• ベストアンサー



  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

ただでくれてやるかねなんかない。ホワイト夫人は怒ってしまった。いやあるよ。実際くれてやった。大金ではないがね。それに最初かれはうけとろうとしなかったよ。 そのあとは成句かなにかでしょうか。



ありがとうございます! たぶんそうです


  • want to have toの日本語訳について

    こんにちは。 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire [UK,adult版] p.751真ん中あたりの文についてです。 Harry nodded. A kind of numbness and a sense of complete unreality were upon him, but he did not care; he was even glad of it. He didn't want to have to think about anything that had happened since he had first touched the Triwizard Cup. ここで "He didn't want to have to think about anything that had happened since he had first touched the Triwizard Cup." の日本語訳は "優勝杯に触れてから起こったことについて何も考えたくなかった。" となっているのですが、なぜ「didn't want to have to think about 」が「について何も考えたくなかった」となるのでしょうか? 「didn't want to think about 」との違いを教えていただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語におねがいします。

    こんにちは。 翻訳機で変換してみましたが、いまいちしっくりこないので日本語にお願いします。 What do you think that (名前) would do if he knew that you contacted me? I'm just thinking that you live far away and don't want to be in contact with him anymore, so what could he do? It sounds like your relationship with him was a little more formal than mine, which was very casual. I was only in Istanbul for a total of about a week. What, if anything, did he tell you about what happened between us and why did he tell you? Just to make you upset? Do you think that he's trying to apologize when he calls you? Did you know that he has deleted his facebook profile? Do you know why? Sorry that I'm so full of questions, but I'm really curious. Any information that you can give me would be very appreciated.

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (1) All Rome knew Lucretia for her beauty and goodness. No one doubted that she loved her husband and was faithful to him. In the eyes of the average Roman, this made her a perfect woman. But to Sextus. the king's ruthless son, Lucretia's goodness was a challenge. As the Roman historian Livy tells the tale, Sextus couldn't see such perfect devotion without wanting to destroy it. Sextus went to Lucretia's house when he knew that her husband was out of town. Because Sextus was a prince and also her husband's cousin, Lucretia and her servants welcomed him and served him dinner. They didn't suspect his cruel plan. (2) When everyone else was asleep, Sextus crept, sword in hand, into Lucretia's bedroom. He threatened to kill her and spread a rumor that she had been unfaithful to her husband, if she refused to do what he wanted. Lucretia was not afraid of death, but she didn't want to die with her husband thinking that she hadn't been faithful to him. So she obeyed Sextus―she felt that she had no choice. (3) The next morning, overcome with grief and shame, Lucretia sent messengers to her husband and her father. She asked them to come right away―something terrible had happened. The men came as quickly as they could. Lucretia's husband brought along his friend Brutus. When Lucretia saw them, she began to cry and told them what Sextus had done. According to Livy, she said,“Give me your right hand in faith that you will not allow the guilty to escape.” (4) Lucretia's husband and Brutus believed in Lucretia's innocence and promised to get even with Sextus. Brutus made this solemn promise.“By this blood, which was so pure...I swear before you, O gods, to chase out the king...with his criminal wife and all their children,...and never to tolerate kings in Rome evermore.”

  • このseemを使った英訳を添削してください

    彼は一言も口をきかなかった。怒っているらしかった 回答例)He didn't say anything.He seemed angry 自分の回答)He spoke nothing.He seemed to be angry 彼は一言も口をきかなかったの部分はこれではダメですか? そして何故、後半にto beを挟まないのかがわかりません。Something seems to be wrongとはいうのに・・・

  • 日本語に訳してください

    Roy's father,the head of the police,noticed Roy and spoke to him. "It's good to see you here,son. Mr.Crane was attacked by a robber with a mask. Mr.Crane had a big,beautiful diamond. He thought that the robber wanted it. So he tied the diamond to an arrow and shot it as far as he could. The robber got angry,and hit Mr.Crane. Now,Mr.Crane is in the hospital,and the robber is at large." お願いします(´>ω<`)

  • 日本語に訳してください

    Roy's father,the head of the police,noticed Roy and spoke to him. "It's good to see you here,son. Mr.Crane was attacked by a robber with a mask. Mr.Crane had a big,beautiful diamond. He thought that the robber wanted it. So he tied the diamond to an arrow and shot it as far as he could. The robber got angry,and hit Mr.Crane. Now,Mr.Crane is in the hospital,and the robber is at large." お願いします

