• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:want to have toの日本語訳について)

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: ハリーが優勝杯に触れてから起こったことについて考えたくなかった理由とは?

  • ハリー・ポッターシリーズの4巻『炎のゴブレット』における特定の文について、その日本語訳の違いについて疑問があります。
  • 「He didn't want to have to think about anything that had happened since he had first touched the Triwizard Cup.」の日本語訳として、「優勝杯に触れてから起こったことについて何も考えたくなかった。」となっているのですが、なぜ「didn't want to have to think about」が「について何も考えたくなかった」となるのでしょうか?
  • 「didn't want to think about」との違いについてわかりますか?


  • ベストアンサー

普通に don't want to think about だと、 「自らすすんで考えたくはない」 have to が入ると、 状況的に考えざるを得ない、じゃあ考えようか、 ということにはなりたくない。 状況にもよりますが、日本語としては「考えたくない」としても変わらない。



回答いただきありがとうございます。 なるほど、そういうことなんですね。



  • 日本語訳にしてくださいませんか。

    気軽に話せる友人からのメールからの返信です。 ちょっと戸惑っていますがちゃんと正確な意味を知りたいです。 No you didn't offend me at all. I just asked Dave out of the blue so he didn't know we had ever talked about it. I just wanted to find out for myself why he was always so abrupt with you. But he confirmed, though sometimes impatient, that he really likes you. です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 'have given to be ...'

    こんにちは。 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire [UK、アダルト版] p.352 真ん中あたりの文に関してです。 'What wouldn't he have given to be one of these people, sitting around laughing and talking, with nothing to worry about but homework?' 日本語訳では、 「のんびり座り込んで、笑ったり、しゃべったり、せいぜい宿題のことしか心配しなくてもいい人たち ― 自分もそうなれるなら、他に何を望むだろう?」 とあるのですが、 1.まず、この文は仮定法でしょうか? 2.What wouldn't he have given to be one of ...がなぜ「他に何を望むのだろう?」という、日本語訳になるのでしょうか?逆に、この日本語を表現するのになぜ上記のような英文になるんでしょうか? 文の構造がよくわかりません。 質問ばかりですいません。 おしえてください。

  • could have gone to ... と could have been to ...

    知人から相談をうけました。ある大学入試問題集の次の問題についてです。 ほぼ同じ意味になるように(  )に適当な語を補え[一部改題してあります]。 1. I didn’t go to Dublin to meet a friend of mine, because I couldn’t afford to. 2. If I had had enough money, I could ( 3 )( 4 ) to Dublin to meet a friend of mine. 知人はそれぞれをhave, beenとしたのですが、答えはそれぞれ,have, goneとなっていました。 これではだめなのでしょうか?いいとすれば、意味上の違いはあるのでしょうか?もし、だめだとするとなぜだめなのでしょうか? 以上の点は解説にはありません。よろしくお願いします。 

  • 2センスある日本語訳できますか?

    2センスある日本語訳できますか? What do you think about the tend for women bodybuilders to alter the natural body line with breast implants? - I think it’s a very unfortunate trend. I t looks to me line the women are being manipulated by men’s wishes. It’s like a fitness version of playboy. I think that in Japan, especially, women have a very narrow concept of themselves. What do you think? - You have to value yourself more and value what you think and what you want to do.

  • 日本語訳がわかりません

    1.Do you have anything particular in your mind right now? 2.Scientifically, the problem we are facing is not relevant. 3.Briefly, the manager didn't lock away the book of account. 4.He is not more creative than you are.   He is no more creative than you are. 意味を考えなさいという問題なのですが・・・どうにも英語が苦手で頭にハテナが回るばかりです 4なんかは何が違うのかもうさっぱりで・・・ 助けてください><

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    日本語訳お願いします。 Is bodybuilding to you in any way a rebellion? That didn’t have anything to do with why I started bodybuilding, but I must say that it has been a constant battle since then. As my muscles got bigger and I got stronger, people around me stated to change. That’s when become necessary to fight.

