• 締切済み




状況がよくわかりませんが あってると思いますよ 問題は、 結局私はどうしたらいいのよ?ということだと思いますので 質問者の方が買値をつけたほう + 前回のメールに書かれた売値>買値だった と仮定して 再度相手に「お言葉に甘えて私の買値で買わせてください」といってOKしてもらえば一番すっきりするのではないでしょうか? ちなみにこんな感じで伝わると思います hello Thanks for the mail and I am sorry for the misunderstanding which probably puzzled you. ---メールいただきどうもありがとうございます。 また、困惑させるような誤解があったようで申し訳ありません。 I checked the last mail and got your cost was actually " " ←売値入れてください ---前のメール(最後のメール)を見て、あなたの売値は”○○”だったと確認しました。 However, I would be very grateful if you can sell me with the price I bid," "←買値を入れてください, like your suggestion in the mail! ---しかしながら、あなたがメールで提案してくださったとおり、私の買値"○○"で売ってくださるならとってもありがたいです。 Let me make it sure again. ---もう一度確認させてくださいね。 I will pay " "←ここに送料やら色々計算した結果をいれてください for you. Is it okay? If there is misunderstanding again, tell me. ---私はあなたに"○○"(ドル?円?)払います。いいでしょうか? もしまた誤解しているようなら、教えてください。 Thanks in Advance ---よろしくおねがいします Regards, どうでしょうか ところどころおかしい英語かもしれませんがそれはご愛嬌ということで 意図していることは伝わるとおもいます


  • 英語がご堪能な方、翻訳をお願致します。

    以下文の翻訳をお願いいたします。 Well, I have not really dont that before, what are you thinking about and what do you think is fair price wise for me to send you those? I will have to ship them to my location first. お力をお貸しください。 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。新作商品の案内メールが届いたのですがすみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 Nice to hear from you, hope you are well. I have forwarded your email to my colleague Chloe who is the Digital Marketin Manager and will send you all the relative documents. Please let me know what styles you prefer from the AW16 instock colelction we have.

  • 英文の添削お願いします!!

    文法的におかしなところや、スペース、ここは大文字(小文字)だってところなど、チェックをお願いします!!(ひとかたまりが1文です)間違いなさそうだったら、OKだと入れてくださるのも非常に助かります!! (1)If I could reach the stars,I would take one for you, and it would shine in your heart forever like my love. (2)Do you remember? The way you hold me. You looked into my eyes and said ‘I love you'. You caressed and said nothing. But it meant more than the chance to hold me and kiss my sweet lips. (3)I'll stand by you forever. (4)Love may be sometimes hard to show. But I love you more than you could ever know. (5)My love for you is as endless as the universe. (6)Our friendship,love,and life together begins today. (7)Our new story begins now with all blessings. We roll up one page. (8)Summer,the fresh air,the fregrant breeze and the flowers under our feet. The blanket of stars is above us. We dream in it … (9)We have love to blind us. We have laughter to unwind us. Because we have fate to find each other. (10)We exchange an eternal promise and bigin to walk. (11)I pledge my self to love,respect and sincerity. (12)I love you from the bottom of my heart. I may not always show it but I do love you.

  • この英文を訳してもらえませんか?

    この英文を訳してもらえませんか? Hello dear new friend, how are you today i hope that every things is ok with you as is my pleassure to contact you after viewing your profile which really interest me in having communication with you if you will have the desire with me so that we can get to know each other better and see what happened in future. i will be very happy if you can write me through my email for easiest communication and to know all about each other,here is my email (****@yahoo.com) i will be waiting to hear from you as i wish you all the best for your day. yours new friend linda

  • 英文を教えて下さい。

    英語圏の友人から届いたメールです。食事会の事でメールが来ました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 Not a problem and we love to have the interpreter join us. Haven't picked the restaurant, was waiting to hear what your preference in food is so let me know what kind of food you would like to eat and I will confirm the details tomorrow.

  • 至急英文を訳して下さい。

    I have alredy been asked to pay the government and contrat tax of =22,700 ponds which i have already paid now, but i'm having a little delay regarding my agreement with the agent here. The total money for the contract is=3.150m. The cheque of intial mobilization fee of =1,5000,000(50%)have been release but still with the agent, he refuse to release it to me unless i pay the 3% of the amount(=34,500)according to the agreement we reached when he secured the contract for me. I just checked my visa and mastere card but i could only get=15,750 ponds left. My lawyer is supporting me with = 5,200. After i got my cheque i will pay back to him. I just told my mum and best friend as they are looking around for the balance =13,550 for me but didn't promise to get all the amount. I need = 2200 pond left これは、2200ポンド私に要求しているんでしょうか?

