Live to Tell 59
Wolufu: He he heh... err... Thinking: Uh oh, I'm starting to think that I should have just stayed asleep.
I'm in really big trouble now.
Vulpa: Eeeeeeeek! How dare you spy on me, you little pervert!!!!
Wolufu: Wooooaah! No, wait!
Let me explain!
Vulpa: Explain what? You damn pervert, you'd better start running because if I catch you you'll wish you never saw that!
Wolufu: Heeeey!
No, don't do that, yipe!
I just heard your moans and I thought that there was something wrong with you!
I just was worried!
Ru: Hm?
What's all the noise for?
Thinking: Oh, it's Vulpa and Wolufu!
Looks like they're playing tag!
I want to play around, too, but don't you think that this is a better time to be sleeping?
Vulpa: ...
Wolufu: ...