  • 日本語に訳してください(>_<)

    Fred thought he was a very clever man,and he was particularly proud of his skill in mathematics,but as often happens with people who have perhaps too high an opinion of themselves,he was impatient,and seldom listened to what others were saying. He was particularly bad at listening to his wife Helen,and she often complained bitterly about this. Then one day she had an idea. When he came home from work,she said,"Fred,I've got an amusing puzzle for ynu." "OH,yes,"he answered. "But I suppose you won't listen to what I'm saying,"Helen said,turning away and beginning to prepare dinner. "Of course,I'll listen!"Fred answered angrily."I always listen to what you have to say." "All right,then,"Helen went on. "This is a mathematics puzzle." Fred smailed and said,"You can't find a mathematics puzzle that I can't solve." "Well,"Helen began,"imagine that you're the driver of a bus. There are 42 passengers in it,and at the first bus stop five get off,and eight get on. At the next bus stop nobody gets off,but three more get on. Now the question is 'What's the name of the bus driver?'" Up to this time Fred had been thinking the puzzle was too easy. But now he became angry. "How should I know what the driver's name war?" "There you are!"Helen answered. "You never lirten to what I say! I told you at the beginning of the puzzle the driver of the bus was you." particularly「特に」 bitterly「きつく」 turn away「背を向ける」 There you are!「ほらごらん!」 で訳してください!お願いします!

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (13) Throughout history, alliances have been made through marriage. Amenhotep III married several foreign princesses in the name of diplomacy. But the Amarna Letters show that Amenhotep III didn't consider these diplomatic unions a give-and-take situation. When the king of Babylon asked for an Egyptian princess, Amenhotep III flat out refused, even though he gad taken the king of Babylon's sister as a bride. The angry king of Babylon wrote, "When I wrote to you about marrying your daughter you wrote to me saying ‘From time immemorial no daughter of the king of Egypt has been given in marriage to anyone.’Why do you say this? You are the king and you may do as you please. If you were to give a daughter, who would say anything about it?" But Amenhotep III wasn't budging. Egypt did not give away princesses. (14) The marriages allied rulers, not countries. If either husband or father-in-law should die, negotiations started all over again. This letter from the King of Hatti to Amenhotep III's son, after Amenhotep III died, shows that things didn't always continue as they had in the past: "your father never neglected... the wishes I expressed, but granted me everything. Why have you... refused to send me... gifts of friendship, I wish good friendship to exist between you and md." (15) Some of the letters were sent to people close to the king and pleaded for help. This letter from the king of Mittani to Queen Tiy shows how influential she must have been, not only during her husband's reign, but also during her son's:  You are the one who knows that I have always felt friendship for... your husband... but you have not sent me yet the gift of homage... your husband, has ordered be sent to me. I have asked... your husband for massive gold statues.... But your son has goldplated statues of wood. As gold is like dust in the country of your son, why... [hasn't] your son... given them to me?

  • アメリカンジョーク???

    多分、アメリカンジョークの話だと思うんですが、 私には理解できませんでした。 教えてください! One morning Mrs.Perry said to her hudsband, "Jack, there's a meeting of our ladies' club at Mrs. Young's house at lunch time today, and I want to go to it. I'll leave some food for your lunch. Is that all right?" "Oh, yes," her hudsband answered, "that's quite all right. What are you going to leave for my lunch?" "This tin of fish," Mrs.Perry said. "And there are some hot, boiled potatoes and some beans here, too." "Good," Mr. Perry answered. "I'll have a good lunch." So Mrs.Perry went to her meeting. All the ladies had lunch at Mrs. Young's house, and at three o'clock Mrs. Perry came home. "Was your fish nice, Jack?" she asked. "Yes, but my feet are hurting." he answered. "Why are they hurting?" Mrs.Perry asked. "Well, the words on the tin were, 'Open tin and stand in hot water for five minutes'."

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    >Whaaat! if u did something that u should not have done, I don't want to hear it, lol I can just handle my alcohol, it has nothing to do with memory Haha, I didn't take him home or actually he was here for awhile but nothing more happened