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地震による混乱 和訳を教えてください


  • Sat_H
  • ベストアンサー率43% (87/202)

これで十分だと思いますよ。細かいところとしては、 ・電気は消えら電話は使えない→停電して電話は通じない ・何百メートルも離れたキトまで流れ込みらあるいは国中の他の町へ流れ込んだ→何百キロメートルも離れたキトまで流れ込み、あるいは国中の他の町へ流れ込んだ にするぐらいだと思います。





  • 和訳を教えてください

    The scenes and figures in this are carved out of wood. これの和訳を教えてください。 特に、「scenes and figures」の部分がわからず困っています・・・

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    This brought the total casualties to as high as 130,000 men or a third of all Entente forces in the theater. The front was moved by only about 50 kilometers at a heavy price and in the end the offensive did not prevent the defeat of Romania or knock Bulgaria out of the war. The Bulgarians and German casualties totaled around 61,000 men and even though Monastir had to be abandoned the new positions a few kilometers to the north provided excellent conditions for defense and assured the dominance of the Bulgarian artillery over the town.

  • 至急、和訳を御願いしたいです。

    To the south, near the polder landscape, there were residensial areas with terraced houses and private gardens, intended for a new group of suburbanites. So in addition to the physical separation between north and south there was also a noticeable mental schism. The residents of B, B,who still largely worked in industry, felt clearly connected to the B. By contrast the suburban dwellers south of the B adepted a more suburban lifestyle, and looked more to the nearby green and prosperous villages of neighbourhoods were still located. The image of B plummeted in the eyes of the outside world too, fostered by the immediately perceptible effects of industry on the environment. Whereas in the first half of the twentieth century the pipes of the oil refinery still guaranteed economic and technological progress,now,with the wind in the wrong direction,they produced above all lots of smells and pollution. Studies showed that the quality of the drinking water and the air in B were among the poorest in the B. In addition, the ground turned out to be seriously polluted because the new town had been built on land raised using polluted silt dredged from the docks. Several serious explosions and accidents that took place in the Shell plants in the same period did not improve matters either. In 1968 an explosion in the Shell refinery killed two employees and shattered windows and cracked ceilings deep into B. A total of 15000sq.m. of glass had to be replaced. Reports on B in local newspapers became more frequent and increasingly grim. 以上です。非常に長いですが、回答頂けると嬉しいです。 よろしく御願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On 30 September general Joffre informed general Sarrail of the impending great offensive of the Romanian and Russian forces under general Averescu against the Bulgarian Third Army in Dobrudja and their expected crossing of the Danube between Ruse and Tutrakan. The commander of the Allied Army of the East now planned to use this by coordinating it with a renewed push against the Eleventh Army's Kenali line and eventually knock out Bulgaria out of the war. On 4 of October the Allies attacked with the French and Russians in the direction of Monastir - Kenali, the Serbian First and Third Army in along the Kenali - Cherna Loop line, the Serbian Second Army against the Third Balkan Division - in the direction of Dobro Pole. The allies had 103 battalion and 80 batteries against the 65 battalions and 57 batteries of the Central Powers in the area.

  • halls of power の意味は?

    On the streets and in the halls of power, we are not alone... この英文の中の「halls of power」の意味が分かりません。 分かる方教えてください。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    ご覧いただきありがとうございます。 カテ違いかもしれませんが記載の文章の内容を教えてください。 文章は Notes:(*)The manufacturer and the OEM applicant declares that these products are constructed using the same materials, components and processes as the tested [型番が入ります] ,Further details on certified models are reported on the attachment.Technical data,materials and components description are into the indicated test reports.Any changes of the design,materials,components of processing may require the repetition of some of the qualifification tests in order to retain type approval.The certificationis perfomed on tested model as complete certification and retest perfomed according to [認証機関名が入ります] “Retesting guideline”for similarity with [型番が入ります] with differences in modification in change in cell technology,superstrate and junction box/ electrical temination. This certificate is for type approval and based on voluntarily product test without Factory Inspection だいぶ長文で、スペル間違いもあるかもしれませんがどんな内容なのかおおまかな内容を知りたいので宜しくお願いします。 m(_ _)m

  • 和訳してください。

    The term spike refers to the shape of the peaks that are seen on the oscillograph records when the membrane potential is measured by a fine electrode placed in the vicinity, or in the interior of the neuron. (The more interpretable records of the membrane potential are obtained by means of one electrode inside the cell and one outside, which may be placed at some distance and is then called “indifferent electrode”.) この文章の和訳お願いします。

