• ベストアンサー


次の言葉の表現を訳して下さい。お願いします。出来れば、同じ意味の日本語の表現が知りたいのですが(意味の説明ではなくて)。意味さえ同じならば、違う言葉でも結構です。また、方言でも結構です。 (1) all cleaned out. (2) (He is) a deadbeat. (3) Down and out (4) lights on but no one home (5) load it on thick


  • ベストアンサー
  • Zz_zZ
  • ベストアンサー率44% (756/1695)

clean (俗語)(しばしば受身)〈人を〉(賭け・強盗・投機で)一文無しにする(out);〈場所から〉(金品などを)全部盗む(out/of...):The cards were marked and I got cleaned. トランプには目印がついていたので,持ち金をすっかり取られた. clean...out/clean out... (1)(整頓せいとん・清掃のために)…を空にする,あける;〈部屋・引出しなどの〉内部を掃除する,片づける;〈不要な物を〉とり除く.(2)〈金・資源などを〉使い果たす.(3)(話)〈敵などを〉力ずくで追い出す,追っ払う;〈場所から〉人を追い[締め]出す.(4)〈店から〉在庫品を一掃する;(話)…の中を空にする,…の金を全部奪う:The thief cleaned out the safe. 泥棒は金庫の金を全部かっさらった. clean out 〈部屋・ひきだしなどを〉《中のごみなどを出して》きれいにする; 〈…から〉〈在庫品・悪党などを〉一掃する, 追い出す〈of, from〉; 《口語》 《盗み出すなどして》〈場所を〉空(から)にする; 《口語》 〈商人〉から〈…を〉すっかり買い取る, 《ばくちなどで》 …から〈…を〉巻き上げる, …を一文無しにする〈of〉; 〈人〉に通じをつける. deadbeat n. 【1】(米語・俗)借金[勘定]を踏み倒す人.【2】(主に米・カナダ)怠け者;のらくら者.【3】(米語・俗)(特に貨物列車に不正乗車する)放浪者.【4】(主に豪)資産のない人,一文無し. down-and-out adj. 【1】(話)金のない,無一文の;落ちぶれ果てた,寄る辺のない:down-and-out hippies 文無しのヒッピーたち.【2】体力[スタミナ]のない,弱りきった;無力な,無能な.【3】〈ボクサーが〉負け続けて駄目になった.(また down and out) n. (また down-and-outer)【1】無一物[無一文]の人;(社会・人生の)落後者;体力のない[弱り果てた]人;(負け続けて)駄目になったボクサー.【2】(トランプ)ダウンエンドアウト:ブリッジで3回目に切り札を使うことを相手に教えるために,同じスーツ(suit)の高低2枚のカードを続けて出すこと.【3】(アメフト)パスレシーバーのコースの一つ;まっすぐ走ったあと,鋭く外側へコースを変えるプレー(cf. DOWN-AND-IN).





その他の回答 (2)


down-and-out noun [C] (informal) someone who has no job, no money, and nowhere to live dead beat noun [C] (AmE,informal) (1) someone who is lazy and who has no plans in life (2) someone who avoids paying their debts



遅くなってどうもスミマセン。(もしや方言の返事も、、と、待っていたもので) どうも有り難う御座いました。


英語に弱い私のつよい味方サイトです。 参考までに・・・。






  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をよろしくお願いします! The voyage was hard. He had many windless days when his boat did not move at all. Sometimes he fell ill and was filled with worries. He was all alone on the ocean. There was no one to tell him what to do. But he got over the difficulties and, 94 days later, he arrived in San Francisco.

  • 曲の和訳お願いします

    Crazy Bitch Buckcherry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSzyKO_kW_s Break me down, you got a lovely face We're going to your place And now you got to freak me out Scream so loud, getting fuckin' laid You want me to stay, but I got to make my way Hey You're crazy bitch But you fuck so good, I'm on top of it When I dream, I'm doing you all night Scratches all down my back to keep me right on Hey You're crazy bitch But you fuck so good, I'm on top of it When I dream, I'm doing you all night Scratches all down my back to keep me right on Take it all, the paper is your game You jump in bed with fame Another one night paid in full, uh You're so fine, it won't be a loss Cashing in the rocks, just to get you face to face Hey You're crazy bitch But you fuck so good, I'm on top of it When I dream, I'm doing you all night Scratches all down my back to keep me right on Hey You're crazy bitch But you fuck so good, I'm on top of it When I dream, I'm doing you all night Scratches all down my back to keep me right on Get the video fuck you so good Get the video fuck you so good Crazy bitch Crazy bitch Crazy...bitch Hey You're crazy bitch But you fuck so good, I'm on top of it When I dream, I'm doing you all night Scratches all down my back to keep me right on Hey You're crazy bitch But you fuck so good, I'm on top of it When I dream, I'm doing you all night Scratches all down my back, come on Baby girl You want it all To be a star You'll have to go down Take it off No need to talk You're crazy But I like the way you fuck me Hey You're crazy bitch But you fuck so good, I'm on top of it When I dream, I'm doing you all night Scratches all down my back to keep me right on Hey You're crazy bitch But you fuck so good, I'm on top of it When I dream, I'm doing you all night Scratches all down my back to keep me right on You keep me right on You're crazy But I like the way you fuck me

