• ベストアンサー

英文和訳 大学入試

some of the children who appear as mediocre or even as slow in one setting may show to much greater advantage even as slow in one setting この部分がわかりません。なんて訳せば良いんでしょうか? 長文の中の一節なのでわかりにくいことをおわびします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

ここでのslowは「時間がかかる」in one settingは「一回の試みに」「ひとつのやろうとすること」といった意味になります。 even as として考えるのではなく、appear as:~~のように見える に副詞のeven「もっと言えば」というのが挟まっていると考えるのではないでしょうか? そうならば some of the children who appear as mediocre or even as slow in one settingの部分は 「平凡かもっと言えば一つの事柄に時間がかかるように見える子供達のうちの何人かは」という風に訳せます。

その他の回答 (1)

  • shingo5k
  • ベストアンサー率33% (123/366)

>>the children who appear even as slow in one setting ある状況下では「のろま」「ぐす」にさえ見える子供たち


  • 英文和訳 大学入試

    (1) A teacher who grades the class on a sliding scale with A’s going to the children who complete the most problems correctly or write the most imaginative or sophisticated papers and B's, C's and D's awarded to the other children as their work compares to that of the A children, is setting up a competitive situation that will defeat some children all of the time. with A’s going to the childrenここが不明です。また、as their work compares to that of the A childrenここも不明、thatは何を示している? (2) A child who does not excel in this group might have been one of the pacesetters of the class had he just come along one year sooner or later and had lesser or different competition. 仮定法なのはわかりますが、 had lesser or different competition.ここの訳し方がわかりません。平常文?になおすとif he come along lesser or different competitionになるんでしょうか?

  • 和訳してください!!!!!!

    和訳お願いします!!  Modern life is convenient,but it has also created problems in many ways.One ploblem we often hear about is that children are becoming less healthy because they watch too much television.    It is common sense that children who are watching television are not doing other activities such as playing outside.This means that children may get to fat or not have much strength or energy.However,there are other serious effects on children besides physical effects.  Children who watch a lot of television can usually understand the same number of words as other children.However, when they speak, they often cannot explain themselves very fluently.Some scientists think that this is because babies need to get information by listening, using their left brain.But television is mainly visual and makes us use the right brain.this is perhaps the reason for poor language skills later.

  • 英文の翻訳(和訳)をおねがいします。 考えてみたのですがうまく訳せません。

    Like the nation itself, American college life is diverse, challenging, complicated, and ever changing. Technology, in particular, is as much a driver of change in education today as it is in the global economy in general. This diversity in college experiences has the great advantage of allowing students from many different backgrounds to pursue a college education in a setting that they find suitable for their individual success.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    英語のサンタの本?エッセイ?の一部なんですが、英語が全くわからないので 和訳していただけないでしょうか? Some little children doubt that Santa still lives because often their letters, for one reason or another, never seem to reach him. Nurses in hospitals know who some of these children are. Teachers in great city schools know others. Dear children of yesterday, won’t you try to seek out these trusting children of today and make sure that their letters in some way may reach Santa Claus so that “he will continue to make glad that heart of childhood”? That, I believe, is the best way of proving there is a Santa Claus, for ourselves and for the children. What will you tell your children about Santa Claus someday?

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    There is so much hate inside some people, because they were very unhappy as children.

  • 以下に英文と和訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    Above all, he was lucky in having capable sons to take over the family fortunes when he died. Even though he was hardly a family man, and his wives and children meant little to him, the question of succession determined many of his attitudes. Certainly, in a period of thrusting and showy egotists who wanted as much as possible for themselves, the Tokugawa daimyo labored quietly for the good of his household, retainers as well as children, and refused to compete for purely personal glory. 和訳 とりわけ、彼が死んだ時に家族の富を引き継ぐ有能な息子が彼にいたことは幸運だった。彼が家族的な男であることはほとんどなく、彼の妻や子どもは彼にとってほとんど意味が無かったとしても、承継の問題は彼の態度の多くを決定づけることになった。確かに出来るだけ多くのものを自分のものにしようとする出しゃばりで自己顕示欲の強いエゴイストたちの時代において、この徳川の大名は、家と家臣、そして子孫のために黙々と働き、純粋に個人に個人的な栄誉の為に争うことは拒否したのだった。

  • 英文と和訳があります。和訳は正しいでしょうか?

    A recent book has used the term "loser dog" to describe women over 30 years old who are not married and have no children. For women who are married, the author used the term "winner dog." Using the term, "loser," follows the stereotype discussed above in which women who are not married are considered to have failed in life. However, the term "loser dog" may be taking on a new meaning. As society becomes less conservative in its thinking, and as women gain more social statues, "loser dog" may no longer mean the woman is a loser. 和訳 最近出たある一冊の本では、未婚で子供もいない30歳すぎの女性を表すのに「負け組」という言い方を使いました。この筆者は結婚している女性を「勝ち組」と評しました。「負け」という言い方を用いることで、前に述べたように結婚していない女性は人生の失敗者であるという固定観念に追従しているのです。しかしながら、「負け組」という言い方は新しい意味を得ることかもしれません。社会における思考が保守的でなくなるにつれ、また女性がより多くの社会的地位を得ることにつれ、「負け組」とはもはや女性が敗者だという意味ではなくなるかもしれないからです。

  • 【至急】 英文の和訳お願いします。

    以下の文章の和訳をお願いします。 While Oishinbos topicality and its debates on the politics of food may partly account for its popularity, it is the cooking techniwues, descriptions of food, and food-centerd, sentimental stories about human relationships that dominate the series. The theme of food and memory figures prominently in these stories and even links some of the personal problems with the social problems critiqued in Oishinbo. The manga notes, for example, that such changes in the food industry as retionalization and commerchialization usually yield a less healthful, less flaborful dish than the one remenbered from one's younger days.

  • 英文の長文和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています。 和訳を教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします!! There was also a public priestess, drawn from one or other of the leading families of the city, who must have performed sacrifices at the Temple of Venus, and may have had a role in other cults as well. Probably at the same time the precinct was separated from the forum by piers of increasing thickness which masked the difference in alignment between forum and temple. Their decree allowed exemptions under special circumstances for small groups of bacchants who worshipped at long established sanctuaries, and the cult at S. Abbondio must have been registered as one of the these, for the sanctuary remained in use, though it ceased to be supported by the city government. In the Sanctuary of Apollo the magistrates replaced the old altar with a new one, in accordance with a decree of the decurions, as they recorded in an inscription.

  • 和訳御願いします(構文が難しい)

    Obama wants people who may tune in only occasionally to what happens in Washington to know, as he sees it, that he got some thing done this year, particularly on the economy