  • 次の英文を和訳してください。お願いいたします。

    英語が苦手で翻訳ができません。どうかよろしくお願いします。 訳していただく時に下の語句を参照してください。  The Global Positioning System (GPS) enables anyone with a GPS receiver to determine exactly where they are on the Earth’s surface. It is a miracle for anyone who has ever been lost. It is based on 24 satellites nearly 18,000 kilometers above the Earth’s surface, each orbiting the Earth every 12 hours.   The way the system works is perhaps easiest to understand in two dimensions. If you ask someone in Hong Kong how far away from them you are and they say that you are 900 kilometers away, you draw a circle 900 kilometers in radius around Hong Kong and know that you are somewhere on that circle. If someone in Manila then tells you that you are 1,200 kilometers away from them, you draw a circle 1,200 kilometers in radius around Manila. This circle intersects the Hong Kong circle at two points, and you know that you must be at one of those points. If someone in Hanoi then says that you are 700 kilometers away, this third circle will intersect with only one of those two points. And this is where you are: in a boat about 200 kilometers off the coast of Vietnam.   The same principle works in three dimensions using four centers and four spheres. Your GPS receiver tells you how far it is from four satellites. If it knows exactly where each satellite is, it can tell you exactly where you are. The orbits of the satellites are very predictable and each GPS receiver has the details of where every satellite should be at any given time. The gravitational pull of the sun and moon can alter an orbit very slightly. These changes are monitored by the U.S. Department of Defense and this information is sent via the satellite to the receiver. The distance between the satellite and the receiver is calculated based on the time the satellite signal takes to reach the receiver. This requires the use of very accurate clocks.   By fixing a GPS receiver at one spot on the Earth’s surface and taking repeated readings, scientists can tell if that spot is actually moving. The Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong, one of the world’s longest suspension bridges, is built to move with winds and traffic. But too much movement could seriously damage the bridge. Fourteen permanent GPS receivers are attached to various parts of the bridge to record the vertical and horizontal of each part 10 times a second. In Japan, a grid of more than 1,000 GPS receivers has been set up to monitor small, slow movements of the Earth that could provide early warning of an earthquake. Each receiver receives a signal every 30 seconds and can detect movements of less than one centimeter.   The GPS was developed by the U.S. military to guide its missiles and bombers to their targets (and to tell its soldiers where they are). It is now offered free for civilian use. But the European Union is worried that because the GPS is operated by the U.S. military, there may be a conflict between its military and civilian use at some time in the future. So the EU has decided to develop its own system, to commence operations around 2007, to guarantee uninterrupted use by civilians. 【語句】 Global Positioning System (GPS) 「全地球測位システム」 radius 「半球」 Manila 「マニラ」 Hanoi 「ハノイ」 sphere 「球体」   details 「詳細」   the U.S. Department of Defense 「アメリカの国防総省」   Tsing Ma Bridge 「青馬橋」 European Union 「欧州連合 (EU)」

  • 和訳をしてもらいたいのですが。

    題名:Patterns of inheritance 前置き Follow on from Science Foundations inheritance and selection 16 Genes are in pairs. Some characteristics are controlled by one pair of genes. Different forms of a gene are called alleles. Different alleles produce diffrent features. メンデルの生い立ち Mendel was a monk in a monastery in what is now the Czech Republic. His work was published in Brunn in 1865. However, its importance was not recognised for over 35 years. 本文1 The work of Gregor Mendel Mendel worked out the pattern of inheritance of several characteristics of peas. It was lucky that he chose peas. They have lots of characteristics controlled by a single pair of genes. They are also easy to grow and cross-pollinate. まだあるのですが勝手な都合からとりあえず今はここまでとさせていただきます。 英語はめっきりなので、どうか訳お願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    I think it is the year 1909. I feel as if I were in a moving-picture theatre, the long arm of light crossing the darkness and spinning, my eyes fixed upon the screen. It is a silent plcture, as if an old Biograph one, in which the actors are dressed in ridiculously old-fashioned clothes, and one flash succeeds another with sudden jumps, and the actors, too, seem to jump about, walking too fast. The shots are full of rays and dots, as if it had been raining when the picture was photographed. The light is bad. It is Sunday afternoon, June 12th, 1909, and my father is walking down the quiet streets of Brooklyn on his way to visit my mother. His clothes are newly pressed, and his tie is too tight in his high collar. He jingles the coins in his pocket, thinking of the witty things he will say. I feel as if I had by now relaxed entirely in the soft darkness of the theatre; the organist peals out the obvious approximate emotions on which the audience rocks unknowingly. I am anonymous. I have forgotten myself: it is always so when one goes to a movie; it is, as they say, a drug.