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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:**that shattered broke)

Hanyu's Masterful Free Skate Shatters Records



that は主格の関係代名詞で shattered / broke という同じ意味の過去形が並んでいるとしか考えられません、文法的には。 かっこがついているか、リライトしたつもりが一方が残ってしまったのか。


  • このthatはhowの代用では?

    某参考書の例題です。 There are a few general principles that apply to all the kinds of teaching. The first principle is that the teacher should be clear. Whatever you are teaching, teach clearly. Discover what your students do not know and then try to explain it to them in a way that everyone will understand. Use many examples and illustrations. Allow enough time for discussion. A good pupil is seldom silent. Patience is the second principle. Nothing worth learning can be learned quickly. Real teaching is not just giving information. It involves a conversion, an actual change in the pupil's mind, and this does not happen quickly. Lessons should be carefully planned and plenty of time allowed for repetition and review. Emotion should be controlled. Whenever we become too emotional as teachers, we are forgetting that conscious reason is what makes us men and not animals. The third principle is responsibility. Anyone who teaches should realize that it is a serious matter to guide another person's life. この第二パラグラフの Discover what your students do not know and then try to explain it to them in a way that everyone will understand. ですが、私はthatを関係副詞howの代用と考えたのですが、参考書の説明では thatはunderstandの目的語になる関係代名詞。「学生が何を知らないかを発見し、次にそれを誰にでも分かる方法で説明するようにつとめなさい」 とありました。 しかし、和訳を見る限りではthatを関係副詞としてみているようにしか思えません。 私の解釈のどこが間違っているのでしょうか?

  • 英語のタイトル 

    英語のタイトル  ある本に《↓》と題されていたのですが、もっといい(または別の)英語タイトル 思い付きますか。 《 No Free Lunch 》 There was in Sung a man, who tilled a field in which there stood the trunk of a tree. Once a hare, while running fast, rushed against the trunk, broke its neck, and died. Thereupon the man cast his plough aside and watched that tree, hoping that he would get another hare. Yet he never caught another hare and was himself ridiculed by the people of Sung. *Sung=宋

  • That that that …… that.

    もう40年位前の事ですが、高校の英語の授業、thatの関係代名詞を用いた「とんち」みたいな英文を教わりました。 それは「That that that …… that.」というようなthatを10個前後続く文章です。 いろいろ調べたのですが、未だわからずの状態で気分がすっきりしません。 どなたかご存知でしたら、正しい文章と意味と文法的なご説明を頂けたら幸いです。 どうぞ、宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    Noda announced last month that Japan will enter the TPP talks but has faced strong opposition from farmers worried about foreign competition and threats of strong resistance by LDP lawmakers who consider the farm industry as a key political base. Ishihara said discussions on the TPP are "at the starting line" and the government must do all it can to address public concerns and ensure food security. "We would like to understand what the US. wants to get out of the TPP. If it's an effective tool to establish a free-trade zone for the Pacific that benefits both the US. and Japan, that would be reason to pursue it," he said. "But if we can't identify enough merit for Japan and the US., then maybe we should pursue another way to establish a free-trade zone."

