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  • ベストアンサー率38% (73/191)

質問者様の英作を訳してみます。 「みんなある共通の国際言語を学ぶべきだと思います。しかし、世界の他の多くの言語を取り除く(排除する)と言うことではありません。(今)多くの言語が月毎、年毎に失われています。だから、私達は他の多くの言語を守れなければなりません。加えて、私達はある国際共通言語を話す必要があります。もし、私達が国際共通言語を知らなければ、私達は違う言語を話す人々と会話できません。」 “加えて”という言葉の前後で、意味が矛盾しているのがお分かりでしょうか? #1さんが >In addition, we need to ・・・・・・ 世界共通語を学ぶ必要がある が論旨の趣旨ですから、この部分を 最初に持ってくるべきだと思います。 と指摘されている通り、この部分を先に書くべきでしょう。私なら長いですけど I think that everone should learn to speak one common international language. The reason is that if there is a paticular language which all of us in the world can understand, we can communicate between people in the world, even though mother languages are different. However, to use one common international language does not mean that we make light of other languages. I know that many languages have been disappearing all over the world day by day, indeed. Therefore, we should also regard these languages. とします。 細かいことを言うと languageは可算名詞。canの否定形はcan'tかcannot。conversationは名詞だからhave a conversation。



日本語訳を見て、意味が矛盾してるのが分かりました。気をつけます。 書き換えの文章を参考にしっかり復習しておきます! ありがとうございました。


  • 英作の添削お願いします

    次の問題に対する私の英作を添削お願いします。 Do you think that peple can master a foreign language without studying in a country where the language is spoken? Explain why not or not.Write a passage of 5 sentences in English on your answer sheet. I don't think so. Words related to values are also connected to culture. It can seem that when speaking, words and sentences are a way of passing imformation from one person to another, like tossing a ball. In fact, nothing really travels except the sound waves, which from a code requring excensive back ground knowledge to fully understand. Therefore, we need to understand backgroud knowledge that foreign language. The best way is study in a country where the foreign language spoken. 宜しくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 自由英作文の添削お願いします。

    2007年の早稲田大学法学部の問題です。 Students at many universities in Japan are required to study a foreign language, usually English. Some universities require students to study more than one foreign language. Some people say universities should not require students to study a foreign language at all. Which do you think is the best policy? Write a paragraph explaining your opinion. Give at least one appropriate reason to support your answer. I agree with the request for students to study more than one foreign language.This is because not only japan but also other countrise all over the world have been heading for the globarization and foreign languages,especially English have been getting more and more important.If they don’t learn more than one language at their college,they may be left from international society.It is true that foreign languages are not necessary to some of them.However,they should not ignore the fact that there are international disputs around the world.So,they need to study foreign languages so that they can understand other countrise. 合格点(6,7割)を目指しているのですが、この程度ではやはり程遠いでしょうか? アドバイスや感想などありましたらよろしくお願いします。

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    文法ミスや、その他改良すべき点ががありましたら指摘していただけるとありがたいです。 テーマ:小学校における外国語教育の是非 In my opinion, children should not study a foreign language in an elementary school. It is true that learning another language enables us to communicate with people who speak the language, and to see the world in a new way. However, I believe that people in their early days ought to learn their own language deeply. It is because mother tongue has a very important role in their lives, and peole could establish their identity by studying it enough. Furthermore, children in an elementary school already have many subjects to study, so it is not able to be thought of as a wise selection to made children have more burden. For these reasons, I emphasize that children should study their own language deeply insted of learnig foreign languages.

  • 英作文(大学受験)の添削お願いします。

    英語が得意ではありませんが、出来る限りのことをやりつくしたいと思っています。 初歩的ミス、スペルミスなども多いかと思います。 些細なことでもお気づきの点はご指摘お願いいたします。 設問 「日本の小学生は英語の必履修が必要か」ついて賛成か反対か I agree with this idea. Firstly, children can learn everything instantly. This reason is that children have good memory faster than adults. When I was eight years old, I went to English school. I sung a lot of songs in English. Especially, it was the nicest time for me. Now, it has been ten years since then. But I remember these songs. So, it is easy to study English. Moreover, it only can be in childhood. Secondly, there is a global age now. They have many times to talk to foreigner in English. If do not speak English, they could not understand what happen in world, because English is international language. In addition, leaning language is that they can know many cultures. So, Japanese elementary student have to learn English for their future.

