• 締切済み


英訳をお願いしますm(__)mとても大切な人に送るメールです。 思っていることを100%きちんと伝えたいので、みなさんの力を貸してください。 とても長い文章ですが、よろしくお願いします。 昨日は久しぶりに会えてうれしかった。元気な姿を見れて安心した。バイバイも言わないで帰ってごめんね。 あなたと一緒にいる時、私はとても幸せだった。でもそれは、いつも100%じゃない。幸せだけど苦しいの。だってあなたには彼女がいるから。昨日あなたと踊ってる時、とても悲しくなった。 2回目あなたに会った時、あなたを好きになった。だけど○○があなたに彼女がいることを教えてくれた。3回目あなたに会った時、あなたを無視したかった。でも自分の気持ちをとめられなくてkissしたの。 ずっと一緒にいたい。だから知ってることを秘密にしてたの。でも、もう終わりにしよう。ベッドの下のハイヒールを見つけるのはもういや(笑)あなたのおかげで我慢強くなったよ(笑)でも、もう我慢できない。英語を話せない私が悪いって分かってる。こんな私と一緒にいてくれてありがとう。とても楽しかった。本当に感謝してる。今でも大好きです。ありがとう。 とても長いですが、これが彼との最後の会話になります。 みなさんよろしくお願いします。



追記 何回目にあった時は The second time I met you, I came to like you. The third time...と言ってもいいですよ


まず最初に言い回しを挙げます ●久しぶりに~する  間違いやすい言い方に   I played tennis after a long time. と、よく間違えます。  I played tennis for the first time in a long time.と言います  または after a long absence または I have(had)not seen for a  a long time と言います ●元気な姿  look in good shape (健康的も含めて)  doing well (順調にやっている) ●苦しい  painful, have a pain, fell out of place(居場所がない) ●無視する  文字通りは ignore, 突き放す give one a brush off, turn down 拒否する ●終わりにする  bring to an end, finish, put a period ●我慢できない  can't put up with it, can't stand it, fed up with it(嫌気が差している)強い嫌悪感を表す あなたの心情は100%文面からは読み取れませんので、参考までに書いてみます。あなたの言葉に直してください Can you imagine how happy I was yesterday? I've met you after such a long absence. What a relief it was to see you in good shape. Sorry I had to leave without saying goodbye to you. I really was happy when I was with you. But I haven't always felt 100% satisfied. It was a happy time but my heart was painful. You now have a girlfriend. I felt so sad while I was dancing with you yesterday. I came to like you for the second time I met you. But ○○ told me you have a girlfriend. When I saw you for the third time I was going to turn you down. But I let my heart go and kissed you. I want to be with you for good, so I have kept everything I know about you in me. But it's about time we brought an end to our love. I don't like to find high-heels under the bed(laughs) and I became patient thanks to you(laughs). But now I can't stand it any longer. I know I should have learned more English. I regret I didn't try harder. It has been very nice of you to go out with me up till now. I enjoyed being with you very much. I really thank you and I still love you. Many many thanks.

  • phang
  • ベストアンサー率23% (4/17)

Yesterday,I was glad to meet you after a long time. I was relieved to see your staying well. Sorry for my going back without saying goodbye. I was always very happy when I'm staying with you. But it's not a perfect happiness.it contains some pain. Because you've already have the Love. I got sorrow while dancing with you yesterday. I falled in love at the time I'd met you second. But ○○ tell me your having a hunny. the third time,I want to ignore you. but I loss a control on my own,and I kissed you. I hope being with you all along.So I'd kept it secret that I know. But let me end. I'm bored to find high heels under the bed. I became a patient thanks to you. but I can't stand any more. I understand that it's bad that I can't speak English. Thank you for being with me.I had so good times.Thank you so much. I love you still now.Thanks. 当方高校生です。

