• 締切済み


Unfortunately, they end up unlearning all those things because Japanese coworkers and Japanese bosses consider them unpalatable. (「Unpalatable」とは、容認することまたは受け入れることが難しいことを意味します。)



No. 5の補足: "all those things"が何を意味しているかはこの文だけではわかりませんが、母国での生活様式(life style)などを指している可能性がありますね。








No. 4の訂正: 不運なことには、日本人の同僚や上司たちはそれらのこと(them)は容認しがたい(unpalatable)と考えるので、彼ら(外国人労働者)は折角習得したそれらすべてのことを嫌でも忘れ(unlearn)ざるを得なくなってしまう。





やはり文脈情報が不足していますので推測訳になってしまいますね: 不運なことには、日本人の同僚や上司たちはそれらのこと(them)は外国人労働者には不愉快(unpalatable)なことであると考えるので、彼ら(外国人労働者)はそれらすべてのことを折角いったん学んでも結局また意図的に忘れ(unlearn)ざるを得ないこととなる。 アンラーンとは 、何かを学ぶことが「Learn」ですが、それに「Un」が付いていますので、「学ぶ」の反対の意味になるのですが、「何かを学ばない」ということではありません。「 学んだこと、身に付いていること」を「いったんリセットする」というような意味になります。 https://project.nikkeibp.co.jp/atclhco/414615/041200041/




  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9777/12182)

(訳文) 「残念ながら、日本の仕事仲間やその上役らは、そういう事柄(既出)すべてを学習せず最終的に捨て去ってしまいます。それというのも、彼らはそれを受容するのが難しいことであると見なしているからです。」


「残念なことに、日本人の同僚や日本人の上司は、それらを口に合うものではない(おいしくない)と考えているため、結局のところそれらはすべてのことを知らないことになります。」 違ったらすいません。





日本人の同僚たちや上司たちは,彼ら(たぶん外国人労働者の職場習慣やものの考え方)を受け入れがたいと考えるので,不幸にして彼らはそれらのすべてのこと(たぶん仕事のやりかた)の反学習※で終わってしまう。 前後がないので,きちんとは理解できかねます。とくに ※unlearning の解釈が難しいですね。すでに覚えていたことすら失ってしまうの意図か?






あっ!大変失礼しました。 「Unlearn」とは、自分の記憶から(学んだこと、特に悪い習慣や誤った、または古い情報を)捨てることを意味します。



  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いいたします。↓ ・What are the main things that Japanese companies look for in an employee? ・Many people have to work very long hours, and many of those are unpaid. ・Japanese companies often make their workers from taking long holidays together. ・Japanese, it seems, strongly discourage their workers from taking long holidays. ・Some Japanese companies expect woman to leave and get married when they reach about 25, so even highly qualified women don't get such good jobs. ・Should workers have to socialize with their bosses? ・Should workers try to keep their personal life separate from their work? ・What things make for good boss? 以上です。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳、victim card の意味

    友人がメールでとある政党の話をしていた際に、 …Unfortunately they keep playing the victim-card, accusing everyone to be after to harm them.… …The thing is that due to all the publicity people are siding with them because they keep playing the victim-card. … という一説がありました。 この中の(Playing the) victim-cardとはどういうものですか?

  • 和訳です。

    英文の和訳をお願いします。 途中、並び替えがあります。 スペルには気をつけましたが、ミスがあったら指摘していただいて結構です。お願いします。  It is often said that the Japanese are shy or mysterious and that it is impossible to guess what they are thinking. In many cases, however, they may simply be trying to behave politely according to their own custums. Japanese people do have their own opinions, but they tend to wait their turn to speak out. If they completely disagree with somebody, they will usually listen with an air of acceptance at first, then disagree in a rather vague and roundabout way. This is considered the polite way to do things in Japan. On the other hand, because Western people consider directness and the honest expression of one's opinions more important, they tend to express their ideas more crearly. Even though quarrels sometimes take place, they do not usually affect people's relationships, except in extreme cases. In Japan, however, if you go against someone and create a bad atmosphere, your relations may break off completely. People tend to react emotionally, and most (afraid,are,being,excluded,from,of,the group).  Silence can be also be concidered a kind of ambiguity. Between the Japanese and Westerners, there is a different understanding of silence. For the Japanese, silence indicates deep thinking or consideration, but too much silence often makes non-Japanese uncomfortable. Whereas the Japanese consider silence as rather good and people generally feel sympathetic toward it, non-Japanese sometimes feel that it is an indication of indifference. Too many words, however, are a kind of pressure for many Japanese and make them nervous and ill-at-ease.  Aimai can result in misunderstandings, and people from other countries sometimes become irritated because the Japanese seem unable to answer “yes” or “no” directly. For example, if asked, “Which will you have, tea or coffee?” a Japanese person will often reply, “Either is OK.” This is a reserved and polite answer, but it often causes the host or hostess trouble. In fact, the word that Japanese most often have difficulty in using is“no” and their use of vague denials may lead to a great deal of friction and misunderstanding. To solve this problem, the Japanese need to become aware of their sense of ambiguity because many of them simply do not realize that it causes problems. With this awareness, they can try to express their opinions more clearly. On the other hand, non-Japanese should try to understand the Japanese mentality and the importance of the role that ambiguity plays in Japanese life. 以上になります。 あまり難しくないように思えましたが、長い文になると、意外と見落としている語があったり、訳していて、おそらく訳す順が変で、しっくり来ない部分があり、少し自信が無かったです。

