• ベストアンサー

office suite


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9769/12170)

むずかしいですね。前便は間違っていたかも知れません。 (ただし、以下も絶対の自信があるわけではありません。) >ここでいうoffice suiteとはどんなオフィスでしょうか? ☆ https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=suite の【名】2 に「特別室」とあります。 もしこれだとすれば、officeがsuiteにかかる形容詞の働きをする構造と見て、 「事務所の特別室」と解釈できるかも知れません。 ⇒「わが社の事務所に付随する特別室に一人のいたずらっぽい女性が移ってきました」。





  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I recently moved into a large apartment complex in the heart of downtown. I was thrilled to snag a unit. snag a unitはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I work in an administrative capacity for an elected official who has quite a bit of discretion in how they choose to disburse their budget. Recently everyone in the office—except the administrative staff—was given a huge raise. I found out by accident: Someone stupidly asked me a question about the money. I figured out what had happened and someone else in the office confirmed the massive pay increases. This official runs on a platform of reducing income inequality, and their hypocrisy makes me resentful and angry. I work in an administrative capacity for an elected official who has quite a bit of discretion in how they choose to disburse their budget.とThis official runs on a platform of reducing income inequality,の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 英作文で関係詞節を作る時

    どういう状況下で制限用法や非制限用法(継続用法)を使って説明文を作るかを練習中です。 ☆1)There's a woman living next door to me. She's a teacher. ⇒(1) The woman who lives next door to me is a teacher. (2) The woman, who lives next door to me, is a teacher.「その女の人、(その人は)私の隣に住んでいるんだけどね、そのひとは 先生なんです。」  (2)の文は おかしいですか? 非制限用法は使えないですか?何故ですか? ☆2)A job was advertised. A lot of people applied for it. Few of them had the necessary qualifications. ⇒(1)Few of からはじめます。Few of the people who applied for the job had the necessary qualifications. (2)Few of the people who applied for the job, which was advertised, had the necessary qualifications.  「その仕事に応募した人々のわずかは、(その仕事は)広告されていたものだったのですが、必要な資格をもっていませんでした。」  ・・・・・この(2)の、which was advertised, のwhichが不適切なのは 前文を先行詞にしてしまえる可能性があるから。(Few of the people who applied for the jobがwas advertisedになってしまえるという意味。)で この場合の正解は  (2)' Few of the people who applied for the advertised job had the necessary qualifications. である。この考え方はあっていますか? ☆3)Kate has a son. She showed me a picture of him. He's a post officer. ⇒(1)Kate showed me a picture of her son who's a post officer. (2)Kate showed me a picture of her son, who is a post officer.    この場合は、whoが 前文中のどの人をさしているのか わからなくなっているから不適当。カンマはいらない。   この考え方はあっているのでしょうか? すみません。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳にこまってます!いそいでます!!

    1,Earth .One small planet in a seemingly infinite universe.Ever since the first photos of our earth as it looks from space captured the imaginations of people around the world, the reality of living in a global village has seemed much more immediate.

  • 関係詞節についての質問

    (1)The Moto 1100 is a small family car.It has seats for 4 people. →The Moto 1100 is a small family car which has seats for 4 people. (2)The man teaches physics.He is a graduate of Delhi University. →The man who teaches physics is a graduate of Delhi University. 2文を1文にする場合、(2)は”who teaches physics”の部分が関係詞節となりますが、(1)はどこが関係詞節となっているのかが分かりません。 それと、同じ2文を1文に直す時でも、どうして(1)と(2)のつなげ方が違うのでしょうか。 例えば(もっと簡単な例で)、 An object is left in the sun.An object becomes hot. →An object which is left in the sun becomes hot. となりますが、なぜこれは、An object is left in the sun which becomes hot.のようにしてはいけないのでしょうか。逆に、(1)の文は(2)のように、The Moto 1100 which is a small~has seats~.としてはいけないのですか?

