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German Troops Threaten Belgian Army's Retreat: Battle of Antwerp

  • German troops engaged in outflanking attempts in northern France and reached Arras. Lens was captured by the Bavarian Reserve Corps.
  • The advance of the German army threatened the retreat route of the Belgian army out of Antwerp, leading to a decision to withdraw to the west bank of the Scheldt.
  • Belgian and British forces defended the inner ring forts while the rest of the army retreated behind the Terneuzen Canal.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10097/12647)

>In northern France, German troops engaged in mutual outflanking attempts, from the Aisne northwards since September, had reached Arras. Lens was captured by I Bavarian Reserve Corps on 5 October. Three German cavalry corps had attempted another flanking manoeuvre to the north and IV Cavalry Corps had reached Zwartberg and Mont des Cats near Ypres. The advance of the German army threatened to block the western retreat route of the Belgian army out of Antwerp. ⇒フランス北部では、9月以来エーヌから北へ向かって相互に相手を包囲することを企図して交戦していたところ、ドイツ軍はアラスに到着した。レンズは10月5日に第Iバイエルン予備軍団によって攻略された。ドイツ軍騎兵隊3個軍団が北へ向かって別の包囲機動作戦を試み、そして第IV騎兵軍団がイープル近くのツヴァルトベルクとモン・デ・キャッツに到達した。ドイツ方面軍の前進は、ベルギー軍がアントワープから西への後退ルートを阻止する脅威となった。 >On 6 October discussions between the British and Belgians, led to a decision to withdraw the field army to the west bank of the Scheldt, where it could maintain contact with a relieving force and avoid the danger of being trapped on the east bank. On the night of 6/7 October the 1st, 3rd and 5th divisions crossed the river and joined the Cavalry, 4th and 6th divisions, as the eight forts of the inner ring were taken over by fortress troops. Intervening trenches between forts 2 and 7 were occupied by the two British naval brigades and the 4th and 7th Fortress regiments, with the Belgian 2nd Division and British Marine Brigade in reserve. ⇒10月6日、英国軍とベルギー軍間の議論で、野戦軍をシェルト西岸に撤退させる決定に至った。そうすれば、解放軍との接触を維持し、東岸に閉じ込められる危険性を回避できるからであった。10月6/7日の夜、内環の8つの砦が要塞軍に引き継がれたため、第1、第3、第5の各師団が川を渡って騎兵隊に合流した。2番砦と7番砦の間の塹壕は、英国海軍2個旅団および第4、第7要塞連隊とがベルギー軍第2師団および英国軍海兵予備旅団とともに占拠していた。 >The British forces under the command of Major-General Archibald Paris, were ordered by First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill to continue the defence for as long as possible and to be ready to cross to the west bank rather than participate in a surrender. Early on 7 October, two battalions of Landwehr Regiment 37 were able to cross the Scheldt at Schoonaerde by boat, during a thick fog. The Belgian 6th Division made several counter-attacks which were repulsed and a bridge was built by the evening over which the rest of the Landwehr crossed. ⇒アルシバルド・パリ少将指揮下の英国軍団は、ウィンストン・チャーチル提督閣下からできるだけ長い間防御を続け、降伏組に加わることなく、むしろ西岸に渡る準備をするよう命じられた。10月7日朝、濃い霧の中、ランドウェル連隊37の2個大隊がショーナエルドからボートでシェルトを横断することができた。ベルギー軍の第6師団は反撃を数回行って追い返されたが、その晩までに橋が建設され、ランドウェル隊の残り部隊が渡った。 >The width of the escape route from Antwerp, had been reduced to fewer than 12 miles (19 km), which led to the Belgian commanders ordering the field army to retreat behind the Terneuzen Canal, which ran from Ghent northwards to the Dutch border. The 1st and 5th divisions, which had lost most casualties and a brigade each of the 3rd and 6th divisions moved first and the remaining troops less the 2nd Division in Antwerp, formed a flank guard on the Scheldt and the Durme. The Belgian army headquarters moved to Zelzate 25 miles (40 km) further west. ⇒アントワープからの逃げ道の路程が12マイル(19キロ)以下に減少していたため、ベルギー軍指揮官らは野戦軍に対しゲントから北のオランダ国境に通じるテルヌーゼン運河の背後に退却するよう命じるに至った。第1、第5師団はほとんどの死傷者を失い、第3、第6師団のうち各1個旅団が最初に動き、アントワープの第2師団を除く残りの軍隊がシェルトでドゥルムの警護側面隊を編成した。ベルギー方面軍本部はさらに西漸して25マイル(40キロ)のゼルザテに移動した。 >A Belgian improvised brigade was at Ghent and British troops in the area were requested to move to Ghent, after a German cavalry division was reported to be near Kruishoutem 12 miles (19 km) to the south-west. Later in the day German troops entered fort Broechem and the Massenhoven redoubt to the north unopposed, which widened the gap in the Antwerp defence perimeter to 14 miles (23 km) and began to move German super-heavy artillery over the Nete, which took until 8 October. At 11:25 p.m. on 7 October German 6-inch (150 mm) howitzers began to bombard the city. ⇒ドイツ軍の騎兵1個師団がクルショウテムの南西19マイル(12マイル)付近にいると報じられた後、ベルギー軍の即席1個旅団が(そのまま)ゲントに留まり、その地域の英国軍はゲントに移動するよう要求された。その後、ドイツ軍がブローチェム砦や対抗軍のいないマッセンホベン要塞に進入した日に、アントワープの防御境界にできた間隙が14マイル(23キロ)に広がったため、10月8日までにドイツ軍の超重砲兵隊が移動してネテを覆い始めた。10月7日午後11時25分、ドイツ軍の6インチ(150ミリ)榴弾砲が街を襲撃し始めた。




