• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語 の質問です。)


  • シリアの戦争ではなく、平和なトルコで山岳トルコと呼ばれる人々が殺されている
  • 民主的なトルコとされる国で、山岳トルコと呼ばれるクルド人が虐殺されている
  • 被害者の一人は船で逃げることもできずに殺された


  • ベストアンサー

  ここはQ&Aサイトです 疑問点を解決するところです、翻訳サービスはこちら https://translate.google.co.jp/?hl=ja#en/ja/This%20is%20not%20the%20war%20in%20Syria%20that%20makes%20the%20people%20run%20from%20who%20we%20believe%20are%20the%20cold%20murders%20called%20Isis%20.%20This%20is%20Turkey%2C%20yes%20the%20peaceful%20Turkey%20who%20a%20lot%20of%20people%20travel%20for%20vacation%2C%20because%20we%20all%20think%20it%27s%20a%20peaceful%20%2Cwonderful%20place%20to%20relax%20but%20who%20knows%20that%20on%20the%20other%20side%20there%20is%20people%20being%20killed%20without%20being%20heard%2C%20people%20who%20want%20to%20live%20in%20peace%20is%20being%20terrorized%2C%20kidnapped%2C%20killed%20and%20what%20do%20the%20Turks%20call%20these%20people%20%22the%20mountain%20Turks%22%20because%20they%20are%20not%20allowed%20to%20explain%20who%20they%20really%20are%2C%20they%20have%20to%20be%20Turks%20and%20they%20are%20the%20Turks%20who%20mean%20less.%0AThis%20baby%20is%20one%20of%20these%20people%20who%20never%20got%20to%20know%20why%20he%20got%20killed%2C%20why%20his%20family%20is%20being%20killed.%20He%20never%20got%20to%20know%20why%20he%27ll%20never%20live%20in%20peace%20in%20Turkey%20and%20why%20he%27s%20not%20allowed%20to%20speak%20out%2C%20in%20what%20we%20call%20%22democratic%20Turkey%22%20the%20cold%20murder%20NATO%20member%20who%20gets%20help%20and%20backup%20while%20feeding%20the%20worst%20enemy%20in%20a%20long%20time%20ISIS%20and%20also%20gets%20money%20for%20taking%20care%20of%20the%20refugees%20that%27s%20fleeing%20ISIS%20but%20instead%20they%20treat%20them%20like%20they%20were%20nothing%20and%20like%20they%20were%20the%20enemy%20who%20was%20making%20it%20over%20the%20border.%20And%20what%20do%20they%20spend%20the%20money%20on%20%3F%20Killing%20what%20they%20call%20%22the%20mountain%20Turks%22%20the%20Kurds!%0A%0ANo%20%2C%20this%20baby%20didn%27t%20even%20have%20the%20chance%20to%20flee%20with%20the%20boat%2C%20he%20got%20killed%20where%20he%20should%20been%20safe.%0A%0AShehid%20namirin..  



  • 英語の質問の和訳の意味あってますかね?

    ・What is totalitarianism? 全体主義とは何ですか? ・When did George Orwell write 1984? ジョージオーウェルはいつ1984を書きましたか? ・Why is 1984 called 1984? なぜ1984は1984と呼ばれるのですか? ・Describe London in 1984. 1984年のロンドンについて説明してください。 ・Who is Big Brother? ビッグブラザーとは誰ですか? ・Who is the main character of 1984 and what does he do? 1984年の主人公は誰ですか、そして彼は何をしますか? ・How does Big Brother watch you? ビッグブラザーはどのようにあなたを監視していますか? ・Why does he start writing a diary? なぜ彼は日記を書き始めるのですか? ・Why do Winston and Julia go to O'Brien's house? なぜウィンストンとジュリアはオブライエンの家に行くのですか? ・What happens to Winston in the Ministry of Love? 愛の省でウィンストンはどうなりますか? ・What are Winston and Julia like after they are released from the Ministry of Love? 愛の大臣から解放された後のウィンストンとジュリアはどうですか? ・What is the main message of Orwell's 1984? オーウェルの1984年の主なメッセージは何ですか?

  • 英語 の質問です

    こちらの英文を日本語に訳してください。 よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m NATO are not there to bomb ISIS,they are there to provoke the Russians to retaliate,they failed in Ukraine now they are trying it in Syria,if they (NATO) succeed then we are entering a nuclear war for sure .This is the only reason NATO is in Syria.....Utter morons.

  • 英語の質問です。これはどういう意味ですか?

    they both became suddenly interested in me when they found out I never did things before..and he is a black guy which all of the black guys would like to date me and also other things I won't go into detail..so, does that explain why?

  • 英語 和訳

    和訳お願いします (1)When people travel to other countries, they find that many things are different from the things in their own country. (2)It can be very hot in summer and very cold and snowy in winter. (3)People who come from hot countries often find that it is too cold for them in December, January, ane February. (4)It is sometimes difficult to talk to them on the street because they are always very busy and don't have much time.

  • 英語について

    It's nothing to be surprised about, not like being in the hospital. 訳を教えてください。 また、nothing to beはなんでこのような語順になるんでしょうか?nothingとtoとbeの成分を教えてください。 あと、not like beingとはどういうふうな成分が組み合わさりできているのでしょうか? ちなみに、前の文章は、 When people are "in" the hospital, it's serious. They'll be there for days or weeks, maybe months.When someone is "at" the hospital, it's just a short time.They might be there to see a doctor, or they might be visiting someone who is in the hospital. です。 なぜ、be in the hospitalで、入院する、になるんでしょうか? このときのbeの成分はなんですか? inとatで違う理由が分りません。 inにはどういう意味が含まれているんでしょうか? atにはどういう意味が含まれているんでしょうか? また、be surprisedは受動態なんでしょうか? あと、surprisedは自動詞なんでしょうか?

