• ベストアンサー

go by と new time scheme の意味について


  • haifa7741
  • ベストアンサー率10% (20/193)

go by 【句動-1】~のそばを通る、通り過ぎる 【句動-2】(時が)過ぎる、(時が)経過する 【句動-3】(機会が)見のがされる 【句動-4】~に^基づいて[従って・よって]^行う[判断する]、~を基準とする、~を判断のもとにする 【句動-5】~を当てにする、~に頼る、~による 【句動-6】~の名で通っている / 【用例・句動-2】 My life went by so fast. : 私は目まぐるしい毎日を過ごしていた。 (英辞郎)



早速ご回答をいただきありがとうございました。 <句動-4】~に^基づいて[従って・よって]^行う[判断する]、~を基準とする、~を判断のもとにする>  この意味だと思います。 厚く御礼申し上げます。


  • 英文の意味を教えてください

    以下の文章の意味をお教え願います。ever discoveringをどのように訳せばよいかわかりませんでした。 Finally, some scholars doubt that we are capable of ever discovering the actual causes of early civilization.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!

    Many people think that scientists make make great discoveries only while they are working hard in a laboratory. But sometimes scientists, mathematicians, and inventors find the answers to difficult problems while they are relaxing or even sleeping. For example, the great physicist Isaac Newton had been trying for a long time to discover the laws of gravity. For a while his work went well, and he worked out two of the laws.But then he seemed to come to a dead end.Finally, one day , as he was relaxing under an apple tree, an apple landed on the ground in front of him. The falling apple apple gave him the clue he needed, and the last of the laws of the laws of gravity fell into place, too. の英語訳をよろしくお願いします!

  • また質問すみません;先ほどの続きです

    In this honorable Christian way , accompanied by Beethoven's funeral march, a specially-composed anthem by the abbey's organist, and two memorial sermons by a canon and a bishop, did this erstwhile "scourge of orthodoxy" and supposed catalyst of 19th-century secularism come to rest beside the graves of Sir Isaac Newton and Sir Charles Lyell in the northeastern corner of the abbey's nave. 『この名誉なキリスト教の方法では、ベートーヴェンの葬送行進曲や、修道院のオルガン奏者によって特別に作られた賛歌や、司祭と司教による2つの記念の説教を伴い・・・』までは訳せたのですが、did以降をどう訳して何処で意味を区切ればいいのか困ってます。 ニュートンとライエルの墓の横に永眠したことは分かるのですが・・・うまく繋がらなくて; 回答お待ちしています。

  • 何のためにこのbyがあるのでしょうか?

    NHKラジオ講座の実践ビジネス英語を聞いています。 昨年12月26日のLesson 18の中で、どうしても分からない英文がありました。 But studies have shown that once your basic living requirements are met, adding more income doesn't increase your level of happiness by very much. (とはいえ、調査研究からは、生活上基本的に必要なものが満たされると、さらに収入が増えても、幸福度はあまり上がらないことがわかっています。) この中のbyが分かりません。byが無くても英文が成り立つように思うのですが。 何のためにこのbyがあるのでしょうか?

  • Flying by the seat of their pantsとはどういう意味でしょうか?

    あるインタビューを聞いていたら、your friends are flying by the seat of their pants still...と出てきました。どういう意味がご存知の方、いらっしゃいますか?

  • わからない英文があります!

    "I can save you the indignity of groveling by telling you right now, no way are you gonna get that tape." save you the indignity of grovelingの意味がイマイチよくわかりません!

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!

    Many people think that scientists make make great discoveries only while they are working hard in a laboratory. But sometimes scientists, mathematicians, and inventors find the answers to difficult problems while they are relaxing or even sleeping. For example, the great physicist Isaac Newton had been trying for a long time to discover the laws of gravity. For a while his work went well, and he worked out two of the laws.But then he seemed to come to a dead end.Finally, one day , as he was relaxing under an apple tree, an apple landed on the ground in front of him. The falling apple apple gave him the clue he needed, and the last of the laws of the laws of gravity fell into place, too. 1worked out と同じ意味のもの 1looked for 2devised 3understood 4sought 2come to a dead end と同じ意味のもの 1come as far as the end 2be able to find the last one 3find to exit 4find no entrance お願いします!

  • この場合のof の意味

    Most critics are of the opinion that.... という文は「たいていの評論家は(that以下のことで)同じ意見だ。」という意味ですが、of the opinion でどうして同じ意見という意味になるのですか。ofは「同じ」という意味があるのですか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    In 1684,through computations by Picard,the earth's exact circumference was determined for the first time .Using the French astronomer's data,Newton applied the principle of gravitation to prove that the power which guides the moon around the earth and the planets around the sun is the force of gravity. The force varies directly with the mass of the attracted bodies and inversely as the square of their distances. Newton went on to show that this account for the elliptical orbits of the planets. The pull of graviy kept the moon and planets in their paths,balancing the centrifugal forces of their motions. Again,Newton failed to reveal his phenomenal discovery of nature's greatest secret. As it happened,however,other scientists were engaged in a search for a solution of the same problem. Several astronomer had suggested that the planets were bound to the sun by the force of gravity. Among these was Robert Hooke,Newton's severest and most persistent critic.But none of the theorists had been able to offer mathematical proof.By now Newton had won considerable reputation as a mathematician,and he was visited at Cambridge by the astoronomer Edmund Halley who requested his help.When Halley atated the problem,he learned that it had been solved two years before by Newton .Further,Newton had worked out the principal laws of motion of bodies moving under the force of gravity.Charatecteristically,through,Newton had no intention of publishing his findings.

  • この"as-as構文"の意味は何ですか?

    Great as are the preoccupations absorbing us at home, concerned as we are with matters that deeply affect our livelihood today and our vision of the future, each of these domestic problems is dwarfed by, and often even created by, this question that involves all humankind. このページからです http://www.bartleby.com/124/pres54.html これは "we are concerned with matters A to the same extent that we are concerned with B." と同じ意味ですか?