  • 至急!英語が得意な方、助けてください。

    下記の文章(選択)で困っています。 問26 次の下線部の語の品詞を選択肢から選びなさい。 Two businessmen were invited to dinner at the home of a college professor. One of the men did not have much education and was worried (1)that he might make a fool of himself, (2)but his friend said, “Don’t worry. Just do (3)what I do, and don’t talk about anything (4)that you don’t really understand.” The first man managed to get through the dinner successfully, but by the end of the evening he had had a lot to drink, and began to get careless. A guest asked him (5)whether he liked Shakespeare, and he answered confidently, “It’s very pleasant, but I prefer scotch.” There was an uncomfortable silence in the room, and soon people began to leave. (6)When the two friends were out of the house, the second man said to his friend, “You certainly made a fool of yourself making (7)that silly remark about scotch.” “(8)What do you mean?” asked the other man. “(9)What was wrong with it?” “Everybody knows (10)that Shakespeare isn’t a drink,” his friend replied. “It’s a kind of cheese.” (1)that        名詞的従属接続詞 副詞的従属接続詞 指示代名詞 副詞 問27 (2)but        等位接続詞 名詞的従属接続詞 副詞的従属接続詞 前置詞 問28 (3)what        疑問代名詞 疑問副詞 関係代名詞 関係形容詞 問29 (4)that        名詞的従属接続詞 副詞的従属接続詞 関係代名詞 副詞 問30 (5)whether        名詞的従属接続詞 副詞的従属接続詞 指示代名詞 副詞 問31 (6)When        名詞 副詞的従属接続詞 関係副詞 疑問副詞 問32 (7)that        名詞的従属接続詞 副詞的従属接続詞 指示代名詞 副詞 問33 (8)What        疑問代名詞 疑問副詞 関係代名詞 関係形容詞 問34 (9)What        疑問代名詞 疑問副詞 関係代名詞 関係形容詞 問35 (10)that        名詞的従属接続詞 副詞的従属接続詞 指示代名詞 副詞 問36 次の下線部の語の品詞と働きを説明している文として,選択肢の中から正しい記述を一つ選びなさい。 The skin is the largest organ in the body, measuring around two square metres. Distributed unevenly across it are 2,800,000 receptors for pain, 200,000 for cold, and 500,000 for touch and pressure. From birth, girls are dramatically more sensitive to touch (1)and, as an adult, a woman’s skin is at least ten times more sensitive to touch and pressure than a man’s. In one authoritative study it was found (2)that the boys (3)who tested most sensitive to touch felt even less than the least sensitive girls. Female skin is thinner than male skin (4)and has an extra fat layer below it for more warmth in winter (5)and to provide greater endurance. Oxytocin is the hormone (6)that stimulates the urge to be touched (7)and fires up our touch receptors. It’s no wonder (8)that women, with receptors (9)that are ten times more sensitive than men’s, attach so much importance to cuddling their men, children and friends. Our body language research shows (10)that western women are four to six times more likely to touch another woman in a social conversation (11)than a man is likely to touch another man. Women use a greater range of touch expressions than men, describing a successful person as having a ‘magic touch’ and dislike those (12)who ‘get under your skin’. They talk about ‘feelings’, giving someone ‘the personal touch’, being ‘touchy’ and annoying people by ‘rubbing them up the wrong way’. In 1999, a research team led by Michael Meaney at McGill University in Quebec, Canada, showed baby rats (13)that are constantly groomed and cared for by their parents develop more brain mass and higher intelligence than baby rats (14)who had less caring parents. A study with psychiatric patients showed (15)that, under pressure, men avoid touch (16)and retreat into their own world. More than half the women in the same test, on the other hand, initiated approaches to men, not for sex, (17)but for the intimacy of touch. (18)When a woman is emotionally cut off or angry with a man, she is likely to respond by saying, ‘Don’t touch me!’, a phrase (19)that has little meaning to men. The lesson? To win points with women, use lots of appropriate touching (20)but avoid roping. To raise mentally healthy children, cuddle them a lot. (1)and        girlsとwoman’s skinという名詞と名詞句を結び付けている。 From birthとas an adultという前置詞句と前置詞句を結び付けている。 to touchとto touchという不定詞句と不定詞句を結び付けている。 From birth, girls are dramatically more sensitive to touchとas an adult, a woman’s

  • I broke up .............