  • 英語の質問

    ・However, perhaps a more basic question is why we dream anyway? この why~の部分は why do we dream anyway じゃないんですか? ・Most of these people are elderly and when they die , they will take their language with them. 絶滅しそうな言語のことについての文の一部です。最初のthese people は 絶滅しそうな言語を話す人 をさしてると思います。最後のwith them は何を指していますか? ・I woke up with a lovely tune in my head. I thought, That's great , I wonder what that is? I wonder what that is?  の部分の語順がよくわかりません。どういうことでしょうか?

  • 英語

    (1)~(3)まで教えてください。 According to researchers from the University of Manchester, 90% of the world's language are ((1)) to disappear by 2050. One such tongue is Tofa, spoken by only about 60 people who keep reindeer on the empty land in Siberia. One of the researchers speaks the language, and says that he can speak fluently enough to be able to express anything he wants to say. The researchers have been trying to keep records of endangered languages or videos. They have done fieldwork across the globe to investigate languages ranging from Faroese (50,000 speakers) to Banawa, one of 300 languages spoken in the Amazon basin. At a recent meeting, Yaron Matras, who speaks 13 languages, played a recording of a British Romani speaker made in the 1950s. He said that British Romani is now ((2)) at the level of extinction, and he is ((3)) looking for the alleged four or five families in Wales who still speak it. There is no shortage of languages. At the last count there were about 6,000 , but only 4% of them are spoken by 96% of the people in the world. About 10 languages, including English, Arabic, and Hindi, are spoken by more than 100 million people each. No one needs to worry about them. But the little languages with little chance of survival need help. According to a professor at the University of Manchester, people are aware of threats to ecology and of species dying out, but they don't realize that we are leaving languages to die out. It is true that every languages is the repository of the culture of the people who speak it. When we lose the last speaker, we lose the people's cultural memory.

  • 英語の質問です!

    Fred thought he was a very clever man, and he was particularly proud of his skill in mathematics, ュ「but as often happens with people who have perhaps too high an opinion of themselves, he was impatient, and seldom listened to what others were saying. ュ」He was particularly bad about listening to his wife, and she often complained bitterly about this. お願いします!!

  • 英語の質問です!

    (1)次の英文とほぼ同じ意味になるように空所に適語を入れなさい。 People somethings say they are computer-controlled, ( ) is sometimes ( ) that they are computer-controlled (2)次の語と同じになるように空所に適語を入れなさい。 =very (        ) 次の文を日本語に直しなさい。 The program has to be written by a human being,though some computers can now learn from what they have done  次の文のasと同じ用法のasを含む文を一つ選びなさい。 The program has to be written by a human being,though some computers can now learn from what they have done and modify their program (as )they gain experience.  (1)I asked her if she had done as I told her. (2)The fans got more excited as the game went on. (3)He is well known as a story teller. (4)As I have no money with me now, I cannot buy the book. お願いします!

  • 英語の質問です!

    American restaurants have invaded t he food markets of many countries. Nowadays, we can easily find Americ an fast food restaurants all over Asia. In Kore a,there is always more than o ne American restaurant in town. In Downtown Seoul we can even find Burger King across the street from M cDonalds. Inside there American restaurants,it l ooks almost the same as in the Unite d States. The uniforms of the waiters are exact ly the same,and they play American music. The problem is that goods:they try to sell American culture as well. Fast food is becoming more and mor e popular all around the world even t hough it threatens people's health. H amburgers and pizza have a lot fat, a n d the ingredients in them are not al ways of good quality. Large fast food companies only want to make a profi t, and many consumers who think "fa st service" is the most important thin g prefer such meals for lanch, and ev en dinner. In response to this invasion, I propos e "Slow Foof",a new idea (that) protest s the spread of fast food. Followers of the Slow Food Movement are interest ed in reviving traditional meals. The movement is not only about meals;it is related to overall modern culture. Supporters of the movement want us to have the fast-paced lifestyle we lea d. They think people should keep thei r ethnic tastes and recipes.They enco ur age eating the fish,natural foods of traditional diets. They feel eating cust oms are an important part of each tr aditional culture and they think eatin g leisurely can make our lives happier and more worthwhite. (3),they are protesting the spread of fast food and hope every country in the w orld will try to preserve its unique, tr aditional food. 1.(3)に入る最も適切な語を一つ選びなさい。 (1)Nevertheless (2)Therefore (3)Even so (4)On the countrary 2.Slow food の支持者が私たちに対して激励していることはどんなことか。日本語で2点、具体的に説明しなさい。 3.(that)のthatと同じ用法のthatを含む文を一つ選びなさい。 (1)It was so dark that I could not recognize who the man was. (2)He was the first man that came to our party.  (3)I took it for granted that she would agree. (4)I was surprised at the news that they had got married. お願いします!

DE-AC06-5000 残量なし時の動作
  • DE-AC06-5000のポータブルバッテリーが残量なしの状態で、スマホを充電できるかについて質問があります。
  • 質問者は、ポータブルバッテリーをコンセントに接続し、スマホを充電する際に、ポータブルバッテリー本体のボタンを押さなくても充電が開始されるか知りたいとしています。
  • DE-AC06-5000の製品についての質問です。