• ベストアンサー

translate today's pain into tomorrow's promise


  • sukinyan
  • ベストアンサー率38% (119/313)






  • be likely to について

    He seems to be confident in tomorrow's examination. 上の文は He is likely to be ~.と書いても同じニュアンスになりますか? 使い方をどなたか伝授してください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • can と will be able to

    Do you know if he can come tomorrow? Do you know if he will be able to come tomorrow? can をwill be able to に置きかえられますか。そして上の2つの文に意味の違いはありますか。 (if 節が名詞節なので will be able to も置くことができますよね。) 文法書でcan のほうの文を見て、if 節が名詞節だからwill be able to も可能だろうと考え始めたのですが、そもそも未来のことなのに、 ・will be able to ではなく、なぜcanを使うのか ・2つの文には意味的に違いはあるのか が気になってきました。よろしくお願いします。

  • 高校英語の和訳

    高校英語の和訳 The lies that politicians make during election campaigns are another category of "semi" lies. For example, a certain politician might promise to do a certain thing if elected, but when he is elected he might find that what he promised is either impossible or not sensible. When he turns his pre-election promise into a lie by not carrying out, we could say that the politician was simply making the compromises and practicing the pragmatism which is politics. More cynically, we could say that the politician was a dishonest lier who would promise you anything to get your vote. This is the problem with lying. In some situations it is impossible to tell with absolute certainly whether someone is lying or telling the truth. More or less, we ourselves are forced to become the ultimate judge of what is the truth and what is a lie. You could say that in a certain situation we create truth and untruth. これの和訳をお願いします><

  • tomorrow week

    I may be able to finish it by tomorrow week. 「来週の明日」を他の言い方で言えますか。 もし今日が水曜日なら、「来週の木曜日」のことを意味していますね。 today week とも言えるのでしょうか。

  • 英文法の質問があります。教えてください!

    (1)He is considered to be among the best athletes in the world. to beはto 不定詞だと思うのですが、どういった意味で使われているのですか? (2)Wendy seems to be feeling better today. 同じくto beはどういた意味で使われているのですか?

  • 適語を入れる問題です。

    お願いします。 同じ意味を表すように適語を入れる問題です。 Though young, he is an able man. Though ( ) ( ) young, he is an able man. Though ( he ) ( be ) young, he is an able man. でいいでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • canとwill be able to

    1)You can see him tomorrow. 2)You will be able to see him tomorrow. 何が違うのでしょうか。

  • 誤りの箇所の番号を答えよ。という問題です。

    He is (1)( as able), (2) (if not abler than), I, so I really think he should also (3) (be asked) to participate (4) (in) the project. この問題の解答は(1)で、その説明が、「本来 He is as able as I. とすべきところに if not abler than I が挿入された形。したがって、able の次に as を補 うべき」とありますが、He is as able, で普通日常は 通じますよね。皆さんはどうお考えになりますか?な お able 「有能な」は abler も more able もどちら も有りです(G大より)。

  • could not be accused of とは?

    こんばんは。下記の文章は、あるスポーツ選手(Mr. A)がケガのため試合途中で棄権した件について述べたものです。わからないのが、could not be accused of trying to play through the pain barrierの部分です。「ペインバリア(痛みの限界?)を超えてプレーをしようとすることは非難されない。つまり、多少痛みがあっても試合を続けるべきだ」と言っているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いいたします。 Organisers will be hoping for a better second day at the XXXX Open after yesterday's marquee match-up ended with Mr. A crying off injured just 33 minutes into the first set against former world No 1. He, who came into the tournament with a big reputation and a forearm niggle picked up last week, could not be accused of trying to play through the pain barrier. He looked impressive but the pain in his arm flared and he made a rapid exit minutes later. With bigger fish to fry in the form of next important tournament, his caution was perhaps understandable. But, given his status as one of the game's brightest young talents and the fact that he expected the injury to take "just a couple of days" to clear, his decision to leave here today was disappointing.

  • able と capable

    able はbe able toで、capable はbe capable of となりますが、こういうのは、どうして to と of になるのでしょうか? is capable () となっていたとき、カッコにどっちがくるのかはどうすればわかりますか?