• 締切済み

英文 訳


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

 医者たちは、そのウィールスが広がらないように努めた。(綴りは virus です)  その少年は自分の朝飯を作るのに慣れている。


  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・Japan is steadily moving towards becoming a multilingual society. ・Japan does not have that many doctors who can speak a foreign language to treat foreigners. ・Pang was satisfied with Doctor Sakamoto because she was used to his American style of treatment. ・The multilingual medical interpreting software is now widely used at hospitals throughout Japan. ・In general, Japanese doctors should improve their communication skills with their patients.

  • この英文の訳と文法を教えていただきたいのてすが

    この英文の訳と文法を教えていただきたいのてすが Women who tried to start their own busineses encountered hurdles even greater than those encountered by men を訳していただきたいのと、文法(過去分詞など)を分かる方是非教えてください

  • 英文の問題の添削をお願いします!

    ※穴埋め 1)A restaurant whose name is well known is always expensive. =A restaurant the name of ( ) is well known is always expensive. 2)There is no one who doesn't have his faults. =There is no one (but) (have) his faults. 3)Charles gave the boy all the money he had. =Charles gave the boy (what) money he had. ※[]内の語を入れるのに正しい位置の番号を指摘 1)(1) It is often said (2) that rice is (3) to Asians (4) wheat is to Europeans. [what] →(3)? 2)(1) The man (2) you were talking (3) used to work (4) for our company. [to] →(3)?

  • 英文のチェックをお願いします

    「大人になった子供が子供の頃の物語を読者に語っているが、これがこの作品のスタイルである」という日本文を英文にしたいのです。 私が作った英文は、 「The boy who grew up to be an adult tells the reader about the story of his childfood, and this is the style of this work.」 なのですが、友人に聞いても「どこかおかしいが、どこがおかしいかはわからない」と言われました。 どなたか教えてください。

  • この英文は、正しいか?

    The boy who is talking with Ken is Mike      この英文は、正しいでしょうか。is が2つ使われて て、間違っていると思うのですが…。詳しい解説お 願いします。

  • 英文の訳をお願いします!

    以下の英文が訳せなくて困ってます、、。すみませんが訳をお願い致します! The TWO MAIN TENDENCIES If film grows out of photography, the realistic and formative ten-dencies must be operative in it also.Is it by sheer accident that the two tendencies manifested themselves side by side immediately after the rise of the medium? As if to encompass the whole range of cinematic endeavors at the outset, each went the limit in exhausting its own possibilities.Their prototypes were Lumiere, a strict realist, and Melies, who gave free rein to his artistic imagination.The films they made embody, so to speak, thesis and antithesis in a Hegelian sense. Lumiere's films contained a true innovation, as compared with the repertoire of the zootropes or Edison's peep boxes ; they pictured everyday life after the manner of photographs. Some of his early pictures, such as Baby's Breakfast ( Le Dejeuner de bebe) or The Card Players (La Partie d'ecarte), testify to the amateur photographers's delight in family idyls and genre scenes. And there was Teasing the Gardener (L'Arroseur arrose), which enjoyed immense popularity because it elicited from the flow of everyday life a proper story with a funny climax to boot. A gardener is watering flowers and, as he unsuspectingly proceeds, an impish boy steps on the hose, releasing it at the very moment when his perplexed victim examines the dried-up nozzle. Water squirts out and hits the gardener smack in the face. Thet denouement is true to style, with the gerdener chasing and spanking the boy. This film, the germ cell and archetype of all film comedies to come, represented an imaginative attempt on the part of Lumiere to develop photog-raphy into a means of story telling. Yet the story was just a real-life incident. And it was precisely its photographic veracity which made Maxim Gorki undergo a shock-like experience. You think, he wrote about Teasing the Gardener, the spray is going to hit you too, and instinctively shrink back.

  • 英文わかりやすい訳を教えてください

    和訳を教えて下さい。 社内規定が書かれた英文ですが、一応訳せても、意味がよくわかりません。どなたか、わかりやすい訳、 英文の真意など教えていただけますでしょうか。 The basis for this is a consistent configuration management strategy used to identify the configuration elements required and their mutual relationships, to monitor modification and release and to secure integrity and consistency. 拙訳 一貫した構築管理戦略は、この基本であり、これにより必要な構築要素およびその交互の関連性を識別、修正および販売を監視、さらに整合性および一貫性を確保する。

  • 英文訳

    英文訳正しいですか? 正しい英文訳を教えてください The prevalent view of the relation between philosophy and science is that philosophers purport to demonstrate what is possible or impossible from concepts themselves,where as scientists focus on the phenomena that fall  under these concepts  and try to explain their occurrence and their significance from the facts. 哲学と科学の関係の広く行きわたっている見解は,哲学者の趣旨は自身の観念から可能或いは不可能であることを実証するためであること。 科学者としては、これらの概念に該当する現象に焦点を当て、事実からそれらの意義と発生を説明しようとする。

  • 英文の訳をお願いします

    英文の和訳をお願いします! Horie started his first big adventure in 1962. He tried to sail across the Pacific Ocean. In those days, very few people could travel abroad, and America was really a faraway country to most Japanese. Sailing to America was Horie's dream.

  • 英文の訳がうまくできず、困ってます;;;

    英文の訳を教えてほしいです. ●Aren't people supposed to care and to protect what is their own? ●Don't you find it funny how we can perform in every other country without any problems except for our own home country? 翻訳機、辞書を使ってもなかなかうまく訳ができず困ってます;; よろしくおねがいします