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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の中の単語の意味を教えてください。)

The Meaning of Two Words in an English Sentence


  • Nebusoku3
  • ベストアンサー率38% (1441/3774)

(1)run through → まかりとおる(意訳) → runには「実施される」意味があり、through は 「通される」 直訳で 「突き進む」 のようなものと考えていいと思います。 (2)uncovered abuses of civilian prisoners →  uncovered 参考: http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/uncovered つまり、「蓋が無い」 → 「明らかにされる」  disovered に共通した部分があります。(同じではないですが) ↓ 明らかにされた 一般囚人への 虐待行為 のような意味合いになるかと思います。



とてもわかりやすく回答してくださってありがとうございます! uncoveredは「蓋が無い」 → 「明らかにされる」と考えるのですね。 リンクもしてくださってありがとうございます!


  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。在庫の確認をしたら下記のような返事がきました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 We will not have the exact same bags as every season we move on to new styles but we will do something similar. I have emailed you the file with similar styles that we have now in and some other new styles. Would you be interested in any of these..?

  • 英文を訳していただきたいのですが

    Other people will see better than we can how to implement these changes in their own lives and cultures and political systems. という文と・・・ . Learn more about and monitor both the welfare of the human population and the condition of local and planetary sources and sinks.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を予約していました。ですがそれをキャンセルしようか迷っています。相手にキャンセルの相談をしたら返事がきました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 2018 Collection will not have extra quantities, only a few pcs will be send to our warehouse in Los Angeles and we will prioritize domestic customers. We strongly recommend you not to cancel your order because you will be at risk of not having any products for 2018 collection. If you wish to purchase from Los Angeles for what we have in stock now, please feel free to go over our website and send me your order. Thank you and best regards,

  • 英文を訳してほしいです。

    辞書を使ってもうまく訳せません。 訳を教えてほしいです。 「The word for "something" is 何か, and the word for "anything" in negative sentences is 何も. These two words are used in places where the particles は, が,and を are expected. In these contexts,they are used own,without the help of particles. We will learn in Lesson 10 what to do in cases where other than are expected.」 日本語の「何か食べる」「何も食べない」というときの「何か、何も」の説明文です。 particlesが助詞と言う意味だということは調べて何とか分かりましたが上手く文章にできません。 宜しくお願いします!

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。 そこはハンドメイドで作ってくれるお店なんですが、ちょっと注意書きがありました。すみませんが英文の意味を教えて下さい。これって業者さん用でしょうか? AAA to send over some 商品名 and BBB will produce products for sale in USA. Both of our brands will be stamped into every product. We would also promote how AAA  、 BBB from the 商品名. We would study the market for such a unique concept in USA. BBB will design products that suit the preference of locals in USA based on the sales. Templates will be sent to AAA. AAA will make the products for sale in our store.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claims one of the goals of its insurgency is to reverse the effects of the Sykes–Picot Agreement. "This is not the first border we will break, we will break other borders," a jihadist from the ISIL warned in the video called End of Sykes-Picot. ISIL's leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in a July 2014 speech at the Great Mosque of al-Nuri in Mosul, vowed that "this blessed advance will not stop until we hit the last nail in the coffin of the Sykes–Picot conspiracy". The Franco-German geographer Christophe Neff wrote that the geopolitical architecture founded by the Sykes–Picot Agreement disappeared in July 2014 and with it the relative protection of religious and ethnic minorities in the Middle East. He claimed furthermore that Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in some way restructured the geopolitical structure of the Middle East in summer 2014, particularly in Syria and Iraq. The former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin presented a similar geopolitical analysis in an editorial contribution for the French newspaper Le Monde.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    仕事の出張で英語圏の国に先週行ってきました。相手のウェブサイトを聞き忘れたので先ほどメールで伝えました。返事が来たんですがいまいち意味がわかりません。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 Very good to hear that your stay was wonderful and educational as we have learned little bit more about your business as well as the market and culture in Japan. As discussed our meetings will have benefits and opportunity to learn about each other and collaborate even more to increase our Japan presence and business. I will be addressing all of what we had discussed in the next couple of weeks but meanwhile for the website, what platform will you be using. Here at AAA, we use Magento platform, if you use the same platform it will be easier to transfer the contents from ours so you might want to consult with your website professional. Once again, thank you for visiting us and hoping the best for our new beginning.

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。とても安くて小さいものなのでまとめ売りらしいです。 発送ができるか質問を相手にしていたのですが返事がきました。すみませんが意味を教えてください。お願いします。 We are in receipt of your below mail and thank you very much for your interest in our articles. Of course we would be pleased to welcome you as our new customer and we could deliver our articles directly from LA to your address in Japan. Please kindly note that we have quite a few customers in Japan and it is absolutely no problems to import our goods. Since you have not clarified which articles you would like to purchase we suggest to have a look at our homepage 11111 and choose the requested items. Once you will let us know which items you would like to purchase we can send you our best offer. Since most of our articles are packed in boxes containing 2 or 3 pieces we normally request a minimum order quantity of a complete box. In case of orders for less than a complete box our prices get increased by 30 %. If the order is for more than 5 pieces of one article our prices will get decreased. Hoping to have been of assistance to you and awaiting your detailed inquiry.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。商品の在庫の事でメールがきました。すっみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 Did you have a chance to look at the colours in the links provided in my previous email? Would you be interested in any of these? They are very fast sellers and I have been just told by my colleague that we have only a box left of each (2 per box).

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。日本に発送できますか?と質問したら下記のようなお返事が来ました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 Thank you for your interest in AAA and sorry we have not responded earlier. At the moment we don’t have a distribution in Japan. Therefore we do not import to Japan at the moment. We are in conversations for a partner in your country and as soon as we find a good match we will connect you. In the meantime, please send us your company profile, store information and interest in AAA.