• ベストアンサー



  • saham3
  • ベストアンサー率24% (19/77)

なるべく、元の文章を生かして、下記でいかがでしょうか? 1)Of course I go to invite you to an airport. →Of course, I will go to the airport to meet you there. (2)By the way, where do you stay in? I looked for information in a homepage, but was not able to find the schedule of the tour of December. → By the way, where & which hotel you will stay in Japan? I tried to get the information about your schedule by the homepage, but could not find it. (3)As you know, because it is a season to be crowded very much, some help please say if it is necessary without refraining. → As you know, December is the season when everywhere is very crowded in Japan, so please don't hesitate to ask me if you need some help. (4)Please show me it as soon as the mail which you come to Japan for is decided. Because it is a weekday, it is necessary for us to coordinate work. →Please let me know by the mail as soon as your flight is decided because I will need to adjust my work if it's a weekday. (5)I look forward to that I can meet again. → I am looking forward to meeting you again.



お礼が遅くなり申し訳ございませんでした。大変参考になりました。 ありがとうございました。


  • 添削お願いします。

    英語の自己紹介文です。 ビデオレターで送らなくてはいけないのですが… 添削よろしくお願いいたします。 Let me introduce myself. My name is ***. But please call me (あだ名) because the chinese character for my name is (漢字で自分の名前が書いてある紙を見せながら) this. In japanese, this pronunces (本名). But also pronunces (あだ名). My hobby is ristening to music. Above all, (好きなグループ名) are most interesting for me. If you know these groups, let's talk about it with me!! And I'm pretty good at Japanese calligraphy. I'm trying hard to become a "Shihan" or an instracter. I am not very good at English. But I am going to try to communicate with you as hard as I can. So feel free to talk to me. I am looking forward to the day which can meet you. That's all. Thank you!! よろしくお願いします。

  • またまた、添削お願いできますか?まだまだ頑張らないといけない私です。

    通勤途中の携帯で作文しました。Yes,it is not my day-off,today too! 日本語が理解できる人であれば、私の英文が解ると思いますが、日本語が理解できない英語圏の人たちに、この文章は理解して貰えるのでしょうか?どうかな...? Hi,there! The day before yesterday I was absent from my job. Maybe I think you know why. Don't you see? I had a cold again. I was in bed all day the day. I had to get well as soon as possible! These three months I was absent once a month, because of a cold. These all days were five days! It's too bad for worker, don't you think so? Do you worry me? Thank you for thinking of me. Now I'm in the train heading for the office. And I am writing this one. I should have to take care of myself. I always say to my friend “ Please take care of yourself, OK? “. From now, the first I have to say it to ME! I get off the train next station! Ciao for now!

  • 英訳お願いいたします。

    英訳お願いいたします。 The only way my day could start better is if you were here :) I quickly checked the train schedule and it's a bit disappointing. You would have to travel to Paris and then take a train from Paris to the airport. The last direct train leaves too early. I'll drive you back to the airport as well, ok? The traffic in Paris is a nightmare ... but since the airport is north of Paris ... it should be ok. So you don't need to arrange a train ticket, ok? Even before today I was considering going to Paris ... but I don't think we have enough time. Satomi! 4 days is very short :) You will have to come back another time, when it's warmer, sunnier ... and we can visit Paris ... Yes in Belgium it's also getting colder. Now it's about 15 degrees, but earlier this week it was only 3 degrees when I went running this week :) You don't like seafood? Hmm ... are you sure you enjoyed the sushi in Osaka? I hope so. As for the mussels, I think I can find a restaurant where you can eat something typically Belgian and then I can eat mussels. So then you can try some, is that ok for you? Please tell me other things you don't like ... because I liked to see a happy ●● :)

  • 英文の添削をしてください。

    There are several ways to keep good shape. To begin with, you need to quit smoking. Needless to say, cigarette has many toxic substances which disturb you keeping good shape. Next, you should eat healthy foods every meal. It will help you to be in good condition because of many vitamins. For example, vitamin C is an important one to keep one’s skin beauty. If your skin is so beautiful, it may bring your mind to be good shape! Furthermore, it is good for you to get enough sleep. Less sleeping is not good for your health, skin, and so on. Finally, I think it is most important to exercise daily. It helps you to alleviate stress, keep your metabolism good and burn your fat. I recommend you to do it because you can do it with joy. That’s all I want to say how the way to keep good shape is. もっとお洒落な言い回しができたらなぁ、と思い質問させていただきました。文法もたくさん間違えてしまっていると思います。。。(泣) どなたか添削していただけないでしょうか。 お願いします。

  • 少しハイレベル(?)英訳、添削お願いします

    添削お願いします。テストとかだったら正解になるでしょうか。また、別な訳があったらお願いします。 1.本を読むのはたやすいことのように思えますが、思うほどたやすいことではありません。本を読むには、積極的に想像力をはたらかさなければならないからです。 You may think reading books as being easy but actually it is not as easy as you think it is. This is because you have to read book using your imagination fully. 2.将来、高齢化社会をどうやって支えていくのか問題よね。 We should think how to support the aging society in the future. 2だけ解答例がありました。 The problem is how we should support the aging society in the future.