  • 18-2日本語訳

    お願いします。  In about 269 BCE,Ashoka's father,King Bindusara,died.Ashoka was barely 30,but he had already proven himself a brilliant warrior.Ashoka's mother had not been his father's chief wife,so he had to compete with his half brothers for the throne.But by 265 BCE Ashoka had defeated all his rivals and was the unquestioned king of the dntire northern subcontinent.  He may have been king,but many of his people did not wish to be his subjects.They had lived in independent city-states for centuries and,and although a centralized state had its good points,like making the roads better and safer and increasing trade,they did not want to obey a king.Ashoka made royal visits to these regions to persuade his people to stay in the kingdom his father and grandfather had established.When persuasion didn't work,he sent his army.  Ashoka's grandfather,Chandragupta,ham united most of the northern subcontinent.His empire stretched“from the lord of the mountains[Himalayas],cooled by showers of the spray nf the divine steam[Ganga]playing about among its rocks.to the shores of the southern ocean marked by the brilliance of gems flashing with various colors.”Arhoka's father,Bindusara,had continued his father's tradition,earning himself the nickname“Slayer of Enemies.”But neither Chandragupta nor Bindusara had dared attack the territory of Kalinga in eastern India.  Kalinga was a particularly rich and powerful state.Its riches came from its trade with Southeast Asia.Merchants from Kalinga could be found as far away as Borneo,Bali,and Java.Although it had no king,Kalinga protected its riches with a huge and well-organized army,including an army of especially mighty war elephants.

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (21) Augustus was a hard-working emperor. He traveled to many of the provinces under his care, but he was sickly and didn't expect to live very long. After his military campaign in Spain, Augustus returned to Rome and, in 23 BCE, became quite illand began thinking about a successor to follow him as Rome's ruler. His first choice had been his nephew Marcellus, but Marcellus had died young─not long after he had married Julia, the emperor's only daughter. (22) Julia played the key role in her father's search for a successor. After Marcellus died, she had to marry again, to a man of her father's choice. For her next husband, Augustus chose his general Agrippa, his closet friend and advisor. Although Julia was much younger than Agrippa, she dutifully married him, and the couple had five children. Then Agrippa died. (23) Although Augustus adopted his young grandsons as his heirs, he still needed a husband for Julia to protect the boys in the event of his own death. So he forced his stepson Tiberius to divorce his wife, even though Tiberius loved her very deeply. (He used to follow his former wife on the streets, weeping.) The marriage between Julia and Tiberius was a disaster: Julia was unfaithful, and Tiberius went into exile on the Greek island of Rhodes. Augustus was forced to banish his own daughter from Rome for her crime of adultery. (24) Julia must have spilled many tears over her father's marriage choices for her─especially the last one. She hated Tiberius, and he felt the same way about her. Even so, she would never have questioned her father's right to select her husbands. This was a parent's duty, especially if dad happened to rule the Roman Empire.

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (5) The Roman historian Livy had also written down a different legend about two brothers who were sons of the king. Their names were Numitor and Amulius. When their father the king died, Amulius grabbed the throne and forced Numitor to leave the kingdom. But then Amulius worried that someone might try to overthrow him. What if Numitor's daughter, Rhea Silvia, had children who might try to take the throne? Amulius wasn't taking any chances. He forced Rhea Silvia to join the Vestal Virgins―a group of women who served in the temple of the goddess Vesta. The Romans believed that Vesta wanted the complete attention of her priestesses, so the Vestal Virgins were not allowed to marry or have children. (6) Poor Rhea had no choice but to obey her uncle. But things didn't go according to Amulius's plan. Somehow, despite her protected life among the Vestal Virgins, Rhea became pregnant and gave birth to twins―two strong, handsome boys. She named her sons Romulus and Remus. Amulius was outraged when he heard the news. He ordered his servants to take the twins from their mother's arms nd drown them in the river. Rhea herself was bound and thrown into prison. (7) The servant couldn't bring himself to kill the babies, so he put them into a basket and set it afloat on the river. He was sure that the babies would be carried away and drowned as the king had commanded. But the river was kind and gently landed the basket on solid ground. (8) Although the twins didn't drown, they were still in great danger. If they didn't starve, wild animals might eat them. Miraculously, according to Livy, “a she-wolf, coming down from the... hill to quench her thirst, turned her steps towards the cry of the infants, and nursed them so gently that the keeper of the royal flock found her licking them with her tongue.”

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (17) The priests who performed Tut's funeral had poured sacred oils over the mummy and the coffin. The oils glued the two together. Carter tried to loosen the resin by warming it in the hot desert sun, but it was no use. Tut was stuck. They called in a professor of anatomy to perform the examination on Tut's remains. The professor sliced away the linen wrappings only to find that it wasn't just the wrappings stuck to the coffin. The body was stuck, too. First the professor tried to chisel away the body, and when that didn't work, he tried heated knives. Finally, he hacked the torso in half and removed the body by sections. How much would we have been able to learn using today's scientific methods had the body not been so brutally handled? (18) The arm and leg bones pulled from their joints allowed the professor to calculate King Tut's age. He was about 18 years old when he died. He was thin, and five feet six inches all. Cause of death was never bonsidered.

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