  • よろしくお願いします

    About a year ago, my husband, baby and I moved to a new neighborhood. The neighborhood is "turning over." It was once a somewhat dangerous area, but in the last 10 years or so it has improved significantly, partly because of an influx of young professionals. When we moved here, we made friends with our neighbors, including folks who were new to the area, and those who had been there more than 40 years. Recently, I walked around the corner to a restaurant. My husband and baby were not with me. As I was waiting, a man -- older and larger than I -- left his party (two women) and approached me to make small talk. professionalsとは何のプロのことを言っているのでしょうか?あと、walked around the corner to a restaurantの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 訳しかたを教えて下さい。

    以下の訳ですが、なんともちんぷんかんぷんです。 正しいところ、間違っているところを指摘していただけないでしょうか。 1)until recently, we have understood relationship in terms of social roles. The developmental story of relationship that has dominated our understanding of a woman is that her fate lies in her choice of a life partner. 訳:最近になり、私たちは社会的役割についての関わりがわかるようになってきた。 関わりの系譜、それが私たちの女性に対する理解で最有力だったのは、人生の伴侶を選ぶ中に、 女性の運命があるという事です。 最初は、【The developmental story of relationship that has dominated our understanding of a woman】 is 【that her fate lies in her choice of a life partner.】と文章を読み取ったんですが、 私たちの女性に対する理解で最も有力な関係性の発展史は…というよくわからない訳になったので、the develop~relationshipを、thatに代入しました。きれいな日本語に整える場合は、適当ではないですよね? 2)friendship is beginning to receive the recognition it deserves as a source of meaning in adult life, and a woman has many different forms of friendship. 友情は大人の人生に意義を与えるものとしての価値があるという認識を受ける始まりであり、そして女性は多くの異なる友情の形を持つ。 これもめんどくさい訳になっています。

  • 訳お願いしますm(._.)m

    和訳お願いしますm(._.)m (1)People on Samso saw the island's future in the use of biomass. (2)Biomass is not harmful to our health or to the environment and can produce energy repeatedly. (3)Today the people have begun to say, “This renewable energy project is our project.” (4)Samso's main energy sources-wind and solar-are also renewable. (5)They have been successful in setting a model for countries that are poor in natural resources, and for the people in the world who worry about the day when fossil fuels run out. (6)No wonder this small island of about 4,000 people is visited by as many as 1,000 people every year.

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    We recently moved into a house in a suburb that feels like a small town. We like the house, but I’m still not sure about leaving the city. My children love our front yard, and we play out there nearly every day. My children are young, 4 and 1 years old, and the back yard is a hill that is difficult to negotiate for my littlest. a hill that is difficult to negotiate for my littlestはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 意味が

    Japanese girls are more than women, women, women, women, women, women, girls, women, women It is a woman who has entered a woman who has entered a relationship. Want a rich man, even without love.  a lot of the constant conflicts and quarrels.  If you’re a little bit horny This is my opinion! I looked on the internet about Kyoko Hamaguchi. She practices Judo. In the photo she is big and strong. I really like that Japanese girls differ from the Ukrainian, Russian - character, temperament, calm and loyal, Japanese women are more complaisant than Russian, Ukraine women. Japanese woman, entering into a relationship, marriage with a man (of any nationality), is aimed at cooperation, while the Russian woman, mainly considering the relationship as a benefit, particularly financial. We have a lot of women want a rich man, even without love. a lot of the constant conflicts and quarrels. Russian, Ukraine women love to talk a lot of dirt on their second half, regardless of whether it is the husband or just a gentleman. This is my opinion! I looked on the internet about Kyoko Hamaguchi. She practices Judo. In the photo she is big and strong. 長いですが意味が良くわかりません。 経済力を自国の女は欲しがり、何を言うのですか?私は角質?経済力は大事だと思うのですが。うーん。浜口京子さんは、強くて大きいです。