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こういう論文などをもとにした記事もしくは論文そのものを読む時は、使われる単語とか、実験の条件とか、いろいろ注意して読んだほうがいいです (あ、質問への直接的な回答にならないと思います、他の人が回答しているので・・・) significant(ly) という単語はよく勘違いされるんですが ・sufficiently great or important TO BE WORTHY OF ATTENTION; noteworthy ・having a particular meaning; indicative of something ということであって、それそのもので量的・質的な程度を表す単語ではないです 辞書によっては、「著しい」とか「かなりの」とか意味を載せているものがありますが、"注目に値する(ほどに)"という意味です ですから、「著しく」という言葉によってかなりsensaionalな内容と勘違いされます 「著しく、著しい」という日本語にはもちろん"明白"とか"はっきりわかる"という意味はありますが、"著しく高い"とすると「かなり高い」というように聞こえます 1.5倍とか2倍ってそんな大した数字ではないですよね(主観の問題ですが) そして、記事文でも risk of mild cognitive impairment shoot up significantly と言っているのであって、「著しく高い」とは言っていません 「MCIとなる率の上昇が明らかに(目に見えて)わかる」ということです 論文でsignificantが使われる場合は、siginificant correlation というように(この記事の場合であれば)、「(調査・研究において)MCIになる率と飲むコーヒーの量との間に"明らかな""顕著な"関係が見ることができた」ということです(1.2倍でも1.1倍でも、調査の条件上明らかな関係が見られれば、significant と言えます) だから訳としても、「AをしたらBになった」ではなくて、『Aをする人にはBという傾向が"見られた"』とするのが適切と思います 特にこういうlongitudinal study (長期的な調査)は調査期間が長く、その期間に被験者にいろいろなことが起こるわけですから、MCIとなる原因は他にも考えられるわけです ただその原因の中でも、コーヒーの飲む量(変化を含め)に焦点を当てたら、significantな関係が"確認できた"ということです あと私はコーヒー愛飲者ですから補足しときますが、被験者は65 to 84-years-old(これは文法的に間違いです)であり、cognitively normal older individuals です これより若い人らのことはこの調査の範囲ではありません ですから この新聞記事の書き方(特に、書き出し)はあまりいいと思えません あともう一つ間違いを見つけてます 一番最後のパラで "Caffeine could in part compensate the cognitive decline in older individuals because its effects on vigilance and attention, mainly in situations of reduced alertness," とありますが ... because [of] its effects ... です



>>1.5倍とか2倍ってそんな大した数字ではないですよね(主観の問題ですが) 1人が2人、2人が3人 というのは感覚的に大した変化ではない様な気がします。 しかし 100人が200人、200人が300人 というと 著しく大きい変化の様な気がします。 この様な調査では被験者数も多いので、1.5倍 2倍 というのは、著しく高いと言えるのでは ないでしょうか。 最後のbecause of の所 よく分かりました。 色々とご指摘頂き有り難うございました。 「コーヒーを飲む人は飲まない人と比べて、risk of death が小さい 」 という記事を最近どこかで読んで 、認知症予防のため、私もコーヒーを 飲む様になりました。 ただし1日 1杯程度にしています。


  • 英文和訳

    Calling to mind this city's revolutionary past, he says he would accept the nomination for president "on behalf of a new birth of freedom — on behalf of the middle class who deserve a champion, and those struggling to join it who deserve a fair shot; for the brave men and women in uniform who risk their lives every day and the families who pray for their return; for those who believe our best days are ahead of us." 1.who deserve a fair shot はどう訳すのですか? 2.who の先行詞は those (struggling to join it ) と思いますが、どうでしょう?

