• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本語訳を教えて下さい!!)

Maybe I'm just too old to start a new journey

  • I'm struggling to understand the meaning of the message, which says that maybe I am getting to old to deal with new people or maybe it's just me finding it difficult to relate with others sometimes, and accept their flaws. However, maybe some things already started without knowing it, who knows.
  • The message suggests that the person might be too old to engage with new people and finds it challenging to connect with others and accept their imperfections. On the other hand, there is a possibility that certain things have already begun without their awareness.
  • I am having trouble comprehending the message, which implies that I could be too old to interact with new individuals or it could be my personal struggle in accepting others' flaws. Nevertheless, it is uncertain if certain events have already commenced without my knowledge.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

1。  maybe I'm just too old to start a new journey :D or maybe it has already begun     「私は新しい旅に出るには年を取り過ぎているのでしょうか:D(笑い)あるいはそれ(=老齢)はもう始まっているのでしょうか」 2。 that maybe I am getting to old to deal with new people or maybe it's just me finding it difficult to relate with others sometimes, and accept their flaws however (the second part) maybe some things already started without knowing it, who know    「と言うのは、私が新しい人達と交渉するには年を取り過ぎかけている、あるいはただ私の所為で時によっては人と付き合うとか、彼らの欠点を受け入れるのがむずかしくなった(と言う意味)、もう私が知らないうちに何か(=老化)がはじまっているんじゃないか、まあそれは分かりませんが(最後の know は knows でしょう)]     「こんどの新米たちは欠点だらけで、つき合ってらんない」を上手に言ったものでしょう。



いつも早いご回答をありがとうございます!! 曖昧に終わらせず、ここで教えていただいてよかったです。感謝しています!!