    質問です。 恋人などでの話で、別れたりした原因を言うとき、 1「彼氏と別れたよ。彼とは3か月一緒にいた。彼はとてもいい人だった。でも、年も離れていたし、何かが合わなかった。。。」 といいたいのですが、 I broke up with exboyfriend. we ....only 3 month together. He was nice person. but ..... わかりませんでした。すみませんが教えてください あと、お互いにとってこれでよかった とか、これでいいと思う という表現をするときはどう英語にできますか? betterを使うのでしょうか?。。。教えてください

  • that that that ……

    He told me that that that that that boy said at that time is that that. 友人に出された問題なのですが、どう訳したらいいのでしょうか。関係代名詞を駆使してthatをできるだけたくさんならべた文章だそうですが。 そもそもこんな文章ありえるのでしょうか。 わけが分からなくなってしまいました。

  • Mrs.White broke...

    Mrs.White broke into tears when i told her the news. when...は過去完了ではないのでしょうか。

  • 何故"that that"?

    接続詞that+代名詞that文で、接続詞thatが省略されない、または出来ないのは何故? NHK実践ビジネス英語2017年9月号までお休みして、過去のテキストを整理中です。 その中で、例文中に”that that”と続く文がいくつか見つかりました。 下記(1)から(8)中で、さすがに(4)の”Not that that’s a bad thing”の”Not that”は、”I don’t say that”の省略形かな。その省略を表す接続詞thatの省略は不可でしょうが、それ以外は何故、省略しない、または、できないのでしょうか? 例文(7)(8)の2番目のthatは、指示形容詞かな。その例文(7)のI am glad [that]…は、参考書で「thatが省略されるのが普通である」という事例にもなっています。 (1) Recent surveys tell us that that's far from the truth. (2) Some doctors admit that that's not why they're discouraging their offspring from medical careers. (3) I've read that that's not an option for a growing number of Americans,… (4) Not that that's a bad thing, mind you. (5) ultimately the company gave him a new computer in the hope that that would create a more positive impression in the public’s mind. (6) they'd have realized that that would have a much worse effect than any bad online review. (7) I'm just glad that that internal memo was circulated to all headquarters employees… (8) mental-health experts say that that kind of activity stimulates the reward centers in the brain. 同様に省略の事例としては、今年度6月号で、McMillanさんの台詞に、”That they will.”が出てきますが、この”That”も、その直前のGraceさんの発言を受けて、 (I agreeかな?) that they will (stand them in good stead later in life). の省略形だと思いますが、いかがでしょうか? Grace: …Those skills will stand them in good stead later in life. McMillan: That they will. …@ 2017年6月L5(3) ※OKWAVEより補足:テーマ「実践ビジネス英語」から投稿された質問です。

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    教員採用試験の過去問の自由英作文の課題を解いてみました。突っ込み所満載だと思うので時間のある方のみで結構ですのでご教授下さい。 題目:高等学校の英語の授業で、電子メールの良い点と悪い点について書かれた単元を取り上げる。その単元の最初の授業でsmall talkをするとき、あなたが生徒に聞かせる英語を130語程度で書きなさい。 From today we are going to learn the topic that "good points and bad points of e-mail". What do you think of it? I think good point of e-mail is ″its convenience”.For example, you can send e-mail for free to all over the world immediately wherever you are. You can also send other attached files at same time. Bad point is that e-mail is "digital signature". It means you can't handle e-mail without gadgets so, you always have to possess it. What is worse sending e-mail with using gadgets is difficult for people who is not good at computers. Only those who are familiar with that can send e-mails. These are my opinions. How about your opinions? Let's start taking look at this topic. 本日より「電子メールの良い点悪い点について」のトピックにについて入っていきます。みなさんはどう思いますか。私が思うに良い点は「その利便性」にあると思います。例えば、e-mailは何処にいても世界中に瞬時に無料で送ることができます。また、その他の添付ファイルも同時に送ることもできます。 悪い点は、e-mailが電子信号であるということです。つまり、電子情報機器なしではe-mailを操作することができないのです。さらに悪いことに電子機器を使っての電子メールの送信は、ガジェット操作が不得意な人には難しいのです。それらに精通した人のみしかe-mailを送ることができないのです。 これらは私の意見です。あなたがたの意見はどうでしょうか。それではこのトピックを見ていきましょう。