• ベストアンサー


One by one or two by two - Come along, it's fun to do! ハイフンの後は 「こっちに来なよ。楽しいよ!」という意味ですよね?そうすると、ハイフンの前の「一つずつか2つずつ」というのと噛み合わないのです。 どう解釈すればよいでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

この場合は「一人ずつでも二人ずつでも」でしょうね。 一人ずつでも二人ずつでも、一緒においでよ。楽しいよ!


その他の回答 (1)

  • akiye2
  • ベストアンサー率27% (160/573)

One by one or two by twoは、 一歩ずつか二歩ずつで、となります。



  • 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    長いので部分的にでも一向に構いませんのでお願いします。 Late in the last century these epthes focused on the Irish , and often , it must be said, they were as witty as they were wounding. 注 epthes=descriptive phrases of praise or blame used of a person. この後アイルランドでは昔~と言う単語は・・・を意味したといった文がいくつか並び。 Now almost the only slur against these fine people is to get one's Irish up , and that isn't really taken as an insult. So objective evidence , even among the authorities is, not always easy to come by. not always easy to come by.は「いつも見つけるのは簡単ということはない」見たいな意味だと思うのですがSo objective evidence以下は良くわかりません。

  • 英文和訳いろいろ

    ●I do it two ways: I own gold and silver coins in my hand, in my house, in my box; I also own gold and silver futures that’s another way to do it. I do it two waysというのが正確に訳せません。 ●He exceeded his budget by quite a lot. 「彼は予算をかなり超えてしまった。」 ここはなぜbyなのでしょうか? ●The guard caught her trying to steal a shirt. 「その警備員は彼女がシャツを盗もうとしているところを捕まえた。」 文法を説明してください。 ●Both children contributed to baking the cake. 「子供たちは2人ともケーキを作るのを手伝った。」 contributed to bake the cake ではダメですか?

  • 英文和訳 大学入試

    (1) A teacher who grades the class on a sliding scale with A’s going to the children who complete the most problems correctly or write the most imaginative or sophisticated papers and B's, C's and D's awarded to the other children as their work compares to that of the A children, is setting up a competitive situation that will defeat some children all of the time. with A’s going to the childrenここが不明です。また、as their work compares to that of the A childrenここも不明、thatは何を示している? (2) A child who does not excel in this group might have been one of the pacesetters of the class had he just come along one year sooner or later and had lesser or different competition. 仮定法なのはわかりますが、 had lesser or different competition.ここの訳し方がわかりません。平常文?になおすとif he come along lesser or different competitionになるんでしょうか?

  • 英文和訳をお願いします

    And so the customer, of course, is the housewife. What do they pay us for ? I do not know how many people in the world make soap, but there are a great many. And I can’t tell you the difference between one kind of soap or the other. And why does the buyer have a preference, and a strong one, by the way? What does it do for her? Why is she willing to buy from us when on the same shelves in the US or in Japan or in Germany there are soaps from five other soap manufacturers? She usually does not even look at them. She reaches out for that soap. Why? What does she see? What does she want? Try to work on this.

  • 英文契約書の和訳

    こんにちは。 今、英文契約書の和訳をしているのですが、どうしても解釈にとまどっているところがあり、助けて頂きたく思います。 完璧な和訳でなくても良いので、大体の意味をつかみたいです。 以下の文章です。 No Waiver(権利不放棄) No failure or delay of one party to require performance by the other of any provision of this Agreement shall in any way adversely affect such party's right to require full performance of such provision after that, unless expressly made by that party in writing. No waiver by one party of a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall be taken to be a waiver by such party of any suceeding breach of such provision. 少しでも分かる方、お力を貸して下さい! 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳お願いします

    とあるアメリカのミュージシャンに、I am Japanese, so please come to Japan!とファンメールを 送ったら、次のように返事がありました。(わからないところだけ抜粋します) Thank you××(私の名前). We would love to go to Japan :-)Hopefully in the next year or so we will finally make it. いまいちわかりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Incidentally, the best way to find out is to ask customers, not by questionnaires but by, again, sitting down with them and finding out. The most successful retailer Iknow in the world is not one of the big retail chains. It is somebody in Ireland, a small country about the size of Slovenia. This particular company is next door to Great Britain with its very powerful supermarkets and all of them are also in Ireland; and yet this little company has maybe 60% of the sandwich market. What do they do? Well, the answer is that the boss spends two days each week in one of his stores serving customers, from the meat counter to the check-out counter, to being the one who puts stuff into bags and carries it out to the shoppers’ And he knows what the customers pay for. Let me say this may all sound very simple to you. It is not. It is infinitely more important than any other management tool.

  • 英文和訳チェックお願いします。

    It is to be expected that signals running along one nerve fiber are carried by a different mechanism from that which relays the signals from one neuron to the next. という文を 「1つの神経細胞に沿っている信号活動は違う仕組みによってその信号はあるニューロンから次のニューロンへリレーしているように予期されている。」 と訳したんですがこれでは from that which の部分がうまく訳せていないような気がして・・・ どなたかわかるかたお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Joe and Mike weren’t polluted by politics, maintained the ethics of the business when it needed it most, and their convincing style made people proud to be wrestling fans. No one could’ve done a better job. ジョーとマイクは業界の体制に従わず、自分たちのスタイルを貫き通した。 その過激なスタイルがプロレスファンの心をひきつけたんだ。誰にも真似できなかった。  自分でも訳してみたのですが、“their convincing style made people proud to be wrestling fans”の意味がよくわからなく、かなり意訳になってしまいました… 「そのスタイルが人々にプロレスファンである誇りを持たせた」という意味なのでしょうか? どっちにしろ日本後としても意味が分からないですよね(^_^;) よろしくお願いします!

  • 英文の和訳2

    またまたすみません。 今回も、英文の訳を教えてください。 お願いします! 1.It is good to live a busy and honest life,for no one can be happy who is useless, and idleness makes all sorts of things wrong. >It is good to live a busy and honest lifeの意味はわかるのですが、 その後の文の意味、特にuselessとidleness の間にandがあるのにコンマが入る意味がわかりません。 2.It may be thought that the field of the unknown has been exhausted in engineering and that there is nothing left for the inquiring mind, but this comment is only made by those who do not see for themselves. >but this comment is only made by those who do not see for themselves の文の訳は分かるのですが、そこから前のところがさっぱり分かりません。 ちなみに、the inquiring mind=研究心のある人、だそうです。 長い文で読みづらくてごめんなさい。 スペルは一応確認しましたがもしかしたら打ち間違いがあるかもしれません。 おかしいときは、遠慮無く言ってください。