  • よろしくお願いします

    I’m 27 years old and I’ve been dating this guy for a couple of months now. I really like him, but I’m starting to wonder where this is going. He only ever wants to hang out one or two times per week. If I text him or Snapchat him to hang out any other time, he doesn’t respond. Then, he’ll hit me up on his timetable like nothing ever happened. On top of that, he doesn’t go down on me. He’s gone down there one or two times max in the whole time we’ve been seeing each other. Meanwhile, I go down on him all time. hit me up on his timetableと、ここでのgo downの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    下記の文章なのですが、和訳をお願いします。 よろしくお願いいします。 I totally understand you and I did tell him that you have alot on your mind right now.... I will tell him when you are ready to contact him, you will.. Any help you need just let me know.... He is one of my best friends and is cool. Take care and my heart goes out to all.... I told you before but when your ready you can post on the stern group about how Japan is coping there....... My prayers go out to all....keep in touch....

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    My friend “Sophie” is worried about the vibes our other friend “Steve” has been giving her. We’re almost out of high school, and Steve has not been very subtle in his crush on Sophie. He’s not the sharpest knife, but he usually means well. Steve has not been very subtle in his crush on Sophie. He’s not the sharpest knife, but he usually means well. の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします

    Hi I was wounding if you might be willing to come down on the price of this reazor I have bout sever other from you in the past 6 months probable about 7-8 but i just don't have 123 and an really really love the JAPANESE RAZORS IF YOU CANT COME DONW ON THIS ONE MANY YOU HAVE A REALLY NICE ONE YOU CAN COME DOWN ON

  •  以下の二つの例文の文法について質問です

     以下の二つの例文の文法について質問です  he got down on his knees 質問1:downは、品詞としては何ですか?また意味はなんですか?。もし、品詞は副詞でその意味は『低い姿勢に』だとすると、downはいらなくて he got on his kneesだけで充分だと思うんです。  It took us all by suprise 質問2:allはusを修飾してると思うのですが、何故後ろから修飾しているのでしょうか?

  • 和訳できません。教えていただきたい

    (1)Lying down like that was tha worst thing that Pilgrim could imagine. But he found it was OK. この Pilgrim(名詞・ピルグリム)could imagine がどこにどう入れて訳したらいいのかわかりません。 (2)She walked him first one way around the arena and then the other. これは first one way と then the other がわからず、「彼女はアリーナの周りを歩いた」ぐらいしかわかりませんでした。 この二つの和訳を教えてください。できたら解説もお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    There he was on the ground,in no condition to go on, and all of a sudden he was no longer in Poland.instead,he found himself imaging himself standing on a stage on postwar Vienna giving a lecture on The Psychology of Death Camps. Audience of two hundred listened to his every word. The lecture was one that he had been working out the whole time he had been in the death camp. He spoke about how some people seem to survive the experience better than others, psychologically and emotionally. It was a brilliant lecture, all taking place in his mind's eye and ear. He was no longer half dead on the field but living in the lecture. During the lecture, Frankl told the imaginary audience about the day he was in that field being beaten and was certain he didn't have the strength to get up and keep walking.    Then, wonder of wonders, he told his imagined audience, he was able to stand up. The guard stopped beating him and get began to walk slowly. As he was imagining describing this to his audience, his body got up and began to walk. He continued to imagine this lecture all the while he was doing the work and through the cold march back to the death comp. He collapsed into his narrow bed, imagining ending this brilliantly clear speech and receiving a standing ovation.

  • 洋楽の歌詞の和訳

    イーグルスのデスペラードという曲の歌詞のなかから質問です。 大まかな意味は理解できるのですが2行目の You`ve been out riding on fences の意味がいまいち しっくりきません。特に have been out よろしくお願いします。 Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? You`ve been out riding on fences for so long now Oh, you're hard one (But) I know that you`ve got your reasons These things that are pleasing you Will hurt you somehow

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