomic number increases, the neutron-to-proton ratios of the stable nuclei become greater than 1. This deviation at higher atomic numbers arises because a larger number of neutrons is needed to counteract the strong repulsion among the protons and stabilize the nucleus. この英文を和訳してください。核化学に関する英文です。

  • 【和訳】和訳をお願いします。

    国連の世界貿易レポートを読んでいるのですが、イマイチ理解できません。 大変長い文章ですが、和訳していただけませんでしょうか。 どうかよろしくお願いします。 As noted above, GVC participation – or the role that individual countries play in international production networks – is driven by many different factors, from size of the economy to industrial structure and level of industrialization, composition of exports and positioning in value chains, policy elements, and others. As a result, countries with very different characteristics may be very similar in the ranking of GVC participation (figure IV.9). The GVC participation of many countries relates substantially to GVC interactions within their respective regions. Instead of a global reach, most value chains have a distinctive regional character, as shown in figure IV.10. North and Central American value chain links are especially strong, as are intra- European Union ones. The largest extraregional bilateral GVC flows are between Germany and the United States, China and Germany, and Japan and the United States, in that order. The share of global value added trade captured by developing economies is increasing rapidly. It grew from about 20 per cent in 1990, to 30 per cent in 2000, to over 40 per cent in 2010. As a group, developing and transition economies are capturing an increasing share of the global value added trade pie (figure IV.11). As global trade grows, developed economies appear to rely increasingly on imported content for their exports, allowing developing countries to add disproportionately to their domestic value added in exports. Some of the larger emerging markets, such as India, Brazil, Argentina and Turkey, have relatively low GVC participation rates. These countries may have lower upstream participation levels, both because of the nature of their exports (natural resources and services exports tend to have less need for imported content or foreign value added) and because larger economies display a greater degree of self-sufficiency in production for exports. They may also have lower downstream participation levels because of a focus on exports of so-called final-demand goods and services, i.e. those not used as intermediates in exports to third countries. Investment and trade are inextricably intertwined. Much of trade in natural resources is driven by large cross-border investments in extractive industries by globally operating TNCs. Market-seeking foreign direct investment (FDI) by TNCs also generates trade, often shifting arm’slength trade to intra-firm trade. Efficiency-seeking FDI, through which firms seek to locate discrete parts of their production processes in low-cost locations, is particularly associated with GVCs; it increases the amount of trade taking place within the international production networks of TNCs and contributes to the “double counting” in global trade flows discussed in this report.

  • 経常利益増加率⇒マイナス÷マイナスは?

    経営分析を始めてやっています。 経常利益増加率の計算方法は、何処にでも載っているのですが・・・ 経常利益増加率=(今期経常利益-前期経常利益)÷前期経常利益×100で求められます。 例えば、前年の経常利益が-4,500,000で今期の経常利益が-5,500,000だったら、マイナスとマイナスの割算が、いきなり分からなくなってしまいました。この数字の計算式と指標の仕方を教えて下さい。

  • 工学系英語論文の和訳

    こんにちは。 工学系英語論文の和訳で、わからないところがあったので質問致します。 分散分析とt検定について書かれているのはわかるのですが、よく意味がわかりません。 たぶん、統計についての知識が足りないことがわからない原因だと思いますが.... おわかりになる方がいらっしゃれば、ご教授よろしくお願い致します。 For the SCRs, an ANOVA with Gaze(direct,averted) and Expression(smiling,neutral)as within-subject factors resulted in them a in effects of Gaze, F(1, 18) = 20.06, p < 0.001, η2p= 0.53, andExpression, F(1, 18) = 15.60, p = 0.001, η2p= 0.46, and a Gaze × Expression in teraction, F(1, 18) = 5.26, p = 0.034,η2p= 0.23. Follow-uppaired-samples t-tests indicated larger SCRs for the direct vs. averted gaze both in the neutral, t(18) = 3.04, p = 0.007, and in the smiling face, t(18) = 4.66, p < 0.001. Further more, SCRs were significantly greater for the direct gaze in the smiling vs. neutral face t(18) = 4.88, p < 0.001, but for the averted gaze, this difference was only marginally significant, t(18) = 2.08, p = 0.052. Figure2 shows the mean SCRs as a function of gaze direction and facial expression.

  • 医療系論文の和訳の添削をお願いします. その1

    今年も宜しくお願いすます. 日本語で同じ意味に訳せる単語使われており,訳語として何がふさわしいのか迷っています. The characteristic spectral features of BCC were enhanced by calculating a difference spectrum BCC minus dermis (spectrum 3 of Fig 2c), which shows a high amount of lipids and nucleic acids (Fig 2c). Table I represents the specific band assignments of the Raman peaks in the difference spectrum. The bands at 856 cm-1 and 936 cm-1 in the spectrum of the collagen-rich tumor-free dermis, are a typical feature of collagen spectra and are due to proline and protein backbone vibrations (C=C stretching). BCCの典型的なスペクトルの特徴は,BCCマイナス真皮により計算される差スペクトルにより向上させられた(図2Cのスペクトル3)が,大量の脂質および核酸を示す 意訳:BCCのスペクトルから真皮のスペクトルを差し引いた差スペクトルにより典型的なBCCのスペクトルの特徴がより明確になったが,脂質と核酸が確認された(図2Cのスペクトル3). 表1は差スペクトルのラマンピークの固有のバンドの帰属を意味する.コラーゲンの多い腫瘍のない真皮のスペクトルの856cm-1および936cm-1のバンドは典型的なコラーゲンスペクトルの特徴であり,(そしてそれは)プロリン(アミノ酸の一種)および蛋白質の主鎖の振動に起因する(C=C伸縮).

  • 医療系論文(和訳)の添削をお願いします.

    QNo.6402410(QNo.6402410)の続きです.どなたか添削をお願いします.特に最後の文に自信がありません. The characteristic spectral features of BCC were enhanced by calculating a difference spectrum BCC minus dermis (spectrum 3 of Fig 2c), which shows a high amount of lipids and nucleic acids (Fig 2c). Table I represents the specific band assignments of the Raman peaks in the difference spectrum (Erfurth and Peticolas, 1975). The bands at 856 cm±1 and 936 cm±1 in the spectrum of the collagen-rich tumor-free dermis, are a typical feature of collagen spectra and are due to proline and protein backbone vibrations (C-C stretching) (Frushour and Koenig, 1975). BCCの典型的なスペクトルの特徴は“BCC-真皮”の差スペクトル(図3 2Cのスペクトル3)を意味する.表1は異なるスペクトル中のラマンピークの固有のバンド(特性散乱の波数のこと?)の帰属(assignment)(Erfurth and Peticolas, 1975)を意味する.コラーゲンの多い腫瘍フリーの真皮中の856cm-1および936cm-1はコラーゲンのスペクトルの典型的な特徴であり,プロリン(アミノ酸の一種,ゼラチンに多く含まれる)およびたんぱく質の主鎖の振動(C-C 伸縮)によるものである(Frushour and Koenig, 1975).