• ベストアンサー

大文字の“M”で始まる“Mother”の意味を教えてください (至急)


  • coolguys
  • ベストアンサー率18% (351/1917)

私たちが貧困にさらに陥るとともに、 私は幼稚な無知中で、 ステージに戻らないことに対して母親を非難するでしょう。 彼女はよく微笑み、その生活が誤りで人工だった、 そのような世界では、人が非常に容易に神を忘れるかもしれない、 と言います。彼女自身再び忘れる劇場について彼女が話した場合は常に、 まだ、熱心に運び去られます。 数日、追憶後に、彼女は長い静寂に陥るでしょう、 として、彼女、彼女の針仕事上に曲がっている、 また、私たちがもはやその魅惑的な生活の一部でなかったので、 私は気分的になるでしょう。 また、母親はよく見上げ私に孤独に会い、喜んで私を慰めるでしょう。



  • 英文の意味

    Now and again there would arise a feeling that it was hard upon my mother that she should have to do so much for us, that we should be idle while she was forced to work so constantly; but we should probably have thought more of that had she not taken to work as though it were the recognized condition of life for an old lady of fifty-five. we should probably have thought 以降がどういう意味なのかちょっとわかりません。その前までは「母親が苦労して働いているのに自分たちは・・・」という感じなのだろうと思うのですが。 お手数かけますが、ご教示を宜しくお願い致します。

  • 至急意味を教えてください。

    We should talk about our feelings because I loved you and you loved me at one point... We had such a great bond and great chemistry and somehow everything went bad...I wanted to see if maybe we could work out again but I think you still dont trust me and I dont think I am ready for such a big comittment such as marriage... Write me back with how you feel about me and not asking me more questions... You know all the answers to your questions... これは過去に私のことを愛していたのでしょう?それとも今も愛しているのでしょうか?

  • 次の英文の意味を教えていただけませんか.

     以下のような文章がありました. My mother never let herself get down; no matter how bad things were, she stayed cheerful. Even though we had a hard life, she still maintained the attitude that everything was fine. She took life one day at a time, made the best of every day, and never let things get the better of her. I remember her coming home tired from her job at the restaurant and saying that we were lucky - that as bad as things seemed to be, there were people far worse off than we were. (以下,省略)  上の英文の中で,She took life one day at a time, というのはどんなことを言っているのですか.one day (ある日),at a time (一度に) に間違いがなければ,took life の解釈にかかってくるのですが,辞書で当たってみた限り,life の前に修飾語を置かないで take life と使った例を見出せませんでした.これは一種の慣用的表現なのでしょうか.もし慣用表現でないとしたら,どうしてそういう解釈になるのかも含めて解説して頂ければと思います.宜しくお願いします.

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I’m a 25-year-old woman getting married in the summer. My mother is very old-fashioned and proper, and does not believe in sex before marriage. She also believes that my husband and I are virgins and will remain that way until our wedding night. Both of us have been sexually active since high school! My older sister told me that my mom is planning on giving me a sex talk and explaining how everything works and “how to please a man” before my wedding. I would like nothing less than to listen to my mother explain sex to me, would like nothing less than toはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 何か省略されているのでしょうか

    My mother chooses to hide the fact that her boyfriend is a pedophile. He abused me 15 years ago, when I was a teenager, and it still haunts me. Mom broke up with him for a short period of time, but they got back together, and the abuse started again. She didn't want to press charges because it would mess up his retirement. She is still seeing this man. I have had great therapy. My wonderful husband and I have a 5-year-old daughter. We used to allow her to stay overnight at Grandma's until she told us that Grandma took her to her boyfriend's house. I wrote my mother a letter and told her that as long as this man is in her life, we wouldn't be. we wouldn't beは何か省略されているのでしょうか?意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 以下の英文について教えてください

    The mournful truth that a man — every man-must die alone, had been thrust sharply into my mind and kept there by the frequent violent attacks of my malady I suffered at that time, every one of which threatened to be the last. (中略) Then my mother died. Her perfect health failed her suddenly, and her decline was not long. But she suffered much, and on the last occasion of my being with her at her bedside she told me that she was very tired and had no fear of death, and would be glad to go but for the thought of leaving me in such a precarious state of health and with a mind distressed. Even then she put no questions to me, but only expressed the hope that her prayers for me would be answered and that at the last we should be together again. I cannot say, as I might say in the case of any other relation or friend, that I had lost her. (中略) It came to me as a great surprise a few years ago to have my secret and most cherished feelings about my own mother expressed to me as I had never heard them expressed before by a friend who, albeit still young, has made himself a name in the world, one who had never known a mother, she having died during his infancy. <最後のIt came to me~の英文について>: It came to me as a great surprise a few years ago~のasは「~として」ですか? as I had never heard them expressed ~のasは「~のように」ですか? (themはmy secret and most cherished feelings ?) my own mother expressed to me as I had never heard them expressed before by a friend のところの意味がよくわからないのですが、 expressedの取り方は、 my own mother expressed to me私自身の母親が私に表現した、 I had never heard them expressed私はそれらが表現されるのを決して聞いたことがない、 ですか? she having died during his infancyここは独立分詞構文で、「彼女は彼の幼年時代に亡くなってしまったので」? ----Far Away and Long Ago :W.H.Hudson

  • この英文を訳していただきたいです

    A: you bring new aspects to her. and with movie it's like... B: She doesn't bring nuances. it was perfect. Let me just say that we have had a lot of her love today. okey? So i'd glod to get some. A: And then we see her evolving into his leadership role. But we also see you evolving more and more as we see you onscreen... B: Well...Do we?

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My sister-in-law says she is very allergic to cats. She lives six hours away from my Mom. My sister and I have cats and bring them with us when we visit our mom. My sister-in-law asked us if we could put the cats behind a gate or upstairs when she and my brother visit. We believe that our cats are our family members. We refuse to put our cats away just because someone wants us to. Because of this, our sister-in-law stopped visiting. Now she has a baby and this is the first grandchild in the family. She again asked if we would put the cats away while she visits so my mom can visit with her granddaughter. Again, we have refused to do this because our cats are just as important family members as her baby. We told her that she should drop off the baby with my mom, sister and me and that she can relax at the hotel while we visit. She has refused to do this, and now just doesn't visit. She tells my brother to visit whenever he wants, but that she and her baby will stay home. My mom cannot drive to their house, and now my mom has not seen her granddaughter at all. She is very upset. How do we fix this for our mom's sake, without giving up our principles? giving up our principlesとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I’m 40 now, but I still feel pretty young and decently healthy. When I was growing up, in a conservative social circle, I was an overweight and insecure guy who put way too much worth on someone liking me (I’ll own up to that as my mistake). I would get the nerve to talk to cute girls and then watch them walk away mid-sentence for some athletic guy. I would hear them talking about how cute so-and-so classmate’s butt was. But it was always ground into us guys that we should never disrespect women by thinking or talking about them as sex objects. ground into us guysとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の意味を教えて下さい。友達からのメールです

    英語の意味を教えて下さい。友達からのメールです (1)Thought I would see how you were seeing as we haven't talked in a while. これは私と話そうと思っていたということを言っているのですか? しばらくやりとりしていなかったので。 (2)I'm glad someone likes that cd as much as me 私が音楽CDの話題をちょっと出したことに対しての返事です。 同じくらいそれが好きって言ってるのかと思ったのですが、それはまだ 発売されていないので自分の解釈にちょっと自信がないです。 楽しみにしてるっていう意味にとっていいのでしょうか。 すみませんがよろしくお願いします。