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Alexandre Ribot: A Prominent French Politician
- Alexandre Ribot was a prominent French politician who served as a member of various academies and held several ministerial positions.
- He became a member of the Académie française and the Academy of Moral and Political Science in the same year.
- Ribot served as prime minister during the collapse of the Doumergue government and again during the fall of Briand. He also played a role in the First World War.
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>In the same year he became a member of the Académie française* in succession to the duc d'Audiffret-Pasquier; he was already a member of the Academy of Moral and Political Science. In justification of his policy in opposition he published in 1905 two volumes of his Discours politiques. ⇒同じ年に、彼はドーディフル-パキエ公爵の跡を継いだ「アカデミー・フランセーズ」*のメンバーになった。彼は、すでに「道徳・政治学アカデミー」のメンバーであった。自前の反論的政策を正当化するため、彼は1905年に「政治講演」(Discours politiques)を2巻の書物にして公刊した。 *Académie française「アカデミー・フランセーズ」:フランス語の保存・純化のための協会。1635年リシュリーが創設。 >Ribot was brought in as prime minister for a few days in June 1914 following the collapse of the Doumergue government, and returned to power again in March 1917, following the fall of Briand. Ribot's final ministry was during the most dismal part of the First World War, seeing the failure of the Nivelle Offensive and the famous mutiny of the French soldiers which followed. Dismissed in September and replaced by minister of war Paul Painlevé, Ribot continued as foreign minister for a month before resigning in October. ⇒リボーは、ドゥメルグ政権の崩壊に続いて1914年6月に数日の間首相として引き入れられ、ブリアンの陥落に続いて1917年3月に再度権力の座に返り咲いた。リボーの最終内閣は第一次世界大戦の最も暗い時期にあって、ニヴェーユ攻撃の失敗とそれに続くフランス軍兵士の有名な反乱に見舞われた。リボーは9月に退けられ、ポール・ペンルベ戦争担当大臣と交代して10月に辞任するが、その前1か月の間外務大臣として留まった。 >The main grammar school (lycée) in Saint Omer, the Lycée Alexandre Ribot, bears his name today. ⇒今日、サン・トメールの中等教育学校(リセ)である「アレクサンドル・リボー リセ(公立中等学校)」は、彼の名を負うている。