What is the meaning of 'not least of all because of our difficulties'?

  • Discover the meaning of the phrase 'not least of all because of our difficulties' and its significance in a couple's decision to have only one child.
  • 'Not least of all because of our difficulties' is a phrase that refers to the challenges and obstacles the couple faced in trying to conceive a child.
  • The phrase highlights the fact that the couple's difficulties were one of the main reasons why they only expected to have one child.
  • ベストアンサー


My wife and I tried for years to get pregnant, and welcomed a wondrous baby girl late last year. We always thought we’d likely have only one, not least of all because of our difficulties and that by the time we were ready for another we might be too old. not least of all because of our difficultiesはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4114/5348)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 not least of all because of our difficultiesはどのような意味でしょうか?  (私たちは子供は一人だけにすると決めていた、色々問題はあるが)我々の最小の問題ではない(=大きな問題な)(のが、もう一人子供を作るとなると我々は歳をとりすぎているということだ。)





  • ここでのoneとthe otherは??

    こんにちは。現在、Anthony Trollopeの自叙伝を 読んでいるのですが少し疑問に思ったことがあるので 質問させていただきます。 Many of us live in different circles; and when we go from our friends in town to our friends in the country, we do not usually fail to remember the little details of the one life or the other. The parson at Rusticum, with his wife and his wife's mother, and all his belongings;・・・. チャプターのほぼ始まりの部分なので、前の内容は略させて もらいます。 ここでのone lifeにthe otherはやはりtownではなく、 countryを受けていると解釈して間違いないでしょうか?? そこだけが確認できれば、後は問題ないです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 長文和訳をお願いします。

    ユングの夢分析のlectureIからだそうですが、所々しかわかりません。 和訳お願いしますm(__)m ladies and Gentlemen: Dream analysis is the central problem of the analytical treatment,because it is the most important technical means of opening up an avenue to the unconscious. The main object in this treatment, as you know, is to get at the message of the unconscious. The patient comes to the analyst usually because he finds himself in an impasse or cul-de-sac,where there seems to be no way out,and he assumes that the doctor will know a way. If the doctor is honest,he recognizes that he also does not know the way. But doctors sometimes are not:only one hundred and fifty years ago,doctors were those quacks who went to fairs and pulled out teeth,performed marvellous cures,etc. ,and this attitude still prevails to a certain extent in the medical profession at the present day---human beings are everywhere bad! In analysis we must be very careful not to assume that we know all about the patient or that we know the way out of his difficulties. If the doctor tells him what he thinks the trouble may be,he follows the doctor's suggestions and does not experience himself. Suggestions may work for a time,but when he is away the patient collapses because he has no contact with himself and is living not his own way but the doctor's way. Then he has to return to the doctor for new suggestions,and after a while this becomes disgusting to both. It is important that the doctor admits he does not know;then both are ready to accept the impartial facts of nature,scientific realities. Personal opinions are more or less arbitrary judgments and may be all wrong; we are never sure of being right. Therefore we should seek the facts provided by dreams. Dreams are objective facts. They do not answer our expectations,and we have not invented them;if one intends to dream of certain things,one finds it impossible. We dream of our questions,our difficulties.There is a saying.

  • 構造分析お願いします

    The belief that we are not responsible for our emotions or our behavior when we are under their control permits us to behave awfully and to say we are not to blame,at least not completely. This belief is so pervasive that it is even recognized as valid by law courts:people found guilty of "crimes of passion "are punished less severely. これの訳と構造分析お願いします

  • 英文を翻訳してください。

    以下の英文を訳してください。 誤字脱字あったらすみません。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Dr.jung: Ladies and Gentlemen : Dream analysis is the central problem of the analytical treatment,because it is the most important technical means of opening up an avenue to the unconscious. The main object in this treatment,as you know,is to get at the message of the unconscious. The patient comes to the analyst usually because he finds himself in an impasse or cul-be-sac,where there seems to be no way out,and he assumes that the doctor will know a way. If the doctor is honest,he recognizes that he also does not know the way . But doctors sometimes are not :only one hundred and fifty years ago,doctors were those quacks who went to fairs and pulled out teeth,performed marvellous cures,etc., and this attitude still day --human beings are everywhere bad! In analysis we must be that we know the way out of his difficulties. If the doctor tells him what he thinks the trouble may be,he follows the doctors sugges-tions and does not experience himself. Suggestions may work for a time,but when he is away the the patient collapses because he has no contact with himself and is living not his own way but the doctors way. Then he has to return to the doctor for new suggestions, and after a while this becomes disgusting to both. It is important that the doctor admits he does not know ; then both are ready to accept the impartial facts of nature, scientific realities . Personal opinions are more or less arbitrary judgments and may be all wrong ; we are never sure of being right. Therefore we should seek the facts pro-vided by dreams. Dreams are objective facts. They do not answer our expectations , and we heve not invented them ; if one intends to dream of certain things, one finds it impossible. We dream of questions, our difficulties. There is a saying.

  • 経済学英語の訳・・・

    各国における、ざいせい再建. (1)We consider a sample of 15 countries. (2)Our definition of “government” is general government, as defined by the country which is our data source. (3)We have 600 usable obsenations. (4)We have excluded all the country-years for which a complete set of data needed for our tests was not available. (2)~(4)がわかりません・・・ どなたか教えてください。

  • dipの意味

    My wife and I own a small, family-style restaurant here in the area and saw the story over the weekend of the Virginia restaurant that kicked out Donald Trump’s press secretary. We don’t care if our customers are Democrats or Republicans, but we do care about the entitled, spoiled little brats ruining our business. My wife and I believe our business has dipped because of how many screaming and bratty kids are in the restaurant at one time. dipは「衰退する」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    My wife and I lost our baby daughter to a painful terminal illness last year. We’re at the age where all of our friends are having kids, so it’s impossible to avoid babies, nor would we want to do so. We’re happy for our friends, even if it’s sometimes challenging to hear them complain about mundane issues like how challenging it is to find a good nanny. My wife’s sister-in-law announced her pregnancy in September, and since then it’s been an exhausting parade of baby-related events that for which she expects my wife’s presence: gender-reveal cake party, ultrasound party, three baby showers. that for whichのthatは何でしょうか?あと、なぜforなのでしょうか?(inやwithではなく)よろしくお願いします

  • 以下の英訳をお願いしますm(__)m

    Our highest volumes of dairy purchases are in the US, Canada and the UK. For these markets, we purchase substantially all of our fluid milk requirements from seven dairy suppliers.

  • 英文和訳 大学入試

    And how we understand the science is as much the result of our own cultural values and biases as it is of the date itself. 構文がわかりません。 After all, if we're all just victims of our unconscious biases and our tribal identities what hope do we have of actually finding a common truth? 構文がつかみません。

  • もっと良い英文に直したいです。

    外人の先生に、もう少し良い英語に直すよう、指摘されました。どう直せばいいでしょうか? 「1クラスしかないためクラス替えがなく、私たちは他のクラスの人と知り合うことが出来なかった」 There was no class change because it has only one class and we couldn't getto know someone of other class. 「しかしこの問題は部活動に参加することで、解決された」 But this problem was solved because of joining the club. 「書道部で使った半紙は、通常の大きさのものだけでなく、私たちの身体より大きいサイズである」 The Japanese writing paper used for calligraphy is not only a normal size but also a big size bigger than our. 意味はなんとなく読み取れるそうです。 どうかよろしくお願いします。