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。インボイスの事や商品のラベルの事でメールが来ました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 It's been a while now since my last email. Your order has arrived all labelled and I have emailed the courier the details so that they could give me the correct price. I am hoping to get back to you tomorrow with the invoice. I am very sorry for the extremely long wait. I will do my very best that you do not wait this long next time. As I mentioned we have had shifts and half of our warehouse staff is now gone hence the delay. I will email you tomorrow your updated invoice.

  • 英文を教えて下さい。

    下記の英文の意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 How is your new years? Hope you had wonderful day. From this is year I became a ecommerce supervisor and AAA went to sales as VP of sales. I just wanted to inform you with couple of things. 1st our price will go up starting from February 1st. 2nd we would like to see more activities on Facebook page to increase facebook likes. Please let us know what can we help you to increase facebook likes.

  • 翻訳好きの方いませんか?

    海外の方からいただいたメールなのですが、翻訳アプリや、英会話の本も買ったりして勉強しているのですが、私の英語力ではちょっと翻訳が難しく困っています。丁寧にいただいたメールですし、返信しないのも日本人としてどうかと思い、どなたか翻訳が好きな方や英会話ができる方に通訳していただきたく、今回質問します。 こちらの文章です。よろしくお願いいたします。 It is almost 2200 hours here and cold. It doesn't get cold here often in Florida only a little bit in the winter. I'm great. It is nice to meet someone so far away, with the same passions in life for fishing. Where do you work? What kind of work do you do? Me I am a sales man. I love the outdoors fishing and hunting. I also have kids. I have two boys and one girl. They love to fish and hunt. What I was going to ask you about was with this new company Florida Gladesmen. I have been making shirts for my company and selling them. I now want to make my own shirts to sell and I would like to purchase the equipment in Japan. I was going to buy the equipment here in the US and found out it was made in Japan and wanted to see if I could find a better price there. The machine I am looking for is called a sublimation T-shirt printing machine. I am getting all the specifics on the equipment that they are selling here in the US. and I will email you tomorrow with the specifics. I would be glad to pay you for your services. Hopefully you will be able to find me a better price and I will be able to pay instead of the company here in the US. My last girlfriend move to Japan to become a teacher. I lost touch with her and was worried when the Tsunami hit if she was okay or not. It was terrible what happened to your people, I felt great sorrow. We'll let let me know I will be up for a few hours more here. What is the current temperature in Japan who you live?

  • 英文

    以下の英文の翻訳お願いできませんか? (1)What brought you here today? (2)I feel nauseous. (1)We'll perform an endoscopy to see if it is a gastric ulcer or stomach cancer. Don't eat any solid food for eight hours before the procedure. You may drink clear liquids up until two hours before. All right? (2)OK. How about a cup of coffee? (3)Better not. (4)Here's the fully checked, sterilized fiberscope, Doctor. (5)Good, now please take this pain reliever and lie on you left side. I'll slowly insert this fiberscope into your esophagus and then into your stomach. (1)It's an intracranial hematoma. (2)Left as it is, Shozo's hematoma will get larger, and eventually claim his life. (3)You can apply hemostat and remove it by surgery. (4)But... (5)It's at the basal region of his brain. (6)Surgery is difficult, and the aftereffects can be fatal, too---respiratory paralysis, uremia, and edema... (7)Here's the spot. (8)Well... (9)You think the company'll pay for the surgery? (10)Yes, definitely But... (11)What surgeon will dare such a stunt? (12)humph (1)I'm 71 years old,a window and on my way to visit my dauhter. I was in my car and all of a sudden I did not know where I was. (2)Have you told your family members about it? (3)Yes, they know about it. (4)What made you come here? (5)My daughter generator I see you. (1)I have a throbbing headache. (2)My hands and feet often shake. (3)I have dificulty falling asleep. (4)I feel dizzy when I stand up. (5)I am forgetful these days. (6)My grandfather is in a coma. (1)What made you come here? (2)My hands and feet often shake. (1)We're going to give you an MRI. Please take off any metal or magnetic objects:jewelry watches,coins, keys,and credit cards. Do you have a pacemaker? (2)No. (3)Have you ever had brain surgery? (4)No, I haven't. (5)You may hear a persistent hammering sound, but it's just to generator your body image. So, please don't worry about it.