• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • mackbogey
  • ベストアンサー率31% (32/102)

 最初の部分は「needed」と過去形になっていますよね。だから、次の部分も「will」ではなく「would」と過去形になっているわけです。  最初の部分は、一番さんの回答どおり、「ボクには一つの夢が、一つの目標が必要だったんだ」―となります。(二番の回答者さんが、現在形のように訳していますが、これはできません。)  後半部分の「would」は、前に「needed」があるから引きずられて過去形になったもので、仮定法とは関係ありませんね(needed がneedと現在形だったら、ニ番さんの回答のように、後半は仮定法になるでしょうけど)。  「would」の意味もお願いとありますが、したがって、とりわけ、深い意味はないんです。  実現するためにはボクの持っているあらゆるもの、そしてそれ以上のものを要求してくる大きな夢、目標―という意味でしょうね。





  • 解説をお願いします。

    Why do we allow ourselves to love when we know for a fact that, that soul will eventually leave us? What more can I ask of myself. 以前、訳のお願いをしたのですが、納得できないところがあって、解説をお願いします。上の文では、Why we allow ourselves to love を 我々は どうして愛し合えるのだろうか  と訳していたんですが、愛し合えるがよくわかりません。allow の訳し方なのでしょうか。次の文では、 自分にもっと求めるどんなことがあるのだろうか。 と訳していたんですがmoreの位置がここになるのがよくわかりません。また、ask of につてなんですが、of 働きが納得いきません。~にもとめる は ask of なんですか。解説をしてやろうという方がいらっしゃいましたら、お願いします。

  • 文の訳と解説をお願いします。

    the minute I dropped out , I could stop taking the classes that didn't interest me and begin dropping in on the ones that looked for more interesting . ones that looked for more interesting について解説をお願いします。look for のあとは名詞がくると思いますがmore interesting がきています。文の組み立てが納得いきません。解説をお願いします。

  • 英語の文法チェックしてください

    Even after I came back to Japan from Australia. I still wanted to go study abroad again, so I was going to the American university after working for a yen in Japan. I had been fighting with homework everyday, I had sometimes regretted about coming to the USA, but I believed that everything is going to wonderful experience in my life in the future. so I did not lose my hope. From my experience both American life and Australia, I would like to know more about people all over the world. Everyone has different characteristics, and all of them are brilliant. so my dream is to be a businessman who works all over the world. That is why I would like to study an international Business. I am not a talented person, however, I can say one thing from bottom of my heart that I always do my best for achieving my goal. 英語の文法ミスおしえていただけないですか?

  • 文法解説

    ①If I had had more courage, I might have carried out the plan With more courage, I might have carried out the plan. ②If I had been in your place, I would have followed his directions. In your place, I would have followed his directions. ①②、それぞれ上の文を下の文に言い換えたときに、in やwithが、使われていますが、なぜこうなるのか。そして、使い方等がよくわかりません。 解説お願いします。

  • 解説をよろしくお願いします

    He doesn’t want kids and never has, whereas I’ve always wanted to be a mom. The last time the subject came up, he said he would “let our relationship grow until I genuinely want to have children with you,” but that for now, the thought of having kids scares him. that for nowの解説をよろしくお願いします

  • 訳をお願いします。

    Mom, you are the bravest person I know and ultimate survivor . If I was ever to harbor any hate in my heart , it would be for all that you have suffered because of Phillip . Mom, you never gave up hope that I would one day come home and here I am , so glad to be back . You are everything I remember and more . You have embraced your grandchildren in a way I never believed possible. for all thatのところや here I amや possibleのとこがわからないのでお願いします。宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の一部だけ解説お願いします。

    There was a time in my life when I would not have been so sensitive to my friend's feelings. I would have probably given her a sermon about the benefits of discipline and the dangers of overeating and poor nutrition. However, I would not have succeeded in doing anything but making my friend feel guilty and condemned. When she asked me to share ideas that might help her I did so, 『 but with an attitude that did not make her feel that I had it all together and she was a mess.』 I have discovered that one way to love people is to help them not to feel worse about the things they already feel bad about. (Joyce Meyerの本より抜粋) かぎカッコをつけた部分だけ文法も含めた解説をお願いします。

  • 訳をお願いします。

    One time I had this thought that when we have the money and he gets going with his music or whatever that I would search the world for top teachers, psychologists, and doctors,and I would be behind the scenes. 意味が取れません。訳をお願いします。宜しくお願いします。

  • 訳し方教えてください

    In remembering the dream which I had had during the night,I thought that never before had I had a dream in which every detail has been so clear,so logical as this last one.It could not have been more clear and impressive if it had not been a dream at all but an episode of the day ,a slightly strange episode,but nonetheless real and natural. これの構文と訳を教えてください。

  • 英文解説お願いします。

    One strategy for this problem is to realize that if the decision is that hard to make there must not be a "right" answer, or else it would be obvious. 途中のthat hard の意味がわかりません。 解説よろしくお願いします。