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The Battle of Skra di Legen (Skora di Legen)

  • The Battle of Skra di Legen (Skora di Legen) was a two-day battle which took place at the Skra fortified position, located northeast of Mount Paiko, which is north-west of Thessaloniki, on May 29–30, 1918, on the Macedonian front of World War I. The battle was the first large-scale employment of Greek troops of the newly established Army of National Defence on the front, and resulted in the capture of the heavily fortified Bulgarian position.
  • The Allied force comprised three Greek divisions of the National Defence Army Corps under Lieutenant General Emmanouil Zymvrakakis, plus one French brigade. The three Greek divisions included the Archipelago Division under Major General Dimitrios Ioannou, the Crete Division under Major General Panagiotis Spiliadis, and the Serres Division under Lieutenant Colonel Epameinondas Zymvrakakis. The 5th and 6th Regiments from the Archipelago Division were in the center, the 7th and 8th Regiments from the Crete Division were on the right flank and the 1st Regiment of the Serres Division was on the left flank. In the early morning of 29 May 1918, Greek artillery fired on Bulgarian positions in preparation for the next morning's assault.
  • On 06.30, 30 May 1918, Allied forces captured Skra from the heavily outnumbered Bulgarians. Starting from the evening of the same day until May 31, the Bulgarian army launched several counterattacks on positions held by the Crete Division. All attacks were repelled, cementing the Allied victory. In the battle, 441 Allied soldiers were killed, 2,227 wounded and 164 missing in action. Bulgaria suffered 600 soldiers killed and 2045 taken prisoner. 32 machine guns and 12 artillery pieces were also captured.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10021/12543)

>The Battle of Skra di Legen (Skora di Legen) was a two-day battle which took place at the Skra fortified position, located northeast of Mount Paiko, which is north-west of Thessaloniki, on May 29–30, 1918, on the Macedonian front of World War I. The battle was the first large-scale employment of Greek troops of the newly established Army of National Defence on the front, and resulted in the capture of the heavily fortified Bulgarian position. ⇒「スコラ・デ・レーゲンの戦い」は、パイコ山の北東に位置するスコラの要塞陣地で行われた1918年5月29日~30日の2日間の戦闘であったが、それ(パイコ山)は第一次世界大戦におけるマケドニア前線上のテッサロニキの北西に位置していた。この戦いは、前線で新たに設立されたギリシャ国防軍の最初の大規模雇用であり、結果として頑丈に強化されたブルガリア軍陣地を攻略した。 >The Allied force comprised three Greek divisions of the National Defence Army Corps under Lieutenant General Emmanouil Zymvrakakis, plus one French brigade. The three Greek divisions included the Archipelago Division under Major General Dimitrios Ioannou, the Crete Division under Major General Panagiotis Spiliadis, and the Serres Division under Lieutenant Colonel Epameinondas Zymvrakakis. The 5th and 6th Regiments from the Archipelago Division were in the center, the 7th and 8th Regiments from the Crete Division were on the right flank and the 1st Regiment of the Serres Division was on the left flank. In the early morning of 29 May 1918, Greek artillery fired on Bulgarian positions in preparation for the next morning's assault. ⇒この連合国軍はエマノイル・ジミュラカキス中将麾下の国防方面軍軍団のギリシャ軍3個師団と、それに加えてフランス軍1個旅団から成っていた。ギリシャ軍の3個師団は、ディミトリオス・イオアンノウ少将麾下の列島師団、パナギオティス・スピリアディス少将麾下のクレタ師団、およびエパメイノンダス・ジミュラカキス中佐のセレス師団であった。列島師団の第5、第6連隊が中央部にあり、クレタ師団の第7、第8連隊が右翼にあり、セレス師団の第1連隊が左翼にあった。1918年5月29日の早朝、ギリシャの砲兵隊が翌朝の襲撃の準備として、ブルガリア軍の陣地を砲撃した。 >On 06.30, 30 May 1918, Allied forces captured Skra from the heavily outnumbered Bulgarians. Starting from the evening of the same day until May 31, the Bulgarian army launched several counterattacks on positions held by the Crete Division. All attacks were repelled, cementing the Allied victory.  In the battle, 441 Allied soldiers were killed, 2,227 wounded and 164 missing in action. Bulgaria suffered 600 soldiers killed and 2045 taken prisoner. 32 machine guns and 12 artillery pieces were also captured. ⇒1918年5月30日06時30分、連合国軍は、圧倒的な数的優位に立つブルガリア軍からスコラを攻略した。同日の夕方から5月31日まで、ブルガリア軍はクレタ師団が保持する陣地に対して、数回にわたる反撃を開始した。(しかし)攻撃はすべて撃退され、連合国軍の勝利が固められた。  戦闘では、441人の連合国軍兵士が殺され、2222人が負傷し、164人が行方不明となった。ブルガリア軍は600人の兵士が戦死し、2045人が囚人になった。また、32丁の機関銃と12門の大砲が捕獲された。 >The Battle of Belleau Wood (1–26 June 1918) occurred during the German Spring Offensive in World War I, near the Marne River in France. The battle was fought between the U.S. 2nd (under the command of Major General Omar Bundy) and 3rd Divisions along with French and British forces against an assortment of German units including elements from the 237th, 10th, 197th, 87th, and 28th Divisions. The battle has become a key component of the lore of the United States Marine Corps.In March 1918, with nearly 50 additional divisions freed by the Russian surrender on the Eastern Front, the German Army launched a series of attacks on the Western Front, hoping to defeat the Allies before U.S. forces could be fully deployed. ⇒「ベロー・ウッドの戦い」(1918年6月1日~26日)は、フランスのマルヌ川近くで第一次世界大戦における「ドイツ軍の春攻撃」中に発生した。戦闘は、第237、第10、第197、第87、第28師団から来た要員を含むドイツ軍部隊に対して、米国軍(オマール・バンディ少将麾下の)第2、第3師団、フランス軍および英国軍が連合して戦った。この戦闘は、米国海兵軍団伝説の重要な構成要素となった。1918年3月、ドイツ軍は、米国軍が完全に布陣される前に連合国軍を敗北させるという希望のもと、東部戦線でのロシア軍の降伏によって解放された約50個の師団を追加して、西部戦線に対する一連の攻撃を開始したのである。



