• ベストアンサー

訳があっているかお教えください Some rats jumped out their houses into the street.

Some rats jumped out their houses into the street. (ネズミたちは通りの中の彼らの家から飛び出ました。) これはハーメルンの笛吹きの英語文章の一文です。 前後の文章から、their=ハーメルンの街の住人たち と自分では解釈しております。 Some rats = S (ネズミたち) jumped out = V (飛び出した) their houses into the street = O (通りの中の彼らの家) の第三文型 だと思って訳してみたのですが、どうも不自然です。 この翻訳が間違っていましたらご指摘ください。 また、英語復習組みで流暢に扱えないので、できるだけ直訳に近い文章でご教授くださると助かります。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数24


  • ベストアンサー
  • Parismadam
  • ベストアンサー率65% (2756/4211)

はじめまして。 1.文法的には以下のように分解できます。 Some rats:主語S「数匹の鼠が」 jumped out:他動詞V「飛び出した」 their houses:目的語O「家を」 into the street:場所を表す副詞句M「通りの中へ」 となり、SVOの第3文型になります。 2.jumped out: (1)このoutは元々「外へ」という副詞になります。 (2)副詞として動詞jumpを修飾し、jump outで(直訳)「外へ飛ぶ」→(意訳)「飛びだす」という意味になります。 (3)jump outの他動詞はjumpの部分だけですが、outが動詞を修飾し意味付けしているので、ひとまとまりの動詞句として扱います。 3.into the street: (1)intoは「~の中へ」という方向を表す前置詞です。 (2)into the streetは鼠が家を飛び出して向かう場所を表す副詞句として、動詞jumpを修飾しているのです。 4.以上を踏まえて訂正訳は 例1: 「ネズミたちは彼らの家から飛び出して、通りの中に逃げて行きました。」 例2: 「ネズミたちは家から通りに飛び出して行きました。」 となります。 以上ご参考までに。



ご解答感謝致します。 「M」は副詞句なのですね。勉強が追いつかず、辞書にあっても何を示すのかわかりませんでした。 jump outはつまり、群動詞というものなのですね! 手元の辞書が高校生向けなので、細かな用法は載っておらず、一つ一つの文法から読み解かなければなりません… なので用法をお教えくださり、すごく助かりました。ありがとうございます。

その他の回答 (2)

  • Hideto123
  • ベストアンサー率30% (126/420)

jump out A into B で、 AからBへと飛び出す です。 (Aから飛び出して、Bへ入っていく)が直訳ですね。 文中の their が、町の住民なのか、ねずみたちなのかは、 本文を見ていないので、わかりませんが、 ごく自然に訳せば・・・・ ネズミたちは、(自分たちが住処にしている)家から通りへと(道路へと) 飛び出した  のです、きっと。



ご解答感謝致します。 自分の間違いが解ってきました…! their housesをネズミの巣食っている家という認識で持つと、しっくりくるのですね。 ネズミの家なんてありえない、と頭から思っていたため、妙な訳になってしまったみたいです。

  • T-Simoo
  • ベストアンサー率46% (37/80)

"Jumped out the house"でgoogle検索→10件 "jumped out the"→283,00件 "jumped out the window"→235,000件 jump out a window なら英和活用辞典にも口語として「窓から飛び出る」の意味で載っています。 もしかしてjumped out of their housesかも? であれば「ねずみたちは家を飛び出して通りへ繰り出した」という自然な意味になりますが。



ご解答感謝します。 googleなどで英文を検索して文法を把握する方法は初めて知りました。 そのような手段があったのですね。 今後は活用したいと思います。


  • どういう意味なのか分かりません。訳をお願いします!

    Give me some sentences in english to write out in Japanese. とはどういう意味ですか? 日本語の文章が欲しいのか、英語の文章が欲しいのか、理解できません・・・。 わかる方、どうか意味を教えて下さい!

  • With the Camorra out of ~

    以下の文章の訳を教えていただけないでしょうか。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 With the Camorra out of the way Marco set his sights on the chief of police, hoping to strong-arm him into some kinda deal.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします 6

    お願いします!!続き People put their garbage in large clay pots stuck into the floor in rooms along the edge of the street.Some of these large jars set into the ground may have served as toilets that laborers cleaned out every so often.Most houses also had bathing areas and drains that emptied into pots or larger drains in the street. The system worked really well,as long as the merchants kept coming and paying the taxes that built the walls and drains and paid the laborers who maintained them.But by about 1900 BCE,after 700 comfortable years, things began to change.For reasons scholars still don't fully understand,fewer traders were willing to risk the dangers of traveling through desert and forest.We know there were fewer traders because archaeologists have found fewer valuable items from distant places.Because fewer traders were paying taxes,the cities could no longer afford to keep up their walls and inspectors.Changes in the course of the Indus River and its tributaries,combined with increased flooding may well have added to Harappa's problems.There may have been other reasons as well.Reasons that can only be found with further excavations.And someday,perhaps we will be able to read the Indus script.