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    英文の和訳をお願いします。 A useful tool at this point would be an account of bulimia that is both plausible and parsimonious. It should be plausible in that it fits the known facts about bulimia, and it should be parsimonious in that the phenomenon is not overexplained by many concomitant, nonindependent forces. An appropriate theory should define the people at risk for the disorder as well as those not at risk. A good theory should also describe the process of acquiring the symptoms themselves. None of the existing theories can do all of these things. Although the sociocultural approach can define who is at risk, it neither effectively defines who is not at risk nor how bulimics acquire the binge-eating behavior. The clinical perspective is well suited to defining who is at risk and who is not at risk but has not carefully spelled out how it is that the symptoms are acquired. The epidemiological approach, like the clinical approach, is better suited to defining risk factors than to describing processes of symptom acquisition. I wish to propose a model that is well suited to describing the symptom acquisition process, based on social psychological processes.

  • この英文の意味について

    You can go to Starbucks and have your cup of coffee for ten dollars, as long as you don't have multiple cups of coffee. この英文の正確な意味を知りたいのですが、下記であっていますでしょうか? ・スターバックスに行けば、10ドルでコーヒーが飲めます。複数杯飲まないなら。(つまり、10ドルあればコーヒーは飲めるが、2杯以上は飲めない。) また仮にこの英文が、 You can go to Starbucks and have "a" cup of coffee for ten dollarsだったとしたら、意味はどう変わりますか? ・スターバックスでは、10ドルでコーヒー1杯飲めますよ。 という意味なら、前の文と特に変わらないように思えるのですが。 またこの文の後ろに、”as long as you don't have multiple cups of coffee.”という節が付加されていることで、あるとないとでは、どれくらい意味、ニュアンスが違ってくるのでしょうか。 この節がないと、二杯以上飲める可能性が含まれてしまうということでしょうか。 どなたかお分かりになる方、お答え願います。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    “Unlike previous investigations, we were able to assess association of consumption of caffeinated and non-caffeinated beverages, and we identify caffeine as the most likely candidate of any putative protective effect of coffee,” said lead researcher Michel Lucas, research fellow in the Department of Nutrition at HSPH. The authors reviewed data from three large U.S. studies and found that the risk of suicide for adults who drank two to four cups of caffeinated coffee per day was about half that of those who drank decaffeinated coffee or very little or no coffee. Caffeine not only stimulates the central nervous system but may act as a mild antidepressant by boosting production of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline. This could explain the lower risk of depression among coffee drinkers that had been found in past epidemiological studies, the researchers reported. In the new study, researchers examined data on 43,599 men enrolled in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (HPFS) (1988–2008), 73,820 women in the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) (1992–2008), and 91,005 women in the Nurses’ Health Study II (NHSII) (1993–2007). Caffeine, coffee, and decaffeinated coffee intake was assessed every four years by questionnaires. Caffeine consumption was calculated from coffee and other sources, including tea, caffeinated soft drinks, and chocolate. However, coffee was the major caffeine source — 80 percent for NHS, 71 percent for NHS II, and 79 percent for HPFS. Among the participants in the three studies, there were 277 deaths from suicide. In spite of the findings, the authors do not recommend that depressed adults increase caffeine consumption, because most individuals adjust their caffeine intake to an optimal level for them and an increase could result in unpleasant side effects. “Overall, our results suggest that there is little further benefit for consumption above two to three cups/day or 400 mg of caffeine/day,” the authors wrote. The researchers did not observe any major difference in risk between those who drank two to three cups of coffee per day and those who had four or more cups a day, most likely due to the small number of suicide cases in these categories. However, in a previous HSPH coffee-depression study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, the investigators observed a maximal effect among those who drank four or more cups per day. One large Finnish study showed a higher risk of suicide among people drinking eight or nine cups per day. Few participants in the two HSPH studies drank such large amounts of coffee, so the studies did not address the impact of six or more cups of coffee per day.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    The researchers also looked at the data according to gender. After the researchers accounted for age, race, socioeconomic factors (education and income) and stroke risk factors, the results revealed that men who exercised at least four times a week still had a lower risk of stroke than men who exercised one to three times per week. In contrast, there was no association between frequency of exercise and stroke risk among women in the study. However, there was a trend towards a similar reduction in stroke risk for those who exercised one to three times a week and four or more times a week compared to those who were inactive. “This could be related to differences in the type, duration, and intensity of physical activity between men and women,” said Dr. Howard. “This could also be due to differences in the perception of what is intense physical activity enough to work up a sweat.” The results should encourage doctors to stress the importance of exercise when speaking with their patients, Dr. Howard said. “Physical inactivity is a major modifiable risk factor for stroke. This should be emphasized in routine physician check-ups along with general education about the benefits of exercise on stroke risk factors including high blood pressure, diabetes and being overweight or obese,” she said. The study suggests that men should consider exercising at least four times a week. REGARDS will continue to assess stroke risk factors to look for long-term patterns in the study population. “Findings from this study, including the current physical activity results, will ultimately help us to identify potential targets for immediate intervention as well as for future clinical trials aimed at preventing stroke and its consequences,” said Dr. Moy.

