The Serbs' Historic Victory and the Impending Third Invasion of Serbia
In August, the Battle of Cer marked the first Allied victory against the Central Powers in World War I, as the Serbs repelled an Austro-Hungarian invasion.
Despite the defeat, Austro-Hungarian General Potiorek was determined to launch another invasion of Serbia in September, under pressure from the Russians.
The Austro-Hungarian Army regrouped and prepared for a third invasion in October, motivated by the discovery of a map depicting the disintegration of Austria-Hungary.
The Serbs beat back an Austro-Hungarian invasion in August, at the Battle of Cer. It marked the first Allied victory over the Central Powers in World War I. Potiorek was humiliated by the defeat and was determined to resume the assault against the Serbs. He was given permission in September to launch another invasion of Serbia provided that he "[did not] risk anything that might lead to a further fiasco." Under pressure from the Russians to launch their own offensive and keep as many Austro-Hungarian troops as possible away from the Eastern Front, the Serbs invaded Bosnia in September with the help of Chetnik irregulars but were repulsed after a month of fighting in what came to be known as the Battle of the Drina. Bojović was wounded during the battle and was replaced by Živojin Mišić as commander of the Serbian 1st Army. The Armeeoberkommando (AOK) acknowledged that an undefeated Serbia severed Austria-Hungary's connection to the Ottoman Empire and prevented the completion of the Berlin–Baghdad railway. The AOK also realized that the Austro-Hungarian army's inability to defeat Serbia would discourage neutral countries—such as Bulgaria, Romania and Greece—from joining the Central Powers and would tempt Italy to open up a third front against Austria-Hungary. Nevertheless, the AOK was hesitant to authorize a third invasion of Serbia. This changed in September 1914, when Austro-Hungarian troops discovered a map in an abandoned Semlin bookshop, titled The New Division of Europe. Originally printed in a Russian newspaper, the map was widely sold in Serbia and depicted the borders of Europe as they would appear following the war. Germany was to be divided into northern and southern confederations and Austria-Hungary was to be abolished, its eastern provinces given to Russia, Romania, the Czechs and the Hungarians, and its southern provinces divided between Serbia and Italy. Alarmed by the prospect of Austria-Hungary's disintegration, Emperor Franz Joseph personally authorized a third invasion of Serbia in early October 1914. Having just repelled the Serbian incursion into Bosnia, the Austro-Hungarian Army regrouped and positioned itself for one final invasion before winter set in. Potiorek was again placed in charge of Austro-Hungarian forces and was given command of the Austro-Hungarian 6th Army. The Austro-Hungarian 5th Army was commanded by Liborius Ritter von Frank. In total, the Austro-Hungarians had 450,000 troops at their disposal. The Serbian Army had 400,000 soldiers ready to face the Austro-Hungarian advance. Potiorek appeared confident. "Soldiers of the 5th and 6th armies," he said. "The goal of this war is nearly attained—the complete destruction of the enemy. The three-month campaign is almost over; we must only break the enemy's last resistance before the onset of winter."
>The Serbs beat back ~ lead to a further fiasco."
>Under pressure from the Russians to launch their own offensive and keep as many Austro-Hungarian troops as possible away from the Eastern Front, the Serbs invaded Bosnia in September with the help of Chetnik* irregulars but were repulsed after a month of fighting in what came to be known as the Battle of the Drina. Bojović was wounded ~ the Serbian 1st Army.
>The Armeeoberkommando (AOK) acknowledged ~ against Austria-Hungary.
⇒(中央同盟軍の)方面軍最高司令部(AOK)は、無敗のセルビア軍がオーストリア‐ハンガリー軍のオスマン帝国との接続を切断し、ベルリン‐バグダッド鉄道の完成を妨げたことを知った。AOKはまた、オーストリア‐ハンガリー軍がセルビアを敗北させることができなかったことで、― ブルガリア、ルーマニア、ギリシャなどの ― 中立国が中央同盟軍への加担を阻むであろうことを認識し、イタリアがオーストリア‐ハンガリー軍に対して(東西に次ぐ)第3の前線を開くことになるであろうことを認識した。
>Nevertheless, the AOK was ~ between Serbia and Italy.
>Alarmed by the prospect ~ the Austro-Hungarian 6th Army.
>The Austro-Hungarian 5th Army ~ before the onset of winter."
⇒オーストリア‐ハンガリー第5方面軍は、リボリウス・リッター・フォン・フランクによって指揮された。オーストリア‐ハンガリー軍の動員可能な軍隊は、合計で450,000人であった。セルビア軍では、400,000人の兵士がオーストリア‐ハンガリー軍の進軍に立ち向かう準備を整えていた。 ポチオレクは自信を持って登場した。「第5、第6方面軍の兵士たちよ」と彼は言った。「この戦争の目標 ― 敵の完全な破壊 ― は、ほぼ目前である。3か月の野戦は、あらかた終った。冬の始まる前に敵の最後の抵抗を破壊せねばならぬ」。