• 締切済み



  • Kurry_1
  • ベストアンサー率32% (67/205)

"The Utsunomiya Line" is (another name) for the Tohoku Line between Tokyo and Kuroiso. でしょうか? 宇都宮線は東京、黒磯間を繋ぐ東北線の(別名)です。 *東北線の中で首都圏ネットワークに含まれる上野駅から黒磯駅間が「宇都宮線」と呼ばれています。


  • 英語の翻訳

    自分で調べてみたのですがわかりません The Tokaido Shinkansen carries 150 million people a year, making it the busiest high-speed train line in the world. The nearly seven-hour train trip between Tokyo and Osaka became just four hours after the line opened in 1964. Today, the travel time is even shorter. It takes only two and a half hours on the Nozomi, the fastest train service on the Tokaido shinkansen. Traveling between Tokyo and Osaka takes longer by Shinkansen than it does by air. However, the Tokaido line is more convenient because of the stations' excellent downtown locations. The Shinkansen is also one of the safest ways to travel. 翻訳おねがいできませんか?

  • 英語の翻訳

    自分で調べてみたのですがわかりません The Tokaido Shinkansen carries 150 million people a year, making it the busiest high-speed train line in the world. The nearly seven-hour train trip between Tokyo and Osaka became just four hours after the line opened in 1964. Today, the travel time is even shorter. It takes only two and a half hours on the Nozomi, the fastest train service on the Tokaido shinkansen. Traveling between Tokyo and Osaka takes longer by Shinkansen than it does by air. However, the Tokaido line is more convenient because of the stations' excellent downtown locations. The Shinkansen is also one of the safest ways to travel. 翻訳おねがいできませんか? 私が訳してみたのですが 東海道新幹線は一年に(   )人の人を運んでいて、世界で(   )高速鉄道路線となっています。東京・大阪間でほぼ7時間かかった電車で移動が、1964年に路線が開通してからはたった4時間になりました。現在では、移動時間は()なっています。東海道新幹線で(   )列車運行である「のぞみ」だと、たったの2時間半しか()。東京・大阪間を移動する場所、航空機よりも新幹線の方が時間がかかります。しかしながら、新幹線は駅が中心街に位置しているので、(  )です。新幹線はまた、移動するのに(   )方法の一つでもあるのです。 という風になったのですがカッコのなかがわかりませんおしえてもらえませんか?

  • 英語について

    英語について The relationship between mass and acceleration is the same kind as that between force and acceleration. なんで、as~asの構文じゃないんでしょうか? また、kindは、種類、と訳せばいいんでしょうか? 正確な訳をお願いします。

  • 【英語】空欄を埋めてください

    Yamanote line is ( ) by JR East. ( )内に適切な語句を入れてください。

  • 文章の書き換えのチェック

    以下の4つの文章が、文法的に間違いなく 同じ意味として表現できているのか自信がないです。また、他に、書き換えるやり方があれば示してくださるととても助かります。 チェックお願い致します。 1:“The dissimilarity between the customs in Asia and in America is very great. “ and 2:“The dissimilarity between the customs in Asia and ones in America is very great. “ and 3:“The dissimilarity between the Asian customs and American ones is very great.” and 4:“The dissimilarity between the Asian customs and Americans’ is very great.”

  • andと省略は・・・

    Language is the expression of human personality in words, whether written or spoken.It is the universal medium alike for conveying the common facts and feelings of everyday life and the philosophers´ searching after truth,and all that lies between. and everyday lifeからandがたくさん続くのですが・・・ これらはconveying feelings searching を つないでいるのでしょうか?となるとafter truth,の後のandは何をむすんでるのでしょうか?all thatがなにを指してるかわからずよくわかりません・・ またbetweenの後には何か省略されてるのでしょうか? 長い文すみませんよろしくおねがいします。

  • この英語の長文を上手く訳せる方お願いします。

    予習で自分でやったら、ブツブツ切りながらでしか訳せません。結果その一文の意味がうまくとらえられないんです。長めですが、長文の和訳をお願いします。(A)(B)(C)には何か前置詞が入ります。Aがto、Cがonだと思いますが、Bが分かりません。Bを含む一文の意味が特に分かりません。とにかく困ってます。大学の入試問題です。  極端に意訳ではなく、文法、熟語など大事なところを押さえつつ自然な文に訳してもらえると助かります。回答お待ちしています。スペルミス等あったらすみません。 Univercities in Japan,like the students they seek to educate.appear Western,though in reality they differ markedly from their counterparts in Europe and America.For example,once a student enters a Japanese college,he or she is usually sure to graduate.This arrangement is sometimes referred(  A  )as an“escalator system”;if both feet are firmly placed on the bottom step,a student almost automatically progresses to graduation.Consequently,Japanese university students do not have to study as hard as American and British students.The escalator system suits the Japanese collegians well as it seems to compensate them for the long hours and hard work they were forced to undergo during their elementary and secondary schooling.The young men and women seen(  B  )the college campuses today had to study extraodinarily hard in high school,and in some cases,even for an extra year or two in intensive preparatory schools after graduating from high school,to pass the entrance exam for entry into university.Once they begin collage,passing courses is mostly a formality and lack of motivation for leaning is widespread.Thus,the prevailing attitude in society at large as well as among faculty members and students is that collage is a place for enjoyment,a“leisure land”.Many collage students do in fact devote far more hours and energy to part-time jobs,extra-curricular activities,or personal interests,than to study.  The difference between Japanese and western conceptions of a good student,and the difference in conversation styles between speakers or Japanese and speakers of English,also figure in the cultual contrast between Japan and West.Japanese tend to think quiet,passive,and obedient youths who perform well on tests are good students.Westerners,(  C  )the other hand,admire those who challenge teachers with original opinions.American teachers,for instance,tend to ask their students what they think and why they think so;Japanese teachers rarely do this.The group dynamics among stgudents and the active interaction between teachers and students so often seen in American classrooms seldom exist in Japanese classes. 質問番号:6873619

  • 英語の長文の和訳をお願いします。

     長めですが、長文の和訳をお願いします。(A)(B)(C)には何か前置詞が入ります。  極端に意訳ではなく、文法、熟語など大事なところを押さえつつ自然な文に訳してもらえると助かります。回答お待ちしています。スペルミス等あったらすみません。 Univercities in Japan,like the students they seek to educate.appear Western,though in reality they differ markedly from their counterparts in Europe and America.For example,once a student enters a Japanese college,he or she is usually sure to graduate.This arrangement is sometimes referred(  A  )as an“escalator system”;if both feet are firmly placed on the bottom step,a student almost automatically progresses to graduation.Consequently,Japanese university students do not have to study as hard as American and British students.The escalator system suits the Japanese collegians well as it seems to compensate them for the long hours and hard work they were forced to undergo during their elementary and secondary schooling.The young men and women seen(  B  )the college campuses today had to study extraodinarily hard in high school,and in some cases,even for an extra year or two in intensive preparatory schools after graduating from high school,to pass the entrance exam for entry into university.Once they begin collage,passing courses is mostly a formality and lack of motivation for leaning is widespread.Thus,the prevailing attitude in society at large as well as among faculty members and students is that collage is a place for enjoyment,a“leisure land”.Many collage students do in fact devote far more hours and energy to part-time jobs,extra-curricular activities,or personal interests,than to study.  The difference between Japanese and western conceptions of a good student,and the difference in conversation styles between speakers or Japanese and speakers of English,also figure in the cultual contrast between Japan and West.Japanese tend to think quiet,passive,and obedient youths who perform well on tests are good students.Westerners,(  C  )the other hand,admire those who challenge teachers with original opinions.American teachers,for instance,tend to ask their students what they think and why they think so;Japanese teachers rarely do this.The group dynamics among stgudents and the active interaction between teachers and students so often seen in American classrooms seldom exist in Japanese classes.

  • 空欄に入る英語を教えてください。

    1 She said nothing, ( ) make me angrier. ア what イ that ウ how エ which (和訳も教えてください。) 2 He is proud of his son ( ) a gold medal in the Olympics. ア having won イ to have won ウ won エ to win 3 The government gave ( ) the demands of the people. ア in to イ in ウ to エ over to (和訳も教えてください。) 4 父親がよくなったからには、その子は幸せになるでしょう。   ( ) his father has got well, the child will be happy. 5 気候は我々の心身に大きな関わりをもっている。   The climate has a lot to ( )( ) our mind and body. 同じ語が空欄に入ります。 6 What do the colors of the flag ( ) for? He cannot ( ) being treated like a child. 7 These shoes won't ( ) for climbing mountains. To ( ) him justice, he was a good-natured man. (和訳も教えてください。) 8 ( ) you have made promise, you must keep it. She goes to the gym ( ) a week in order to lose weight. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の質問です。

    「あれは東京行きの電車ですか」という時に、文法的にしたの2つの文は正しいでしょうか。 お教えください。(toとforの違いです) (1) Is that the right train to Tokyo? (2) Is that the right train for Tokyo?