  • 添削お願いします

    I think gambling should not be banned. If it is banned, some people living the revenue cannot life. Certainly there is something dangerous in any point, I think it is not to ban. As a result that it should be legalized and limit to gamble. It depends you for gambling to how to use. 文法的に間違いは無いでしょうか。なかったら暗記しようかなと思ってます。 よろしくおねがいします。

  • 英訳の添削をお願いします。

    英語でスピーチすることになったので、原稿の添削をお願いします。 高校生も大勢いるのでなるべく簡単な英語でまとめたいです。 ちなみに内容は富岡製糸場の世界遺産登録についてです。 ・その女性たちが働いていた場所がこちらです。 →The women work in this place. ・ほとんどそのままの状態でのこっていますよね? →Do you find that stay in the almost same state? ・こうした保存状態の良さが世界遺産登録の決め手の一つでした。 →It stay as old days so it was registered as a World Heritage Site. ・そして、現在、富岡製糸場には多くの観光客が訪れています。 →And now, Tomioka silk mill is visited by many tourists. ・これは8月に訪れた観光客数です。 →This is the number of the tourists who came in August. ・2013年と2014年を比べると、一年で約4倍も観光客が増えました。 →A tourist increased to about 4 times in one year when I compared 2013 and 2014. ・世界遺産に登録されたことで富岡製糸場は人気観光地になりました。 →Because it was enrolled in a world heritage, Tomioka silk mill became the popular sightseeing spot because it was registered as a World Heritage Site. ・連日こみ合っていますが、機会があればぜひ行ってみて下さい。 →It is crowded day after day. But, please go if there is an opportunity. ・私も行ってみたいです。 →I want to go too. 以上です。 添削お願いします

  • 英吾の添削をおねがいします。

    Smokingというタイトルです。 I don't smoke. This is because I am too young to smoke and it is bad for lungs. The number of places to smoke is decreasing.However,I think that it is good.This is because I don't like cigarette smoke. For now,I will not smoke. cigarette smokeで「タバコのケムリ」と通じるか自信がありません。お願いします。

  • 英訳の添削をお願いします。

    中学2年ですが、1週間後に外国人の前で英語で自己紹介をすることになりました。 暗記してしゃべらなくてはならないのでとてもあせっています。 以下の文章を添削をお願いします。 私は----中学に通う13才です。 私はスポーツが大好きなので得意科目は体育です。 複雑な計算は苦手なので数学は得意ではありません。 私は学校でバレー部に所属しています。 レギュラーとして毎日ハードな練習をしています。 だから家に帰ると、とてもお腹が減っています。 私の趣味は7年間習っているピアノです。 今は毎日、発表会のために練習しています。 また音楽を聴くことも好きです。 お気に入りは「AKB48」です。 音楽を聴くことでリラックスができて楽しくなります。 私の好きな食べ物は納豆です。 納豆のにおいとネバネバがたまらないのです。 次に私の家族を紹介します。 3人家族で、父、母と私です。そして犬を1匹飼っています。 犬はメスの柴犬でよく吠えています。 しかし、家族の一員なので旅行に行くときはいつも一緒連れていきます。 私は家族のおかげで毎日楽しいです。 I’m 13 years old who goes to the -------- junior high school. Because I love doing sports, the favorite subject is a “PE” . It is not good at “Math” because it is not good at complex calculation. I'm in the Volleyball club at school. I practice hard as regular in the club every day. Therefore, it is very hungry always when coming home. My hobby is a piano that have been learning for 7 years. Now, I have been practicing every day for the recital. Moreover, I like to listen to Music. My favorite musician is AKB48. I can do relaxation by listening to music and can enjoy it. My favorite foods is “Natto” . I can't resist Natto's smell and stickiness.  Next, I Introduce my family. We are a family of three. Father,mother and me. Then we have a dog. It barks well though the dog is female “Shiba”. And, it goes out together when traveling because the dog is family's member. I’m very happy in every day thanks to my family.

  • 英訳 添削

    英訳したので、添削してください。 次に話しはかわりますが、みなさんの好きなペットはなんですか? ( 実際に何人か聞いていく) 統計的にいうと、TOP10は次の通りです。 (写真を見せな がら発表していく。) 最後に、本題とは違いますが言いたいことがあります。ペットを飼うことはいいことですが、ペットを飼うにはお金がかかったり、いろいろと苦労します。それで、保健所に連れていかれるペットが後をたたない状態です。 ですので、ペットを買うなら最後まできちんと育てる責任を持つべきだと思います。 以上で、私のプレゼンを終わります。 ありがとうございました。 The story is replaced next, what is the favorite pet of everybody? (I hear how many people there are really in it) TOP10 is as follows when I say statistically. (I announce it while showing a photograph.) Finally it is different from the main subject, but wants to say. It is good to keep a pet, but it costs money to keep a pet and has a hard time in various ways. So a pet taken to the public health center is in condition that there is no end. I think that you should take responsibility to bring you up properly till the last if I buy a pet. With the above I end my presentation. Thank you. この質問を補足する