• 締切済み




(a) → (c) → (d) → (d) の順。 解答の根拠がわからなくて大丈夫?


  • 英語の問題について

    次の英語の問題が分からないので教えてください。 Meers Industrial Group informed you some time ago about a potential outsourcing policy. This has caused some anxiety among personnel about changes ??? quarter. (A)some(B)next(C)that(D)last I want to confirm that we will indeed launch that policy within a matter of days,to ensure that we move toward being ??? within our industry. (A)competition(B)competes(C)more competitive(D)most competitors

  • 英語の問題教えてください!

    The teacher's association has annoused that the food and drinks () supplied at the annual conference will not be provided this year. (A)usually (B)hugely (C)evenly (D)strictly All passengers should present their () documents at the check-in counter. (A)boarded (B)boarding (C)to board (D)boards There is now increased competition among motor-vehicle manufacturers () has resulted in better cars at lower prices. (A)those (B)what (C)that (D)where Mayor Williams proudly described the city as a place where the citizens are () for their hospitality. (A)returned (B)known (C)taken (D)held Comco, Inc.,became the leading supplier of computer () last year, less than ten years after it was founded. (A)amounts (B)types (C)kinds (D)parts The recent increase in tourism has done less to improve the bussiness of small retailers in this area than we () predicted. (A)original (B)originally (C)originated (D)originality The cost of repairing the water damage to the museum after the storm () to be more than one million dollars. (A)expects (B)is expecting (C)expected (D)is expected 宜しくお願いします!!

  • 英語が分からないので教えてください。

    訳もお願いします。 1.This crazy world a)A world where everyone is happy b)A world that we cannot understand c)A world in which everyone is mad 2.People come and go. a)People leave and come back. b)People do not stay long. c)People move around the same place. 3.Let's keep it simple. a)Let's not do anything that isn't fun. b)Let's not make life complicated. c)Let's not hold on to expensive things. 4.Nothin'comes for free. a)Nothing can be done without money. b)Nothing you do is without some cost. c)Nothing that one has is priceless. 5.Pockets full of good intentions a)To want to do the right thing b)To intend to help yourself c)To fill one's pockets with wishes

  • 英語、TOEIC、時制の一致の問題

    The CEO said to the press that the economy _____ touched bottom by the middle of this year. A. will have B. would have C. will D. is 答えは、Aです。 saidが過去形なので、時制の一致で、Bだと思っていたのですが どうして、Aになるのでしょうか。 教えてください m(_ _)m

  • この問題があっているか分からないので見てください

    (1)あなたは宿題が終わっていないのですね?はい、そうです。 You have not finished your homework, (haven't) you? (Yes),I(have). (2)明日何が起こるかは誰にもわからない。 (Do) (you) what will happen tomorrow? (3)「お体を大切にねヘレン。」「あなたもね。」 Take (care) of (youself) Helen. You too. (4)I am not (A) to Mike in knowledge. A:equal B:even C:same D:like (5)Do not be (C) on others and do it by yourself. A:keen B:similar C:dependent D:careful (6)There is no chance that I will win the game. There is no chance of (me) (winner) the game. (7)The singer is going to announce that she will marry a baseball player. The singer is going to announce (of) (her) (marriage) a baseball player. (8)Please feel (B) to use the computera in this room. A:free B:possible C:right D:available (9)Mark wasn't aware that Jane was angry with him. Mark wasn't aware of (Jane) (anger) towards him.

