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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の訳に自信がありません。ご教授お願い致します。)



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1。Did you know that your great, great,grandmother was born just a few towns over? あなたの素敵なお祖母ちゃんは少し離れた町で生まれたと知ってた?  ちょっと寄り道して済みません。  grandmother = 祖母  great-grandmother = 曾祖母  great-great-grandmother = 高祖母  となります。言い換えればアデラインが話しかけている犬は玄孫(やしゃご)です。下記等をご覧下さい。  https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B6%9A%E6%9F%84#.E9.AB.98.E7.A5.96.E7.88.B6.E6.AF.8D  http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=great+grandmother 2。So was mine,not at the same time, of course.  もちろん 同時じゃないけど 私もそう  (いいと思います) 3。<i>parents beach cottage where 5 year old Fleming was waiting up for her,</i> <i>両親のビーチコテージで5歳のフレミングが彼女を寝ずに待ってた</ I>  (名訳)





  • 英文のチェックをお願い致します…!!

    長くなってしまうのですが、以下の文章であっているかどなたか確認して頂けると嬉しいです。 ☆のところがとても不安な箇所ですので、そこだけでも結構です。全体通して不安ですが。 The most important thing for me is my family. And I should cherish it. First, I thank my parents very much. I owe it to my parents that I could put myself to playing tennis in my junior high school and high school days. In the second year in high school, when I really wanted to leave club activities, my parents encouraged me to continue it. ☆1 At the time, if I was easily allowed to leave club activities, ここに"今の私はないと確信する"と入れたいのですがI'm sure...から続きません、教えて頂きたいです。 When my mother came and watched games, she looked at a tournament table and checked my next competitor. ☆2 I will be dutiful to my parents because I have done what I wanted to do. Second, I also thank my grandparents. I live with them. When I come home, I'm happy that there is someone at home. So I thank my grandmother very much because my parents and my grandfather work. My grandmother cares about me and my sister. ☆3 And she came to the piano concert for me. My grandfather died when I was in the second year in high school. I couldn't believe it because he has worked and been fine until he entered hospital. ☆4 I regretted going to the hospital few times. ↑お見舞いにほとんど行けなかったのが心残りだ、というような意味にしたいのですが、間違っている気がしてなりません。教えてください。 He also came to the piano concert every year, and seemed to look forward to it. So I'm happy that I can cherish my family and feel love from my family. I wish people in the world cherish their families. 長いですがどなたかよろしくお願い致します。 酷い文章で申し訳ありません。

  • 英文解釈をお願いします。

    A・Bはゲイ Cは女→男のトランスジェンダーです。 よろしくお願い致します。 特に、Cの長い台詞が分かりづらいので、お願いします。 A: I love these. Look. B+C :“Veggie Tales.” B: The Christian Cartoons for kids. B: I grew up a born again Christian. C: Yeah, yeah, exactly. A: Was it hard to be born again Christian and, you know… C: Yeah, I mean, as far as being gay and Christian, like, I definitely, like, that’s, like, when I left the church, but the problem is that there are really great born again Christians like my parents who are all about the unconditional love and Jesus' teaching. B: Yes. Your parents need to talk to my parents.

  • whereとwhich

    This is the place which I have long wanted to visit. The group of students visited the cottage where the great dramatist was born. この二つの文章において、1つ目のほうは、which、2つ目のほうは、whereで場所を指し示すとのことなのですが、両方場所を指しているのに、何故このような使い分けをするのかがよく分かりません。 いったい何故なのでしょうか?

