• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳を教えて下さい。)


  • ご無沙汰してますが元気ですか?皆さんが元気でいる事を願っています。
  • 私はXXXXで働いています。毎日時間に追われて、あっという間に1日が過ぎています。
  • カナダに来たばかりの頃は気持ちにも余裕がなく毎日が本当に苦痛だったけど、今は色々少しずつだけどここでの生活に慣れつつあります。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

It's been a long time, how are you? Hope you all are fine. I've been working at XXXX since. Every day is as busy as ever, time flies so fast. But I have some friends in my office, and I enjoy spending time with them, and I can even talk a lot in Japanese, which made me relaxed. I feel much better than before, and I have few quarrels with my husband. We corporate with each other for our house work, and each single day passes with ease. When we were new in Canada, we did not have time to spare, and I had hard time every day, but now I'm accustomed to life in here, and my husband is very helpful, and he says it is all right if I peacefully spend days. Yet, from time to time, I feel missing Japan! This year will end soon, and it's been a year of perseverance and challenge for me. How are the family of XXXXX? I'm looking forward to seeing you all. Best wishes to XXXX! Merry Christmas. I always appreciate your kindness. 以上でいかがでしょうか?


その他の回答 (1)

  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

How are you? It has been sometime since we last communicated, but I hope everyting is well. I have since been working for XXXX. Every day, it is a race against the clock, and the day is over before I know it. However, I have made new friends at the office, occasionally going out together, as well as getting the chance to talk a lot in Japanese! Now my heart is at ease unlike in the past. I am self-composed and I hardly get into a fight with my husband. My husband and I cooperate in getting the house chore done, and we can now spend peaceful time together. When I arrived in Canada, I was so worked up and stressed out that every day was painful. But now I am slowly but surely getting used to the life in this country. My husband has become supportive in many ways, and he tells me that all he expects of me is to spend each day in peace. Having said all that, I still miss Japan from time to time! This year is coming to an end. For me it has been a year of perseverance and challenge. I trust that all the members of XXXXX family are well. I look forward to meeting you again soon. Please send my warmest regard to XXXXX-san! And lastly but not least, wishing you a Merry Christmas! Thank you for everything as always!