  • 英文の書き換え

    the other class of machine consists of those whose function it is to be as sensitive as possible to some kind of change in their surroundings. タイトルの英文ですが下記のように書き換えられますか? the other class of machine consists of function which is to be as sensitive as possible to some kind of change in their surroundings.(1) the other class of machine consists of that those function is to be as sensitive as possible to some kind of change in their surroundings.(2) 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Weight concentrated around the abdomen and in the upper part of the body (the apple shape) poses a higher health risk than fat that settles around the hips and flank (the pear shape). Fat cells in the upper part of the body appear to have different qualities from those found in the lower parts. In fact, studies suggest a higher risk for diabetes in people with the "apple shape" and lower risk in those who are "pear shaped."

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします

    1行目 Advertisers have long turned to psychologists in their efforts to understand how to motivate human desires. 2行目 Earlier than most, for example, the influential advertising couple, Stanley and Helen Resor, saw the advantages of employing someone who claimed to have some understanding of human behavior. 3行目 In the 1920s, their agency, the J. Walter Thompson Company, hired the renowned father of behaviourism, John B. Watson, away from the John Hopkins University Psychology Department to serve as a vice president. で、この文章に対する問いが、 Why was Watson hired? となっていますが、文章が理解できず、回答できませんでした。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Recent statistics hints that more and more people are opting to stay single. Nevertheless, most men and women still want to get or be married. A goodmarriage is still seen as the surest way to lead a happy, meaningful life-as the best way to ward off loneliness while still allowing each partner to grow as an individual. On the other hand, a bad marriage is not only an unhappy one, but it can also have a detrimental effect on the partner’s health. In fact, it is far less preferable health-wise than staying single. That’s the conclusion reached by a study published in the journal The Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Researchers asked 303 generally healthy people- 204 married and 99 single-detailed questions about the quality of their lives. After completing the questionnaire, the participants wore a portable blood pressure device for 24 hours as they went about their normal daily activities. Those subjects who had confessed to being trapped in an unhappy relationship had much higher levels of blood pressure, stress, depression, and overall dissatisfaction with life. As one of the authors of the study put it: “Just being married per se isn’t helpful from a health standpoint, because you can literally be worse off in an unhappy marriage. So choose wisely”. So how can an unhappy, unhealthy marriage become a good one? Another study, conducted at the University of Michigan, that tracked 192 couples for 17years indicates that a good quarrel may be the answer. Couples who suppressed their anger were found to have a mortality rate two times as high as couples who regularly expressed their dissatisfaction. Even more telling, the couples who regularly expressed their dissatisfaction. Even more telling, the study found that couples who kept their feelings to themselves were five times more likely to be dead 17 years later. The American playwright Thornton Wilder once said: “Fighting is the best part of marriage. Everything else is so-so”. As the Michigan study shows, Wilder may have been more correct than ironic.

  • 英文和訳 大学入試

    some of the children who appear as mediocre or even as slow in one setting may show to much greater advantage even as slow in one setting この部分がわかりません。なんて訳せば良いんでしょうか? 長文の中の一節なのでわかりにくいことをおわびします。