• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:高校の英文の訳について)



  • ベストアンサー

僕も翻訳家ではないので参考までに。。 TVが人々を~している→TVのせいで(人々が)暴力的になっている。 一般に無生物主語は、副詞的(ここでは「~のせいで」)に開くと日本語として不自然でなくなるとされます。あと、文脈にもよりますが、people,we,などは、訳出しない方が自然なこともままあります。 二番は特に何も。あえて言うなら無生物を前面に出すと「テレビでは~行為が放映されるのに」くらいでしょう。こっちがむしろ不自然かも。 三番は、「テレビのもつ(最も~)」の抜けと、あとは、「~し得るかです」を「し得るか、ということです/という側面です」を入れる方がしっかり来るかも。 四番は、僕が訳すなら「子どもたちを社会的、道徳的価値観に触れさせ、そういった価値観を子供たちの中にはぐくむという(親が担うべき)役割の多くの部分は、今やテレビが受け持っており、親の代わりとなる場面が多くなりすぎてしまっている。」 この文章は、おそらく、テレビが親の代わりをする場面が多くなりすぎていることを嘆く感じだと思います。(tooからマイナスっぽさが伝わってきます。)なので、「~なりすぎてしまっている」とマイナスっぽくしました。この流れで考えて、and developing them in him or her. (これ自体は子供の成長に必要なので、プラスのこと=親が責任を持ってになうべきものとわかります)を、TVを主語にするのではなく、parentが意味上の主語になっているworkにかけます。(原文ではworkの前にtheが入っていてよさそうに思えるんですが、入ってませんか?)あと、最後の「心の面で子供たちを発達させています」はごまかしたのがバレバレです。笑themはvaluesをさしているのをはっきりとわかるようにしましょう。 僕のも拙い訳なんで、ほかの回答者さんどんどんつっこんでください。



ご回答ありがとうございます!! 四番目の訂正箇所が特に参考になりました。 あと、 ご指摘されたようにmost of the workです。打ち損ねました>< ごめんなさい。


  • not の位置について

    How could this not happen when it presents violent acts, often with guns and knives, as normal and common occurrences? この文について質問です。 まず、not の位置です。この位置でもOKなんでしょうか? How couldn't this happen ~ との違いは何かあるのでしょうか? 次に、when it presents violent acts の部分です。 このit は何を指しているのでしょうか?ちなみに前の文はこうです。 There is evidence that TV does in fact lead people to accept more violence in everyday life. it が指しているのはviolence なんでしょうか? またwhen it presents violent acts はどう訳せばいいでしょうか? 『暴力的な行動が現実に起こるとき』でいいでしょうか? そして最後に、often with guns and knives, の部分について質問なんですが、 この部分はコンマで区切られていますが、これは挿入でしょうか?どう訳せばいいのでしょうか? 教えてください。 お願いします。

  • 英文の訳が分かりません

    英文の訳が分かりません。 in representing the coffee-house these literary materials , more than anything else, established and confirmed the place of coffee in modern urban life. It is in the nature of satire to exaggerate what it describes, to heighten foolishness and vice, and to portray its material in the most colourful language. The coffee-house satires can nevertheless be considered not only as works of literature but also as historical evidence: these low and crude satires are not a simple criticism of coffee-house life, but part of their conversation, one voice in the ongoing discussion of the social life of the city. この英文をできれば全訳していただけると嬉しいです。

  • この英文の訳を教えて下さい

    英文は nursing  Health care profession concerned with providing care to the sick and disabled and with promoting,maintaining,and restoring health.Nurses perform mamy different services,including research,education,andpatient consultation.They often coordinate their services with physicians and other health providers.  The need for nursing is uniuersal.The International Council of Nurses states that the function of nursing is fourfold-to promote health,prevent illness,restore health,and alleviate suffering-and that inherent in nursing is “the respect for life,dignity and the rights of man. It is unrestricted by considerations of nationality,race,creed,colour,age,sex,politics or social status. Nurses render health services to individuals,the family and the community and co-ordinate their services with those of related groups.” です。 訳がわからなくて困っています。 よかっから教えて下さい。 お願いします。

  • 和約の添削お願いします・・・

    以下の英文の和訳を添削お願いします!特に最後の文がよく分からないので、解説してくれませんか?お願いします・・・ In many parts of the world, the influence of television is a matter of increasing concern. For years, critics of television have concentrated on the issue of the program content -- particularly violence -- as it affects viewers. The problem seems especially serious with regard to younger children. There is evidence that TV does in fact lead people to accept more violence in everyday life. How could this not happen when it presents violent acts, often with guns and knives, as normal and common occurrences ?   世界の多くの地域において、高まっている懸念の問題は、テレビに及ぼす影響です。 何年もの間、視聴者に悪い影響を与えるとともに、テレビの評論家は、放送番組内容の論点に・・・特に暴力・・・の問題に集中しました。 その問題は、幼い子供たちに関して特に深刻なようである。 日常生活の中で、実際にテレビが人々に多く暴力を受け入れさせるという証拠があります。 だからよく銃とナイフで暴力的な行為をもたらす、典型的で普通の様なでき事を、どうやって起こらないでしょうか?