  • 訳せてますか?

    ※物語の抜き出した文章なのでbabiesは子リスで訳してます。 In a few months the babies would be big enough to leave their home. 2、3ヶ月もすれば子リスは十分に大きくなり、家を離れるでしょう。 訳せてますか?(泣) 英語とても苦手です(T-T) 他にいい訳あれば教えてください!

  • 日本語訳をお願いします 5

    お願いします!!続き When the marchants entered the city,inspectors stationed at the gates broke open the sealed bundles of trade goods to examine what the merchants had brought to sell.The merchants probably had to pay a tax for the right to sell their goods in the city.After the inspectors had decided how much tax to charge and the merchants had paid,they were free to take their goods to the market.When inspectors broke the clay sealing on a bundle of goods,they would throw it into the street,where it would dissolve with the rains.But sometimes the clay sealing was swept into the trash and burned.Archaeologists later found these hardened sealings. Customers bought things with grain and finished goods such as stone beads or textiles(cloth),which the merchant could trade somewhere else.When the day's trading was done,the merchant took his pay to the gateway.After the inspectors had examined and weighed the grain and finished goods,they may have sealed each bundle with a small lump of clay stamped with the city official's mark to show that the merchant had paid his exit taxes.Then the merchant could leave. By 2600 BCE,baked-brick houses filled Harappa and drains removed dirty water from the city.Each walled neighborhood had its own market and craft workshops.Potters and metalsmiths built their workshops at the ddges of the settlement,so that the cinders from their furnaces and kilns would not land on nearby houses.Copper craftsmen worked along the southern edge of the city.The winds usually came from the north and would blow the smoke and cinders away from the city. People built houses with small rooms,some of which were used for storing food.Households opened onto courtyards that served as kitchens and workshops.Some houses had two stories with stairs along one wall.Almost every house had a flat roof that people used for sleeping in the summer and as extra work space.

  • 訳してください!

    どなたか訳してくださいませんか>_<?? I enjoyed“BasebollDogs”verymuch. Rio jumped into the water and brought a baseball back to the boat.Rio looked really happy.Ididn't know about BARK before.It's a team of dogs like Rio.They were once street dogs,but they practiced hard their own home and a job.

  • 英訳のチェックをお願いします…

    原文:彼らは、彼らの家を訪問した子供たちに、少しのお金と食べ物を与えた。 私の訳:They gave the children who visited their house some money and food. *SVOOで、OとOの間が関係代名詞WHOで隔てられまわりくどい気がします…? *「彼らの家」が、もし各々の家庭を指しているならHOUSESであり、もし「彼ら」が一緒に1つの家に住んでいるならHOUSE とすればよいですか?*「少しの」をLITTLEとしたら、「けちくさくもほんの少ししか与えない」というネガティブな印象は与えますか?

  • テスト勉強に訳がほしいです。お願いします

    I spent hours poring over that map, long before my family ever moved into the house that we eventually bought,with that V.A. loan,at 5179 Eliots Oak Road the neighborhood of Longfellow the Village of Harper’s Choice. To me the remarkable thing about those names was not their oddity but the simple fact that most of them referred to locations that did not exist. They were like magic spells,each one calibrated to call into being one particular stretch of blacktop,sidewalk,and lawn,and no other. In time-I witnessed it with my own eyes,month by month,year by year-the street demanded by the formula “Darkbush Terrace” or “Night Roost” would chum up out of the Maryland mud and clay, begin to sprout houses, trees, a tidy blue-and-white identifying sign. It was a Powerful demonstration to me of the incantatory power of names and naming.

  • 2つの短文を一つにするには?

    2つの短文を合わせて一つの文章にしばければいけないのですが、どうすれば良いのかよくわかりません。誰か教えてください。 (1)I saw the hit. I caught the ball. (2)Steve slid into homeplate. We had a tie game! (3)The ball was hit. I jumped up. It landed in my glove. (4)Jason threw three strikes. It was the final out. We won.

  • call them out

    I strongly dislike—or don’t fully trust—some of my husband’s friends and family. Although the family has accepted me with open arms, his father, the father’s side of the family, some of my husband’s friends, and their wives occasionally use cultural stereotypes. I’m the only person of color and the newest addition to the group; while I don’t want to be pegged as “the sensitive minority,” I also feel that my silence means acceptance of their words. My husband is totally accepting of others, never stereotypes anyone, and recognizes that these “joking” comments are offensive. But the one time I pushed him to respond to an offensive forwarded email, he dragged his feet, which was disappointing. I feel that since they’re his friends and family HE should be the one to say something, but I understand that he doesn’t want to get into an argument with people who raised him/whom he grew up with, and whom he loves. Is there a polite way to call them out on their words, or should I just leave this alone since 1) we don’t often see them and 2) they don’t say this stuff all of the time? call them out on their wordsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします