• 締切済み

NATO attack on Irani


  • koncha108
  • ベストアンサー率49% (1313/2666)



  • NATO attack on Iran

    October 11, 2019 (Fri) (Friday) An Iranian oil tanker was hit by two missiles, but it was a NATO (real US military and ISIS) official who threatened US President Trump There was a bad attack from the Fed and Rothschild, 9/11 was self-made by the United States. Last time there were no weapons of mass destruction, but what about this time? Reporter Masahiro Ishizuka. ※前回タイトルにスペルミスがありましたので再投稿致しました。

  • どんな内容か教えてください。

    By the time I had got the punt out,there were several yards of water as the branch bent under his weight. Boats were passing at the time but no one seemed to notice us. I was glad about this. This was a private agony. A double chin had appeared on the face of Mr Timberlake and his head was squeezed between his shoulders and his hanging arms.

  • 翻訳お願いします。脅す

    翻訳お願いします。脅す 「彼は今から死ぬと言ってメールを送って彼女を脅した。」 1He threatened her by sending a text saying he was killing himself right now. 2He sent a text and threatened her by saying he was~. 3He threatened her by saying he was killing himself right now via sending a text. うまく英訳しずらいのですが、1~3は使えますでしょうか?また、た他の表現を教え頂ければ幸いです。

  • 英文の構造を教えてください

    以下の文章の構造を教えてください。~, but each time a text was copied there were new possibilities for errorsの部分が不明です。宜しくお願い致します。 質問文 Hellenistic scholars dedicated years to sorting out the text and removing what they believed to be corruptions generally added by actors, but each time a text was copied there were new possibilities for errors.

  • 翻訳お願いします。脅す

    翻訳お願いします。脅す 「彼は今から死ぬと言ってメールを送って彼女を脅した。」 1He threatened her by sending a text saying he was killing himself right now. 2He sent a text and threatened her by saying he was~. 3He threatened her by saying in his text he was killing himself right now via sending a text. うまく英訳しずらいのですが、1~3は使えますでしょうか?また、た他の表現を教え頂ければ幸いです。

  • 和訳チェックお願いします。

    Service was always provided with a friendly smile, but there were some kinks here and there. Follow through by the staff was not always there for requests. サービスはいつもフレンドリーな笑顔でなされました。しかし、あちこちで問題もありました。まず、頼みたいことがあっても、スタッフが常に居てくれるわけではありませんでした。 上記で意味はあっていますか?

  • 和訳を教えてください。

    Of course, we can just buy dermatological ointments and sedatives at the drugstore, but there is something comforting about letting nature heal us. comforting・・なぐさめる、元気づける letting・・~させる  heal・・治す but there isからの訳がなかなかうまくいきません。 単語の意味はあっていると思うのですが、日本語に訳してみるとなんだか変な文になってしまいます。よい和訳を教えてください。

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します!

    Trump said last nights debate was “boring”. I guess if there’s no open misogyny or blatant racism his attention wanes and he goes back to searching racist pro trump memes.

  • 英文の解説をお願いします。

    下記の英文の和訳の添削と解説をお願いできませんでしょうか。 My new interest was to lead to my own destruction.の文に関しては理解できなかったので、 解説をお願いします。 よろしくお願いします。 But now I lost interest in everything else. My new interest was to lead to my own destruction. From this time, science, especially chemistry and electricity, was my main interest. I red widely, attended the lectures, and got to know many of the teachers. しかし、私は今すべてのことに興味を失った。 My new interest was to lead to my own destruction. この時から科学、特に化学と電気学が私の主な興味の対象となった。 私は、広範囲にわたって読書をし、講義に参加した。そして、多くの先生と知り合った。

  • 英文の文法解釈願い

    以下の3つの文章について回答お願いいたします。  1What evidence suggests the possible popularity of this program?  2There was nothing those injured people could do but park the car by the roadside and wait for some help.  3This work is very doficult for us finish,so we would appreciate (whatever help) you can give. 1What evidence suggests the possibleまでの訳はわかりますが、possible popularity of this programをこのプログラムが人気となる可能性と訳しているのですが、ここがわかりません。特に副詞のpopularityをofで修飾するのは問題ないですか? 2はThere was nothing those injured people could doを怪我をした人は何もできないと訳しているのですがThere was nothing to doとかならわかるのですが、There was nothingだけでなぜ「できることがない」と訳すのでしょうか?またThere was nothingとthose injured people をずらっとならべているだけな感じがするのですが、関係代名詞などをいれる必要はないですか? 3については()が選択肢の問題でhelp thatがあるのですが、これはなぜだめなのでしょう? お願いします。