  • 英文訳おねがいします。

    I am one of the luckiest girls in the world,"Beatrice declared at her graduation party after earning her bachelor's degree from a collage in connecticut,USA. Indeed and it's approproate that the name of the goat that changed her life was Lack. Beatrice's story helps addres two of the most commonly asked questions about foreign assistance:"Dose aid work?"and"What can I do?" The tale begins in the rolling hills of western Uganda, where Beatrice was born and raised. As a girl, she desperately yearned for an education , but it seemd hopeless. Her parents were prasants who couldn't afford to send her to shool. The years passed and Beatrice stayed home to help with the chores. She was on track to become one more illiterate African woman, another of the continent's wasted human resources. In the meantime, the children of a community church in Connecticut wanted to donate money for a good cause. They decided to buy goats for African villagers through an international non-vernmental oranization (NGO)in Arkansas,USA which helps impoverished farming families. A dariry goat in the NGO's online gift catalog cost $120 ; a flock of chicks or ducklings cost just $20. One of the goats bought by the church went to Beatrice's parents and soon produced twins. When the kid goats were wanted , the children of her family drank the goats milk for a nutritional boost and sold the surplus milk for extra money. The cash from the milk accumulated, and Beatrice's parents decided that they could now afford to send their daughter to shool. She was much older than the other first graders, but she was so overjoyed that she studied diligently and rose to be the best student in the shool. An american visiting the shool was impressed and wrote a children's book , Beatrice's Goat, about how the gift of a goat had enabled a bright girl to go to shool. The book was published in 2000 and became a children's best seller. Beatrice was such an outstanding student that she won a scholarship, not only to Uganda's best girls' high shool, but also to a prep shool in Massachusetts and then to the college in Connecticut. Cutting edge のチャプター9の英文です。 (法政大) 長々とすみませんが、 正確な訳が知りたいです。 どうかご協力お願いします。

  • 時制の基本

    英作文基本300選(駿台)からですが 「私は生後1ヶ月で両親に死なれたために祖父母に育てられました。」 My parents died a month after I was born, so(ry という文で、 生まれたのは両親が死んだより前ですから had been born とするのではないでしょうか? 基礎的な質問で恐縮ですが、教えてください。

  • 友人からの英文を翻訳してください

    ドイツ人の異性の友人から一ヵ月ぶりくらいにメールがきました。 私の英語力では満足に理解することができないのでどなたか助けていただけないかと思います。 よろしくお願いします。 以下内容。 How are you? The news about Japan always make me worry about you... I thought about you very often! But a friend shocked me a few weeks ago and I needed to take a break and stayed at my parents house in the country for some time. I know him for 9 years and now I found out everything he told me was a lie. Thats so disappointing. Soon Ill go back to Mannheim. My friends there are already waiting for me. So of course I had to write you again! I would to love to hear from you!

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Photo of Stone Temple Pilots in 1992. Core was released 20 years ago today. This article is a GrungeReport.net exclusive and features a new interview (read the full interview here) I conducted with former Stone Temple Pilots manager Steve Stewart. Stone Temple Pilots' beginnings can be traced back to the mid 1980's. Scott Richard Kline was born on October 27, 1967 in Santa Cruz, California to parents Kent and Sharon Kline. His parents divorced when he was two, and his mother quickly remarried Dave Weiland, who adopted Scott and gave him his surname Weiland. Scott mainly grew up in Chagrin Falls, Ohio and spent his summers in California with his biological father, the back and forth took its toll on him emotionally.

  • $5 a pop

    I am attempting a freelance-writing career after having realized that business (a decision in major that was ultimately mine, but pressured by my parents) makes me terribly unhappy. I’m so early in my career that I’m taking odd jobs for $5 a pop just trying to get experience. a decision in major that was ultimately mineの意味は「主に最終的には私の決断だった」でしょうか?あと、a popの意味をよろしくお願いします

  • 英作文の質問

    こんにちは。いつもお世話になります。 英作文のテキストで、 「彼女がまだ3才のとき、両親とも鉄道事故でなくなり、彼女は祖母に育てられました。」 の正解が When she was only three, both her parents had been killed in a railway accident, and she was brought up by her grandmother. なのですが、なぜ「鉄道事故でなくなり」のくだりが過去完了になっているのでしょうか?When~とあるときに過去完了を使っても大丈夫なのかということと、「3才のときに両親がなくなった」「その後祖母に育てられた」という意味なのに上の文では「3才のときに、すでに両親がなくなっていて、祖母に育てられた」のように読めてしまいそうです。 分かるように説明していただける方、よろしくお願いします。 出典は「和文英訳の修業」p76です。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします!

    appointment with loveというお話の一場面なのですが、イマイチ良く分からないので和訳お願いします! The woman ’s face had a pleasant smile. ”Well, I don't know what this is all about, young man, ”she answered. ”That young lady in the green suit──yes,the one who just went by ──asked me to wear this red rose on my coat. And she said that if yndu asked me to go out with you, I should tell you that she’s waiting for you in that big restaurant across the street. She said it was some kind of a test. I’ve got a boy in the army myself, so, of course, I didn't mind helping you.” 以上です。 とても長くて申し訳無いのですが、宜しくお願い致します!