  • 一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い 2008年度 120字~150字                                                                                 条件・ 言葉の力について述べよ。                                                                                                      These days, many people are studying not only the mother languages but also foreign languages. In the first place, why human learn languages ? I think that human cannot live in this world without languages. If there were no words, we could not convey our feelings and communicate with each other exactly. I have an experience supporting my idea. When I was a junior high school student, I had a friend. He was a funny boy and always made me laugh. One day, we had a quarrel and then were not friendly. I wanted to say to him "I am sorry", but I could not. We did not talk to each other for a few days. After a while, he suddenly came to me and said " How are you". We laughed at that word and we could recover our relationship. Thus, I think that the power of words is very strong. (149字)                                                                                                                   今回はぎりぎりでした。 またユーモアのところで使った分が入ってしまいました。これ以外に思いつかなくて・・・。文法面を中心に評価をお願いします。

  • 自由英作添削お願いします!!11.早稲田政経

    添削お願いします!!                                早稲田政経では文法ミスなどがなければ細かい論理構成までは減点をしません!20点満点でお願いします!!   問題. Read the statement below and write a paragraph giving at least two reasons why you agree or disagree with it."English should be the only official language of Japan" I disagree with the idea that English should be the only official language of Japan.First,it is almost impossible to put this idea into practice. Some Japanese people cannot speak even a word in English,so they will not be able to speak English well,no matter how hard they study English.They are not intelliget enough to learn English.Second,even though English is more widely used than any other language in the world,people who do not go abroad or communicate with foreign people do not have to study English.They have only to be able to speak Japanese language. 20点満点でお願いします!!

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします…

    主に文と文の論理的なつながりや文法ミスを指摘していただきたいです。 TOPIC:JAPAN SHOULD ADOPT ENGLISH AS ITS SECOND OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. I disagree with this statement. Certainly,English language is a most powerful communication tool,and is important today.However,as we know, the vast majority of Japanese have little to do with English.At least we dont necessarily meet foreign people flequently. To be sure,we cannot neglect English.You may get mail orders written in English,and may communicate with clients abroad,but it doesnt mean you'd better be able to speak English.Instead of trying to learn to speak English,it is more helpful for you to learn to read and write Chinese,Spanish,or Russian. On this point of view,adopting English as its second official language is not good idea.

  • 英作の添削お願いします

    Do you think you should force yourself to smile even when you feel unhappy? Why why not? Write a passage of 5 sentences in English explaining your answer. に対する私の英作です。 I think I should force myself to smile even when I feel unhappy. It is not good that we feel unhappy for a long time. We need to change unhappy into happy. I belive the action can control feeling. If I force myself to smile, I will become feel happy. 宜しくお願いします(>_<)

  • 大学受験対策の自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    問題文「Is a lie always bad? Why or Why not? 」、65~74字で書くこと。 I think that a lie is not always bad. There are different lies used not to hurt people or to keep good relationships. For example, if we know that one hate the other, we tell the other that no one hate you and everybody like you. Though it seems that we should not deceive people, it is essential to us to live comfortably everyday. 論理的に文章を展開させているか、また正しい文法を使って英作できているか、の二点に留意して添削して下さると助かります^^ また、質問にも答えて下さると嬉しいです。 質問(1)問題文はa lie と単数形になっていますが、英作する時にliesと複数形にして一般化してもいいのでしょうか? 結局、「色々な嘘」という形で第二文から複数形にしているので、第一文から複数形にしても差し支えないのでしょうか? 質問(2)For example以下の二文ですが、主語・目的語をwe,usで統一しましたが、こういう場合はweとyouどちらを使うべきなのでしょうか? では、よろしくお願いします!

  • 大学受験英作文添削お願いいたします 

    大学受験浪人生の者です よろしければ添削お願いいたします<m(__)m>   問題の設問 Students at many university in Japan are reqrired to study a foreign language, usually English. Some university require students to study more than one foreign language. Some people say universities should not require students to study a foreign language at all. Which do you think is the best policy? Write a paragraph explaining your opinion. Give at least one appropriate reason to support your answer. 自分の解答 I think that students need to study more than one foreign language. That is because if students study foreign languages, they can be exposed to foreign cultures which are hidden in foreign languages.