  • とある英語の問題なのですが。

    下記2問の問題が解りません。 (1)Looking at the situation from (  ) prespective , it is possible to condone Fred's behavior instead of condemning it.      (a)some (b)any (c)this (d)very (a)~(b)のうちのどれかが(  )に入るらしいのですが… 「いくつかの観点からその状況を見て、フレッドのその振る舞いを非難する必要は無く、大目に見てやってもよい(と判断する)。」 というイミにとってみましたが、その場合、some でしょうか、anyでしょうか? それともう一つ気になるところが…perspectiveが単数形なんですよね… someとかanyとかって、かかる単語が単数形でもいいのでしたっけ? もう、someとかanyとか頭が痛いです。よろしくお願いします。 (2) At approximately 0200 hours , we got up , packed our bags and equipments , and began our ascent to Base Camp Five. (a)approximately (b)hours (c)equipments (d)ascent これは、(a)~(d)のどれかが間違っているらしいんですが… 「おおよそ…???、私たちは目を覚まし、荷物装備をマトメ、再び  Base Camp Five に向けて登山を開始した。」 明確に意味も解りません。この「0200」って何ですかね?登山家しか知らない時間の表記法とかですかね?または「(b)hours」がまちがいで 海抜高度など場所をあらわしているということなのでしょうか? う~ん、、、アタマイタイです。よろしくお願いします。 どちらか片方ずつでも結構ですので、お知恵をお貸しください。

  • 英語を教えて下さい。

    (1)(__) I am interested in accounting,I will not be attending the seminar. (A)Because (B)Neither (C)Although (D)As (2)Now that we have the new copier, it shouldn't(__)long to make all the copies. (A)do (B)make (C)happen (D)take (3)Of the two reports,the second is the(__). (A)best (B)better (C)good (D)goodly (4)Some people prefer learning a new computer program by reading the manual,while(__)prefer to play around with it. (A)other (B)another (C)the others (D)some other (5)Ms.Fujita tries to spend her lunch hour(__). (A)to swim (B)going swim (C)to go swimming (D)swimming 上記(1)~(5)の(__)に適切な語句を(A)~(D)の中から選び、なおかつ日本語に訳せる方、教えて下さい。 お願いします。

  • この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。

    この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。 ( )内に入るもっとも適切な語句をa~dから選びなさい。 1,Flying is much ( ) going bay car. a,quick b,quicker than c,quickest of d,most quick 2,That report was ( ) to me of the two. a,very suprising b,more suprising c,the more suprising d, the most suprising 3,Fishing is ( ) sport in the United States. a,the third popular b, the third more popular c,the third most popular d,the most popular third 4,I prefer going to the gym ( ) watching TV at home. a,with b,at c,to d,from 5,Shanghai is one of the ( ) in the world. a,big city b,bigger cities c,giggest city d,biggest cities 6,He is ( ) than unsocial. a,more shy b,shyer c,still shyer d,too shy 7,I cannot afford to buy a car, much ( ) a house. a,less b,more c,better d,still 各組の文の意味がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適語を入れなさい。 1,Skiing is not so dangerous as you think. Skiing is ( ) dangerous ( ) you think. 2,She is proud rather than vain. She is not so much vain ( ) proud. 3,We walked in the room as quietly as possible. We walked in the room as quietly as ( )( ). 4,John had only five dollars then. John had ( )( ) than five dollars then.

  • 英語の問題

    He is not what he was ten years ago. ()is written in this report is full of mistakes. (1)what(2)it(3)that (4)which Lungs are to body () leaves are to the tree.(1)what(2)that(3)when (4)which 訳もお願いしますm(__)m

  • 英語の問題で分からない所があります

    英語の問題で分からない所があります 解答が無い上に体調がすぐれない為 思う様に進められません どなたかお力添えを頂けると助かります 次の英文中の () 何に最も適する表現を a ~ d 1つ選びなさい  ・ I feel like ( ) to the movies tonight .   ( a: but go  b: to go  c: gone  d: going )  ・ I wish I ( ) a bird .   ( a: am  b: am not  c: were  d: could )  ・ ( ) do you think of this ?   ( a: How  b: What  c: Which  d: Whichever )  ・ She ( ) be a polite person to do such a thing .   ( a: must not  b: cannot  c: dare not  d: ought not )  ・ Hurry up , ( ) you will miss the train .   ( a: or  b: and  c: after  d: before ) 恐縮ですが 和訳や解説等も頂けると助かります 宜しくお願い致します。