• ベストアンサー



  • kits-00
  • ベストアンサー率16% (2/12)

<1> I made "the bamboo blower" which my grandfather talked about well. <2> The friend who showed it did not know the name. <3> The reason is because it does not use that kind of thing now. <4> An old Nipponian thing is lost || is jeopardized. <5> Old Japanese words are gradually lost at the same time. いい加減ですみません。





  • 英語 日本語訳

    英文の日本語訳、よろしくお願いしますm(__)m Mars has been called our sister planet because it is so close to us and is almost the same size as the Earth.

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい!!

    maybe I'm just too old to start a new journey :D or maybe it has already begun というメッセージがあり、よく話がつかめずどういう意味かもう一度説明してほしいと言ったら、こう来ました。 ↓ that maybe I am getting to old to deal with new people or maybe it's just me finding it difficult to relate with others sometimes, and accept their flaws however (the second part) maybe some things already started without knowing it, who know なんとなくしか意味がわかりません。 どなたか教えて下さい。

  • 日本語にして下さい!

    I went to the beach yesterday with some friends and I saw a lot of Japanese girls there. It made me think of you and how we met in Guam;-)

  • 英訳の質問です。(外国人は日本語を覚えようと~)

    外国人は日本語を覚えようとしないと不満をいう日本人も少なくないが、逆に日本語が達者な外国人に出会うと、ちぐはぐな 、不自然な感じを抱くのである。外国人には日本語を習得したり、日本文化を理解することはできないと決めてかかっているからである。 (ある方からの回答) Not a few Japanese complain that foreigners will not study the Japnese language. I, however, feel something contradictory and unnatural when I meet a foreigner who can speak the language fluently. That's because they have it mind that no foreigner can master Japanese or understand the Japanese culture. Q1)I, however, feel something contradictory and unnatural when I meet a foreigner who can speak the language fluently. この文ですが、私は、IでなくWeだと思うのですが・・ この文を作った方は、 「自分のことなので、weではなくIです」 と言われました。 私は、 「(日本人は) 日本語が達者な外国人に出会うと、ちぐはぐな、不自然な感じを抱くのである だから、 やっぱり、WEではないかな??」 と思うのですが・・・ Iだと、わたし(一人の)日本人  という感じになりませんか? つまり、 we, however, feel something contradictory and unnatural when we meet a foreigner who can speak the language fluently. と思うのですが? Q2)That's because they have it mind that no foreigner can master Japanese or understand the Japanese culture. 私は、「because~始めたのですが、 この文を英訳されたかたは、 「このようなbecauseの使い方はしないので、That’s becauseのようにします。」 私の質問 「Thatは、 {逆に日本語が達者な外国人に出会うと、ちぐはぐな、不自然な感じを抱くのである。} この一文をさしているのですか? だから、becauseで始めるのでなく、that's because で始めるのですか?」 Q3)That's because they have it mind that no foreigner can master Japanese or understand the Japanese culture. の文のhave it in mind that   ですが、 このitは、 that 以下の内容を指すんですか? 辞書で調べたら、have in mind(~のことを考えている) の構文は、あるのですが・・・ have it in mind that  の構文はないのです。

  • 英語 和訳

    和訳お願いします (1)When people travel to other countries, they find that many things are different from the things in their own country. (2)It can be very hot in summer and very cold and snowy in winter. (3)People who come from hot countries often find that it is too cold for them in December, January, ane February. (4)It is sometimes difficult to talk to them on the street because they are always very busy and don't have much time.

  • どなたか日本語に翻訳してください。

    My goal is to develop my Japanese language skills to communicate much easier with the japanese people by: -Studying -watching japanese movies -talking/ making conversation with the japanese people. In my job, my goal is to learn all those machine error. So that it will be easy for me to fix the machine if its has an error.

  • 私が書いた英語・・・・どこが間違ってますか?教えてください

    質問ですが、Eパルが日本語を勉強していて、ワードをつかって日本語を打ってきました。 でもおそらく翻訳機能を使ったような部分もあって微妙にところどころおかしい感じでした。英語が勉強中ですが私はyour japanese is good,but I can correction this japanese If you want;) と入れましたがこの英語なんだか変な気がします。そして彼から返事がきましたが、There were some errors I guess because of the program I used. I read it again and some words did not get fixed when I retyped it. I couldn't read what you sent to me. Can you send an attachment? これはなんといっているのでしょうか?やっぱり私の英語は通じていなかったのでしょうか・・・教えてください

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Unfortunately, they end up unlearning all those things because Japanese coworkers and Japanese bosses consider them unpalatable. (「Unpalatable」とは、容認することまたは受け入れることが難しいことを意味します。)

  • 日本語に翻訳してください。

    外国人とメールのやり取りをしていて何で日本人はそんなに可愛いの?と言われ皆んな日本人男性の好みの顔になろうと努力しているからかな、と答えたら下記のメールが返ってきたのですが所々しか意味が分かりません…。翻訳お願いします。 I understand that, but I mean not just their (your) 'physical' appearance, but the their mannerism (Behavior) also. When I said "cute" I meant the mannerism of Japanese women as much as appearance.. Example. Many English/European women try to copy/emulate Japanese women behavior and appearance, but of course it's not the same it's only an 'act' (fake) It interests me because it seems native Japanese women don't realize the effect they have on Europeans "foreigners" or "外人" Well, from what I've heard anyway.. (I hate those words 😞). I mean.. One example is the Japanese speech pattern is the the most beautiful sounding to a non Japanese speaker. It's a shame because, I've heard Japanese think westerners 'look down' at Asian/Japanese women. And that's some what true, but there are also westerners that completely admire you Japanese.. Respectful of course. I have no idea what my point is here, so I completely understand if you ignore my still message. それと、外人と言う言葉は差別的だと聞いたことがあるのですがforeignerも差別に入るのでしょうか?

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。お願いします。

    ・The world is full of extremely strange things. ・The woman was able to handle her fear because she knew the rescue worker. ・It seems that most nurses are women because touching affects them more favorably. ・Even in a crowded situation, we have to follow some rules about body contact. ・Generally speaking, Japanese people don`t mind being touched because Japan is a crowded country. ・Before surgery,nurses touched patients once or twice, which produced a strongly positive reaction, though it applied only to female patients. ・An anthropologist suggests that in order to lesson their uneasiness and to ignore their discomfort, the Japanese stand in crowded places touching without feeling by avoiding eye contact. ・Throughout the confinement, she kept holding the rescue worker`s hand, gaining hope and the will to live from it.