• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:誤りの箇所の番号を答えよ。という問題です。)

He is as able, if not abler than I, so he should also be asked to participate in the project.

  • This question asks for the incorrect number in the given sentence.
  • The correct answer is (1), where 'if not abler than I' should be replaced with 'as able'.
  • The explanation states that 'if not abler than I' is inserted incorrectly after 'able'. The correct phrase should be 'He is as able as I'.


  • ベストアンサー

 ここでは,if not abler than が挿入されており, He is as able I if (he is) not abler than I のようにつながることになります。I の前にコンマがある以上,He is as able I とつながらざるを得ません。  He is as able のように as I 合わせてとるのはよくても,He is as able I とはできないですよね。  