  • 以下の英文訳で困っています!!

    以下の英文訳で困っています!! どのように訳すのでしょうか? お暇なときで構いません、よろしくお願いします。 Innovation and investment Agrodiversity can be viewed in two ways. One way is to see it as the contribution of skillful but essentially passive adaptation to local diversity in the context of changing conditions. Another is to stress innovations that impose greater control on the farming environment. Both are elements of diversity and sometimes both are present in the same general region, the same community territory, and even on the same farm. Ecological niches are carefully selected, but whereas some are used with little modification of the land surface and biota and others are managed in a uniform manner, still others are used only by the creation of substantial and enduring physical changes. These are the so-called landesque capital, investments with a life expectation well beyond the present crop or crop cycle. Landesque capital is defined by Blaikie and Brookfield (1987:9) as “any investment in land with an anticipated life beyond that of the present crop, or crop cycle. The creation of landesque capital involves substantial saving of labor and other inputs for future production.” The term was developed within agricultural economics, and I cannot recall from where I borrowed it when I first used it in 1984. In the broad field of cultural ecology it is often attributed to me, but unfortunately I cannot claim that credit. Landesque capital includes terraces, irrigation and drainage system, large mounds, and deliberate changes in the mixture of trees grown on land that has been cultivated. Landesque capital also includes soils that are so modified by their users as to be almost manufactured, as will be discussed in chapter 5. 長文で申し訳ないです・・・

  • 英文の訳をお願いします。

    友人が"Only"について教えてくれているようなのですが、詳しく知りたいので力を貸して頂けますでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。 "Only" refers to it being something and nothing else. For example if I said "I only eat vegetables." That would mean that I eat vegetables and not meat, chicken, fish etc. In the context I used it in ("It's only cold in the mornings,") it would mean that it is cold in the morning, but it is not cold during the rest of the day. In a different context it could mean that it is always cold never hot, warm or cool in the morning. A clearer way to say what I meant that would have my intended meaning regardless of context would be "It is cold in the mornings only."

  • 私には難しい英文で・・・訳をお願い出来ませんか!?

    There are two types of basic sensations: “pressure” (associated with a “tension headache”) and “sharp pains” which might be due to a migraine if they are on one side and behind the eye. If you have a headache that lasts longer than normal you should get it checked. Like the word “nightmare,” a “headache” can describe a situation that is quite difficult or emotionally draining: On a less serious note, another problem related to skin is pimples, which often seem to come at the wrong time and in embarrassing places! There is a lot of speculation about some of the causes of pimples. Some doctors say that our diet is an influence, whereas others say it is not and encourage instead the use of various creams and steroids (more money for them of course).

  • この英文を和訳してほしいです。

    Senescence, according to the dictionary, simply means the process or condition of "growing old". However, to biologists and psychologists it connotes "those manifestations in structure and function of a declining or deteriorating nature which take place during the period of life when the mortality rate of a population is accelerated". It also implies progressive and irreversible deterioration. Thus, the connotations are entirely negative. It ignores all the recovery, restoration, growth, development, and improvement of abilities that are possible as humans age. The assumption that senescence or deterioration is all there is to human aging is a negative from of ageism. On the other hand, to deny the senescence or declines in function that usually accompany aging is a positive from of ageism. Senility is defined as "the physical and mental infirmity of old age. It is not actually a medical or scientific term, but it is often used by doctors and laypeople alike to "explain" the behavior and condition of older people. Many of the reactive emotional responses of older people, such as depression, grief, and anxiety, are labeled senility and mistakenly considered to be irreversible and untreatable. This is another form of ageism. Actual brain damage from cerebral arteriosclerosis or Alzheimer's disease probably accounts for only about half of the mental disorders in old age. Only 5 to 10 percent of those over 65 have mental disorders severe enough to interfere with normal function.

  • この英文の訳を…

    英語の課題で教科書の本文をなるべく忠実、かつ違和感のないように訳さなければならないのですが、どうしても分からない文章があったので、訳をしていただけないでしょうか。 ちなみに、一つ目の文の中に出てくるhanded downの意味が調べても分かりませんでした…;; ・Since we have often handed down our history in the form of legends, the belief in Niraikanai and the legend of Urashima Taro may possibly reflect the memory of people who used to live in old Ryukyu. ・Will it cause a big change in our understanding of human history, or will it be nothing but "smoke"?

  • 英文の訳

    英文でわからなかった文がありました。訳を教えてください。 In the United States, for example, many cities do not have a 13th street; man buildings do not have a 13th floor. It is surprising, though, that the number 13 is considered unlucky in the United States. The country was originally divided into 13 states. On the dollar bill there is a picture of an incomplete pyramid with 13 steps. The bald eagle carries an Olive branch in one of its claws with 13 leaves and 13 berries on it. In the other claw it is holding 13 arrows, and above its head there are 13 stars. 宜しくお願い致します。