  • 和訳

    I have read that it is impossible to remember things which have happened to one, as they really were. Memories -the argument runs- are only present in our minds because they have been transformed from a past actuality into a present myth, which is a new experiences with those present ones which give them significance, illustrating what we are and not what they were. 和訳をしてもらいたいです。 意訳ではなくて、文法と単語と構文をしっかり押さえたうえで和訳してもらうと助かります。

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    He is American size because all my coworkers feed him extra food that they don’t eat or just feed him for fun to watch him eat lol メッセージで大きなイグアナの写真がおくられてきてそれについてコメントした所この様にきました。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    1,You'll have to find someone else to take to impress. 2,Do you actually think of those things to say to girls and them use them on us?

  • 英語 和訳

    和訳お願いします (1)When people travel to other countries, they find that many things are different from the things in their own country. (2)It can be very hot in summer and very cold and snowy in winter. (3)People who come from hot countries often find that it is too cold for them in December, January, ane February. (4)It is sometimes difficult to talk to them on the street because they are always very busy and don't have much time.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    1 I am a firm believer that in order for a relationship to last, both people need to be happy and secure in their own right (by themselves) in order for relationship to be strong. 2 the other places i saw were kind of far away and not clean for how much it cost to live there. 3 just because things are not exactly the way you want them does not mean that they are not good. 4 i don't know why that is i will see if I can fix it 5 those are all very time consuming things 6 I mean that I am constantly focusing on different things since i've been here and I havn't allowed myself enough time to collect my thoughts. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 We environmentalists developed a picture of the world that seemed to be repeatedly confirmed by experience. Big corporations destroy the environment. They are the enemies of society. The bigger they become, the less they can be constrained by democracy or consumer power. The politics of scale permit them to bully governments, tear up standards, and reshape the world to suit them. We also recognised that this was a dialectical process. As businesses began to operate globally, so could the compaigns against them. By improving global communications and ensuring that we could all speak their language, they helped us to confront them more effectively. But hardly anyone believed that change could happen so fast.Through the 80s and 90s, they brushed us off like dust. Then, as a result of powerful campaigns against sweatshops in the US and Europe, some of the big clothing and sports retailers broke ranks. Soon after that, the energy campaigns started announcing big investments in renewable technologies (though not, unfortunately, any corresponding disinvestments in fossil fuel). But the supermarkets have shifted faster than anyone else. Environmental campaigners are partly responsible (listen to how the superstore bosses keep name-checking the green pressure groups); even so, their sudden conversion leaves us reeling. お願いします。

  • 長文和訳お願いします!

    長いですがお願いします…。 People in Bhutan learn English from a young age. Of course they learn their own language at school,but their teachers teach math,science,and other things in English. Some Bhutanese high school students go to universities in India after finishing school. It is not difficult for them to study in India because many Indian university classes are taught in English. Bhutanese students also go to universities in Bhutan. There are many Indian and other foreign people teaching there. Because most of those teachers speak English,the language used in those classes is English. 大変長くて申し訳ありません…泣 至急です!

  • 中山金杯は年末年始の重要なレースであり、前に行く馬を買うのが有利です。
  • 注目馬としてはマテンロウレオ、ウインキートス、スカーフェイスなどが挙げられます。
  • ラーグルフやレインカルナティオなどは不調で魅力を感じません。